Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. What I would like to present this evening could be misunderstood. It is advanced information and it is information that may create confusion, so I'll ask my partner to go slow and use examples that I give him.
There's something beautiful happening right now in this chair and it's called connection. The reason that channelling is so controversial on this planet is because there are so many who roll their eyes and say it is not possible, or occult, or just too odd. More than that, many say that it is not proper. So you may say that humanity is spiritually biased against it.
The fact is that my partner is, indeed, connected with the creative source. It's OK to be connected through prayer and meditation, but quite often channelling crosses the line. Nevertheless, this is real, and my partner steps aside for this message. He literally takes that which is his consciousness and melds it with mine, allowing me to use all that's within him for this message. But he's not entirely here.
Long ago, he said he would not allow a takeover when channelling, and I told him that there is no takeover in the new energy. It's a partnership, a meld. Is there a takeover when you have wonderful, intuitive thought? Do you fly into an odd trance when you get good spiritual direction? No. Things have changed in the past decades regarding a Human's ability to sense the direction of Spirit.
Thirty and 40 years ago, trans-channels actually aged when they were in channel because they were taken over. Some of them would burn out because what they were doing was not a meld; it was work, holding a state of walking between two worlds. That was a takeover and now it is not.
Lightworkers, healers and readers know this. When they go into a place where they are getting an intuitive stream that tells them where to touch a person to heal them best or what to say to a person when they are giving them a reading; they don't jerk around or go into a strange, out-of-body posturing. They stay centered, become peaceful, and connect. A medical intuitive knows what to say when he/she feels the patterning of the Merkabah, and then there's a moment of silence and perhaps a nice cleansing breath to receive the connection.
I want to talk about this connection because it may be different than you think. Things are getting more sophisticated regarding your connection to Spirit. Esoteric things are getting to the point where discernment is going to be needed at every juncture to know that your connection is pure. Inside of you, dear ones, in every piece and part of your cellular structure, there is this tiny DNA molecule that we speak about all the time. When we wrote the book The Twelve Layers of DNA, we spoke of this. Inside you, at some level that cannot be chemically measured, there is a part of the very creative source of everything. It is "God in you", which is bigger than you think. The evidence of this is in past civilizations, for as far back as you go the ancients believed there was something bigger than themselves somehow within each of them. Many attributed it to Gaia, and they were partially correct.
They felt there was some kind of a creator somewhere, and there was all manner of belief and all manner of worship of this source. However, the thing they all had in common was that they intuitively knew they were part of something larger.
So what I am establishing again is that inside of you within your DNA there is what we would call the spiritual component that creates intuition that there is, indeed, a creative source. This intuitive understanding is responsible for the creation of all the belief systems on the planet. Think about it: Humanity doesn't have any trouble with believing in God. Those who don't believe in God are a tiny minority. Most of the planet knows about the one God. So this is something intrinsic and intuitive to humanity in general, and it happens inside each of you. Dear ones, this intuition is starting to grow and change.
The "God within" idea is starting to become more elegant in certain ways, and more misunderstood in others. What I mean by this is that this earth of yours and this humanity of yours is starting to shift, and it's affecting not just Lightworkers, not just old souls, but all of humanity. With the changing of the magnetic grid of this planet, and with the fact that your solar system is literally moving into a new place around the galaxy, a new area, it is filled with energies you never saw before. It changes everything. It changes the heliosphere of your sun and, therefore, it affects your magnetic grid. Some are looking at this and see some new radiations that they are actually afraid of. Seen any differences in the behavior of your sun recently? It may not be holding to the exact radiance patterns that it has in the past. All of these things represent a confluence of energy that is going to change humanity. It's going to influence the way you think and the way you feel. It's going to expand ideas and perceptions, and also affect the spiritual biases that humanity has carried for eons.
Now, the old souls, the ones who have been there and done that for lifetimes (the experienced ones), are the ones who understand why this is happening. You are the ones who will be the future teachers as those around you come to you at work and play, or in a family, and ask you about how you are able to remain peaceful or joyful. You are the ones! It's why you're listening to this channel. It's a task that won't be difficult if you are out of fear, but I want you to understand the connection because there's going to be what we will call some puzzles.
Dear ones, part of your DNA is multidimensional. This isn't really that controversial. My partner has reported facts regarding some quantum biologists who know about this and who continue to study it. Indeed, part of DNA is more than you think. It's been shown and proven in experiments that DNA is not just chemistry. There is positive evidence that shows the very presence of DNA in a controlled experiment will change the spin of an atomic particle within a quantum field. That tells the scientists that there is a cause and effect action that's quantum, and that DNA must, therefore, be a small quantum source.
The last time we were together, I gave you information in a channel that said, "You cannot see quantum action without having a quantum source." So if you are going to have a beautiful, new quantum invention, it must be developed from a quantum source. You cannot have a 3D source create a quantum effect. Now, what that boils down to in summary today is that your DNA has a quantum attribute, so it qualifies as a "source" for quantum changes. Your consciousness is part of your DNA. Human consciousness is starting to grow up and you're going to start doing things with your consciousness that will startle others. The first is the ability to youth and to cure disease, mostly within your own bodies.
