Here is an excerpt from a channelling given in Moscow, Russia – May 26, 2013 following Dr. Todd's toning workshop. (It's typical that these smaller channellings do not get posted on the Kryon website).
This information is not available on the audio site, and the transcription is
presented here for the first time!
From the Kryon channel in Moscow, Russia – May 26, 2013
Following Dr Todd Ovokaitys' toning workshop:
Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much to discuss and so much to try to explain. Each time we sit in front of those who would come to a meeting like this, we're openly able to release a small portion of the bigger picture. But let us today speak of the whole picture a little differently.
There is something that has just happened in the evolution of the tones. We're starting to discuss what they are really for. The first set was revealed and also performed at the place formerly called Lemuria. The reason it was done there is actually a bit disguised and now has been revealed. So stay with me, for my partner [Lee] is going to try to explain some things that are very complex.
The place where the choir performed in Hawaii is actually one of two polarities, and actually represents two places on the planet. We have revealed to Dr Todd Ovokaitys that there are a number of what we would call Pleiadian "time capsules" on the planet. They represent twenty four places, but for simplicity we'll say that twelve of them are charged in one way and that twelve of them are charged in another. So really, they all have a polarity that creates twelve complete pairs of time capsules. When you touch one, the other one is affected. These profound time capsules have been waiting for this energy on the planet.
The end of 2012 was a time when the key was put into the lock, which opened the access for all of them. So part of the tone-sets that were sung there [Maui] created a way of opening potential access to all of these on the planet. Now, that's fairly simple for you to understand, but now it gets harder. As many times as we try to explain this, there are many who don't understand. So I'm going to step out of physics for a moment and step into the metaphor that most of you will understand.
I would like to tell you about something you are very familiar with in order to give you a scenario that makes sense to you. I hope that you will leave this place not in confusion, but with an "A-Ha! Now I get it!" experience.
One of the grand inventions that you have right now is what you would call high definition television. It represents those enormous screens that carry some of the most beautiful pictures anyone has ever seen on TV. What an invention! You can see pieces and parts of the grandness of the earth, right on the screen in front of you. It often takes your breath away, how real it is. Now, if you don't even know basic science, many of you know the secret of how television works. It's simple. Your science discovered long ago that all of those beautiful colors you see can be presented to you in what they would call an "additive color system." It's based on something called tri-chromatic human sight. Quite simply, it means that the most beautiful pictures on earth, can all be presented by using combinations of only three colors! They are red, green and blue. It's all you need. When combined correctly, these colors create almost every possible color that Humans have the ability to see. Three colors.
Now, as you watch any television, you're not aware of the three colors. Instead, you're aware of millions of colors hitting your eyes, put together by only three basic colors. This is the secret of color television. It simplifies the transmission of sending you millions of colors.
So when the transmission occurs, the system sends "information" to the TV on how to combine the three colors that the TV device creates. It then gives you something that you recognize - the full color spectrum of sight, and the "big picture."
So now let us apply this knowledge to what's going on in an area you really are not familiar with. I can apply this metaphor of the TV in several ways: Let's talk about physics first. You are in 3D. So let's pretend that you are a "quantum" TV receiver, as a Human on earth. Let's say that your 3D reality corresponds only to all the red color pixels (millions of spots of information on your TV screen). Let us say that as I come and speak to you, I would be talking to only the red pixels of a much larger system. In 3D, you only get a "partial" download of what is actually happening.
Now, let's further tell you that the red pixels have no idea about the blue ones or the green ones. In this metaphor, you might believe they exist, but you've never seen the big picture - all you understand is red. Your reality is like that. As long as you remain in 3D survival, no quantum or multi-dimensional energy is viewable to you. In fact, you walk around with all the pixel colors available, but red is all you get in 3D.
Let's say I now go to a physicists convention. Here will be the smartest brains on the planet, and I start talking about red and blue pixels. I get their attention! They have a far better idea that the blue ones exist... but without ever seeing them together, even they don't have the HD picture, and the green ones haven't even occurred to them yet. No picture can be transmitted, since there is no true way to combine all three colors. So there's no beautiful picture to look at, and all Humans know about are the pieces "without a reference to the big picture."
There's no one on the planet who really has all three colors of physics (using the metaphor). Oh, you're close! But that means there is actually no one on the planet who can see the big picture, which is constantly being broadcast to you. You only have two of the colors of three that are necessary to see what is really happening. Without the information on how to combine the colors, and without the final color, it's just a "chaos of pixels"... pieces that often don't make sense.
So let us apply this same principle to the tones that are being sung and learned in this workshop. There are twelve time capsules, which have been placed on the planet. If you have been paying attention to the "physics of Kryon," you know that everything in physics comes in pairs. Even the 3D laws of physics you now have come in pairs. So the idea that even quantum laws are also polarized, should not be difficult for you. So you should know that the twelve time capsules of the planet also come in pairs - three dimensional pairs represented as locations on the planet.
