Kryon Channelings


Live Kryon Channelling
Tel Aviv, Israel
May 14, 2017

As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon

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"New Light"

This live channelling was given in Tel Aviv, Israel
May 14, 2017

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's an energy here that you can touch and feel - that's here by design. Old souls have come to the end of the day, the end of the teaching, and they are starting to think about what was said [referring to the seminar during the day]. Joined together in song, in love, there is goodness here; there is benevolence; there is harmony and that's what happens often when old souls come together with others of like mind. The entourage that I spoke of earlier has actually changed. It changes with you and with the attitudes, understanding and wisdom you gain while here. I want to give a channel about something called new light, and this channelling follows on with everything my partner has said earlier today.

Dear ones, everything I tell you is good news. I want you to understand the reason for these channellings. The reason we do this is because there is something to say at this point in time, which is different than in any other point in time. We've spoken of this before but this message is different, and I sit in a place that needs to hear it so that the hearts start to relax and know there really is a plan.

New light. What is it? Light is a metaphor and the phrase "light and dark" are metaphors for different kinds of consciousness on the planet. I don't have to explain that to Humans. Over time, you've seen the darkest of the dark and you've seen the lightest of the light. Dear ones, when you think about that which is beautiful and God-like, and when you think of the innocence of a child, your heart lightens. It's beautiful light! The high consciousness of benevolence and beauty and harmony is the light we speak of, and darkness is just the opposite. What happens in a dark room when you light a candle? The darkness goes away. So light has always been that which will win over darkness if there's enough of it - if there's enough of it.

Darkness is low consciousness - slavery, death, killing and other attitudes that have no kindness or understanding of the preciousness of life. Darkness is in those who don't even begin to understand the basic elements of love. You've seen it all, dear ones, and humanity knows what dark and light is.

Years ago, this planet started to prepare for the shift. Dear ones, you have free choice, but when a wild-card started to emerge in the '80s and one of your larger governments ceased to exist, humanity turned a corner. That's when you started the shift, and that's when you disabled that which was going to be the Armageddon. If it had not been for this wild card [fall of the Soviet Union], your history would have been much different today, for that's when the planet started to shift.

I want to remind you of what happened about that same time. When I came to my partner 28 years ago, the first news I gave him can still be read in the first communication [Kryon Book One]. I told him there would be no Armageddon. In those years, this went against common prophecy and was difficult to believe for many. However, that's exactly what happened. Then I started to talk about magnetic service. Many have always wondered, "Why is Kryon of magnetic service?" It's because I brought with me what I call the grid group. This is a metaphor, and it's a linear idea so that you would understand it. It's a "group" that would literally shift the magnetic grid of the planet physically. In channelling, we told you that the magnetic north would shift - what you read on the compass would shift - because the magnetics of the planet had to be adjusted to create the physics that would be the adjusted bed of new consciousness. Twenty-eight years ago, no one saw the alliance between physics and consciousness, and those who would listen to the channelling made fun of it. They didn't understand. Today, there is an entire study of physics varying with consciousness and consciousness varying with physics. There's not just an alliance, but a partnership where one affects the other.

We told you before, "You come from the stuff of the stars." All that you are is part of all that is, so you're not an isolated being who walks the earth totally and completely apart from it. Instead, you're part of the chemistry of Earth, the physics of the Universe, and your planet has specific attributes that are just for you. You are part of a grand, planned system.

The magnetic grid had to physically move in order for the shift in consciousness that you were going to create. It did. By 2002, the grid group left and the new alignment was complete. Since you can measure the magnetic grid with a compass, you can validate all of this. Go back and check it out. Did the grid move or not? Oh, indeed it did - probably faster than anyone expected. It explains things that to this day people don't realize.