So the increase in wisdom starts with you first and then it extrapolates to others as time goes by. But, dear ones, it starts with you. Now, I just told you something earlier. I said, "This shift is for everyone." I'm also going to mention that these changes are slow and may not be immediately obvious. But when you start having better intuition and start using better solutions to everyday issues, people will come up to you and ask how you figured it out, and you'll have no answer. It's new intuition, and it starts mostly within old souls.
I want to use an example, and it's a metaphor. This example is going to be about one of your favorite mammals a whale. Whales navigate to their breeding spots and their feeding grounds with magnetics. In the whale's system, there's something called magnetite.* It interfaces with their consciousness and their brains to become an intuitive direction finder. They've got an internal compass, but whales don't know that. They just go with their intuition.
To prove this to you, I take you back 20 years. You might remember that many whales were beaching themselves on a regular basis, even some of them on this very coast [East Coast of USA], and it was a concern to many. The odd thing about it was that they would resist being saved. A whale would beach itself and then be pulled by the tail back into the open ocean. The release would create cheers all around from those in boats, only to have the whale re-beach itself! What was going on, dear ones? We told you. The magnetic grid had shifted, as we predicted back then, so "north" was now slightly different than before. The automatic "compass heading" that the whales had used for generations was now taking them directly into certain beaches instead of providing an open sea journey. They were simply following the same magnetic lines of influence that they had always followed for generations. This also shows you just how much the magnetics moved in those years. It took a full generation or more for whales to understand that a new path was needed and go around. Today, they're not beaching themselves like they did then. Now why am I telling you this?
Let's pretend for a moment that the whale had a little more intellect than you think, and that you might be able to interview it to find out what the whale thinks about and what might be going on in its mind. So let's interview Mr. Whale:
"What is it, Mr. Whale, that allows you to navigate to these feeding and breeding grounds all over the planet? You seem to know where you're going?"
And the whale might answer, "I have no idea, little one; I just do it."
Dear ones, if somebody asked how you know there is a God, what do you say? "I just know," you might say. It's the same. It is intrinsic and instinctual. It's in your consciousness that the creator is inside you. In order for you to understand this more, I have to tell you that there is literally a part of the creator in you. It's not a remembrance or just a metaphoric silver cord that connects you. No, it's physical and quantumly in your DNA.
That's why you feel so much like home when you connect. When you come to a place, dear ones, where you feel connected and the balance of the triad is working (heart, pineal and brain), you are awakening to this part of your DNA and you suspend everything. You don't even age! You know the connection is real, and that's the time when you might sit and weep with joy that you have such a connection with everything. It's everything that you are. You are a part of creation and you know it. You know it and you discern it, and there are many who can go to this sacred place and feel this joy, especially in this new energy.
But here's what I want to tell you: Because of this new energy, others are feeling part of this connection and are starting to use it, but it has nothing to do with the spiritual creative source. Confused? I'm going to ask you a question, a rhetorical question, and you can answer it in your mind: "Is a person who bends spoons spiritual?" Now think for a moment. They have had to go and get the multidimensional part of quantum DNA and pull it up into their consciousness in order to use it and change physics. Listen: They do it and it's real. So their consciousness is working at a very high level in order to affect the metal in the spoon. Over and over they can do this and people will look at them, and some will actually worship them because they have "something special".
Here is what I want to tell you: You can do all of that and not be spiritual. You can do all of that and not even be spiritually connected. Let's get a little more personal. Let's say there is a master healer on the planet who can start manifesting things [create objects] and who can heal many people. This is a metaphor. I'm not talking about a real person. I'm giving you a metaphor and I want you to stop and ask yourself, "Is the person connected?" And you would say, "YES! They must be connected! Look what they're doing! This must come from God." Dear ones, let me tell you where it comes from. It comes from a new Human consciousness, which is starting to become more elegant and have a higher efficiency. It's a consciousness that is starting to use that multidimensional quantum part within, which can change physics and can see patterns and help people, yet they may not be connected.
This is more about discernment than it ever has been before. Back to the whale story suddenly there may be a shift, let's say, and our whale starts to become more intellectual. The whale says, "Look, I've got something inside that is almost like a compass, but instead of it being automatic and hidden, now it's controllable. I can go east or west or northwest or northeast for a while, just to see what's there. My internal compass allows me to go anywhere to explore, then I can return to the breeding course."
Whales never do that. They go on a track that has to do with their survival. That's what they do, and that's why you can always find them in the same places. They have a compass that's automatic, but let's say some of them decided that they could do something else. Does it make the whale really any different? Does exploring the new gift that is inbred in them make them enlightened?