The tones: One tone, sung against (with) another, also represents polarity. Now you know why there are two. For they "talk" to the polarity of the time capsules they are sung to activate. Now, this is far more complex and so we're not going to get into it now. But know that the tones are also polarized, and when sung together they create a third energy. Remember that for now.
The time capsules represent places on the planet where something is happening energetically, but still you're only looking at two... nodes and nulls. So let us call these pairs, the red and blue time capsules of the planet. So let's say (for the TV metaphor) that you have a red tone and a blue tone. You're singing them together. Where is the third color? In the time capsules, there are only two parts - the positive and the negative (the node and the null). There is no triad in physics that you are seeing, and as described, everything is in pairs. So what's up with this?
Well, dear ones, that's not the way real "universal physics" works. This is what I want to tell you today. The third color in this metaphor is "quantum compassionate consciousness". It's a third energy that is a catalyst to the other two to create the green pixel and give you the whole picture! You might even say it's the "information" needed to put everything together. But until it is stirred into the other two, the big picture will never be seen. In addition, the irony is this: Even when it is created, if you are simply sitting there as a red and a blue pixel, you won't ever see the picture. But others can!
GAIA can; The Pleiadians can; and any civilization in the galaxy that has quantum sight, also can! They see your transmission. That's an irony isn't it? That you can generate the picture but you can't see it? Not yet, but soon. Meanwhile, you can still send pictures to those who can see them.
So now you know a little more about what happens when you sing one tone against the other. It creates, through compassionate consciousness, a third energy the great green pixel. So you have the red pixel representing a tone in three dimensions, and the blue pixel representing another tone. But when humans sing them together, the divine consciousness of the intent of the event generates the missing green pixel, and the instructions for the picture.
Doing that speaks to the pair of time capsules that are being energized on the planet. But listen: When the two polarized time capsules are energized, they also create a third energy – the missing metaphoric green pixel, and they transmit a picture with millions and millions of energies and colors. Sometimes the picture is transmitted into the earth, alerting the earth of something that you are doing that never could be transmitted before, until you turned the key in the lock on December 21st. Sometimes the tones create another picture that is sent into the galaxy to let those who see the whole picture know what you're doing. So what is the "missing piece?"
Listen dear ones: Physics is not complete without the divine consciousness of DNA which has the "seed core." Physics alone is only in pairs. But physics combined with the sacredness of compassion completes the triad... and the three of them soar into communication with the entire galaxy.
Now here's where I want to honor the Human Being: You sit in a room like this [workshop in Moscow] and you're studying the red and blue, tone by tone. Yet you are only trusting in a larger scenario. Let me give you an example of what that's like: Let's say you had one of the most complex auto engines on earth. Let us say it was a quantum race car with tens of thousands of parts, and you're here studying one nut or one bolt in that part. Let's say that the plans for the engine are not known to you, but you are putting the part together anyway. How could you possibly see the whole thing?
Instead, you're trusting that the engine works. You're learning how to make one part, and match it to another, and put it where it belongs. You haven't even seen the race car! Then... when the race car is done you don't even know where it's going to take you!
This is why we honor you today, because at some level you feel what you are doing. At some level, you are all steering the race car. You are studying the tones to create a third energy, and this very interest in the tones also begins to open time capsules within your own body, with the same big picture! You don't know where that's going to take you either.
That's the definition of faith and trust, and - an old soul. Blessed is the Human Being who remembers a big picture that they cannot yet see. But they know it's coming from the Great Central Sun and their efforts continue to build the parts of the engine that someday will bring them to an ascended planet. In the process they will have a longer life, health and love, even without ever seeing it. They never see the HD picture.
But now let me tell you something. There will come a day when you will, dear ones. It's the "City on the Hill," and it will take your breath away.
And so it is.
Nodes and Nulls (listed alphabetically)
Colors indicate currently known matched pairs
Glastonbury, England
Island of the Sun, Lake Titicaca Bolivia
Machu Picchu, Peru
Maui, Hawaii, USA
Mont Blanc, French Alps - France
Mt Cook, New Zealand
Mt Ida and Hot Springs, Arkansas USA
Mt Shasta, California, USA
Rila Mountain, Bulgaria
Table Mountain, South Africa
Uluru, Australia
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Aneto, Pyrenees Spain/France
Gunnbjørn Fjeld, Greenland
Meili Snow Mountain China
Mt Aconcagua, Argentina
Mt Ararat, Turkey
Mt Fitz Roy, Patagonia Argentina
Mt Kailash, Tibet
Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, (Africa)
Mount Logan, Yukon Northern Territories, Canada
Tibesti Mountains, Chad (Africa)
Ural Mountains, Russia
Victory Peak, Tien Shan Kyrgyzstan