Do you remember a time when the cetaceans [whales] were beaching themselves regularly all over the planet? Hundreds of them with their families would seemingly wash up on the beach for no apparent reason. Well-meaning Humans would often gather and, with great effort, tow these giant creatures back out to sea, only to watch the whales go in a circle, take their bearings, and head right back into the beach! That's because whales navigate with something called magnetite, a built-in compass in their brains. The grid had moved so much that some of the migration routes that the whales used for decades changed so much in their headings that it sent them into the beaches instead of going safely along the coast, almost like a GPS system that was giving bad directions.

Did you notice that that whole episode of planet-wide beaching of whales stopped a while ago? Now they don't do it often, since they have recalibrated the migration routes to the new magnetics. Also, the magnetic shift stopped moving to the point it had before, and an entire generation of whales relearned the paths with new headings. I'm just giving you this to show you that what I'm telling you has credibility.

The shift was for you, dear ones. The physics of the planet had to shift for new consciousness to begin. We've talked about the field, and my partner spoke of it today. It is beginning to increase. The field is physics that puts together harmonious energies, and one of them is the attributes of high consciousness. You may have seen physical explanations and displays of the field in the past, but I just told you you're related to all this physics. That means that this physics is going to be your ally in a stronger way than ever before. That's two things, but there's actually more.

When it comes to the things that are sacred, some are beginning to be seen more. People all over the earth are starting to be far more receptive to new ideas of who they are, and are getting out of old paradigms they were taught. It's happening all over the planet.

Now, dear ones, you're not seeing these things on the news, because they are not being reported anywhere. This slow growth in perception and paradigm shift represents non-events, not the typical newsworthy items of drama and death. Sociologists will eventually see and report this, and history will record it also. These are the things that slowly change personally for Humans.

I sit in a theatre in Israel with old souls who have come to hear this information, who know who they are, and who believe in the esoteric teaching that says, "God is inside each Human." It's a spiritual axiom that states that the doctrine of behavior is inside, the prophets of the present and past are inside, and that all of the information about the return of the great prophets has already happened! Dear ones, they are all in the grid, and part of new consciousness.

Have you put this together yet? The return of your own prophet is in the field! How about that? He is not returning to an empty chair, but is present in the physics of "the field". What better way to help all of humanity, not just one section of it. Now, that's far-thinking, isn't it? That's all part of the shift, the return. There's more.

New Light

The metaphor of new light. This term refers to light that's never been here before. Let's explain this: Today, light is more powerful than it has ever been before. Today, if you strike a match in a dark room, old soul, the match knows who you are and it becomes an enormous light. It fills the entire room. Before, in an older energy, it would have been one tiny match in a huge, dark room where nobody would have noticed. Many of you have gone through this shift. In the past, light and dark weren't equal at all. Truly, darkness reigned on this planet. I don't have to explain that to this group, do I?

You struggled through it, and now the new light is here. You don't believe it yet, you haven't tried it yet, but it's starting to appear. Light is more powerful today than it ever was before. If you continue this path, light will win. However, the struggle with you is this: Many don't believe it, since for generations the situation has been the same. Are you going to let the past determine the future?

Here is another attribute: Light is starting to lead the way. When you strike a match, you simply create a little light where you are, but when you turn on a spotlight or a lighthouse, it illuminates everything around you. You can see where you're going because you've got new light. It's actually very new. "What does that mean in common language, Kryon?" It means that you're intuition is better today than ever before. Your intuition is what lets you walk forward into that which you think is dark. You always are asking: "Is it right, is it wrong? Is it good, is it bad? Is it for me, or not?" Imagine an intuition that lights the way so there's no question any more! Now, how many of you have tried that lately? Have you tested your intuition lately?

Let's look at another attribute: Light helps the evolvement of Human consciousness. Metaphorically, this new light exposes things you never saw before. If you only have a match, you're going to wander around and fall over things and stumble. However, if you have a bright light, you'll see the things that used to be in the dark and move quickly and with confidence. You will have new ideas that have never been tried. There will be processes that have never been thought of. Things that are brand new will occur, and you'll look at them and say, "Why didn't someone think of this before?"