Dear ones, what is inside you is a multidimensional piece of DNA that's meant to be connected to the central source. To be truly connected means to have a balance of the triad. We bring you this information yet again: The complete Human Being, the one who is totally connected, can do all of the things that I've mentioned above, but "the greatest of these is love". This love and compassion is the meld between the logical brain, the Human heart and the pineal. In a balanced way, the pineal is that which sends and receives the sacred energy and has assistance from the quantum DNA to connect to the creative source. Listen, if you wipe out the pineal and never use it and you suppress the heart, you're all cerebral. But you can still use that which is the multidimensional DNA! In this new energy, there will be many who are going to come forward and appear to do things that are beyond what others can do. They will do it within the guise of spirituality, yet they are NOT connected. These are part of the problems and puzzles that we told you would start to occur in the new energy of humanity. It isn't misuse, dear ones, for it may not even be on purpose. It's simply ignorance that they don't know they're not connected.
Let me tell you something, old soul: Almost everyone in this room is connected in some way. Through lifetime after lifetime, like the whale, you have the compass, and now you have learned to go any direction you want to. You learn to use the connection to enhance your life. You can talk to your cells and manifest different reality. But if you are not connected to love, you are just doing things better for yourself.
The healer who is really connected will have an exponential increase in the healing power they had before, not just something more efficient. Someone just doing games and bending metal is just doing games and bending metal. They may also be connected, but how would you know? "But the greatest of these is love." Dear ones, any connected person will show their benevolence, their joy, and their love and compassion for others. Beware of the frustrated, angry healer. Beware of the frustrated, angry spoon bender. If they are angry, unbalanced, ego-driven and upset, they're not connected. It's not that hard to tell, dear ones, but you're going to see more of this.
Those who say they're channelling, yet there's drama around them, may not be channelling anything but themselves. Those who say they are channelling, yet they're frustrated and angry, may only be channelling themselves. You can feel it in their voice or what they tell you: Are they demanding when they channel or do they demean you? Do they tell you to do things you don't want to do or use the "fear tool" to frighten you? If that's the case, they are not connected to the beautiful, compassionate, creative source.
It is not that difficult to discern who is balanced or not, and this is the key. Do they listen to you? Do they show love in their lives? There's going to be more of those you must discern. Look for the real benevolence, the "behind the scenes" benevolence, not what they show you publicly. Look for them living a life based in love and kindness. It's not that hard to see, and that's what the triad produces.
Old souls listening to this and in this room, listen. There has never been a better time for you to connect. If you are featuring fear and frustration at this moment, I wonder if you've really figured it out? You're thinking too much, you're brain-heavy in this process, and we've said this before. Indeed, the brain must be involved in the triad. Your brain is a survival instrument and is needed. You also must involve the heart and pineal equally to the brain. Survival is running from the Bengal tiger. Survival is reacting to fear. But this new energy is reacting to love.
That, as you walk this planet, is the new survival. It is presenting your mastery for all to see. Everywhere you walk, Gaia knows a master is walking there. You may say, "I'm not a master, not really." Where are you getting this information? Who told you that? Are you echoing something you learned from someone else? Perhaps your parents or teachers told you that you were "less than"? Perhaps you think it's boastful or egotistical for you to carry the love of God? It isn't! I want you to stand taller knowing that you deserve to be connected. You can leave this place and understand that your consciousness can change all things in your life, even the healing that you want. You are in control of more than you ever were before.
Don't let situations define you anymore. Let the love of God define you. Let the part that is multidimensional and connected to the triad define you. When old energy presents itself, as it often will, don't let it define you. You can shatter the old energy with a look of love, do you hear me? You can shatter old energy with benevolence and a pure heart. Old energy will run from you, and it doesn't want to have you around.
Old energy cannot spin in drama with you there, did you know that? It can't. Friends or others that you know who spin in old energy will walk the other way when you come near because they know you will not be part of their spin. They know it! There's a clash, more than ever, between the old energy and the new energy Humans. That's what's happening on the planet right now. You cannot have a barbaric energy when the light is starting to be turned on. We have told you before that the old energy on this planet is in trouble. It's going to run the other the way and yell and scream. The old energy does not want to die, yet its death is eminent with the passing of the precession of the equinoxes. All the new calendars and the ancient prophecies are describing this shift.
Systems, which have no integrity, are eventually going to fall on their faces because of this. These old systems will create issues of change, until there will come a time where it has settled out and the old soul will be there for all of it. Dear ones, you're the front line for all of it and all you have to do is remember, "The greatest of these is love."
There is no frustration when you accept the love of God. There is no sacrifice when you accept the love of God. It took four years to convince my partner when he started sitting in the chair that it was OK to channel. Everything that he offered up as an objection was the bias that he had learned in the few years that he had lived on the planet. It was "what others told him" and not his own discernment. When he finally dropped those objections and let God in, everything changed. He will tell you, everything changed.
I invite all of you within the sound of this voice or reading this to let everything change. Recognize the biases for what they are. What others told you this may be real or not? Is that going to be your reality? Are you really going to take someone else's word and let it shut the door on God in your life? That isn't even logical. Things are shifting and changing. Just ask the whales! That wasn't a metaphor.
And so it is.