There will be things that will work today that would never have worked before because light is exposing them. There will be new thinking, new ideas, new kinds of ways of making things work that never worked before. This is the real difference - receptivity to things that would not have been viable in the old energy. Exposure to truth and reality does that.

The magnetic grid and the field will be pushing together to create harmony between Human Beings, but you hold the match, old soul. Are you going to let the match become the lighthouse or will you fall on the old paradigms of history - a dim light that you could never use because it showed you nothing new?

Are you ready for new information? Here is something I have not stated before: When you hear it, you might say, "Kryon, you can't be right about this one." The new light actually creates more of itself. Think about that. Think about you being the spotlight, and suddenly there are two lights! I didn't say it came from another Human, did I? Light creates light. More can see, and suddenly the room that you're in is brighter than anything you could do by yourself. You might say it's carried by an angel? How can light create itself? How can high consciousness multiply? It's because of the new physics. Dear ones, I want you to understand this. We knew this was coming and that's why you're seeing what you're seeing. Light can create more of itself when the Human who is creating it knows about "God inside".

Have you ever seen a person laughing so hard that everyone around him starts laughing? Soon, the whole room is laughing. How does that work exactly? Perhaps it's because laughter multiplies itself through joyful energy? Think about it. The person who first laughed can then leave the room while all the others continue laughing. Was it an energy that was shared, or was it an energy that created more of itself? Light can multiply now, since it is carried by those who are aware of this great shift and what it brings to the planet.

I'll give you the final one, number five.

Light lets others see you! You can't hide anymore. If you are a balanced Human Being with enough love in your heart, you can't hide it. First, others are going to ask: "I see you're different. You're not who you used to be. You're a little more relaxed than you should be. What happened?" People will ask who you are or what you've done to create a new balance in your life. What do you say? It's easy. Tell the truth: "I feel different; I have a new attitude towards the creator and who I am. It's not religion; it's a personal awareness of who I am. God is bigger than I thought. I feel so peaceful. I feel the love of the masters has come down and they're here in me. I'm not worrying anymore, and I'm not as anxious about things. I'm learning to handle some issues that I never could handle before."

If you say that to a friend or a neighbor, in this new energy they are not going to run the other way. If you told them, "Well, I've got a new religion or a new prophet," they absolutely will run the other way. This is because what you have is personal and not a system. There is nothing to join and no rules - just a new and beautiful internal compass.

Light is winning and this is why we say what we say here in Israel. In this country, in this land, as small as it is with so many cultures and languages, you're going to see a shift in the situation that you didn't expect. There will be those who come along with ideas you've never heard before. There will be attitudes on both sides that will be very different than before. Along the way, you're going to think, "Where did this come from? Why didn't we have this before? Why wasn't somebody smart enough in the past to figure this out? Why is the reacceptance so different for things that were dismissed before?" When this happens, you'll know I'm right because I've seen it before with other situations that were just as difficult. With higher consciousness comes greater light, and the new light is serving you even now in its infancy.

Now, let me tell you what the catalyst is - it's you! Do you believe it or not? "Kryon, I want to believe it, I want to believe it!" Good! Then why don't you show it? Many of you are going to leave here the same, but others are going to have a bigger light. This is the real issue. How married are you to the status quo and the idea that it can never change?

That's the message of Kryon. Oh, there will be more, but for now, dear ones, don't be afraid of the love of God. You are an ancient culture that exposed the one God to the planet. Now expose what the one God can do in this new energy!

Old souls all over the planet are listening to this. It's the same message for them. I say to them, that's why you're here. That's why you're here. I've seen it before. Collectively, you control the speed of this shift. A very few of you can make a great change with what you do personally with yourself right now.

What a beautiful message this is! Doesn't it feel like it has come from the one God? With all that you know, and with all that your lineage tells you, feel it! God shines on humanity right now with a light that was never there before, because you're ready and worthy to go forward into peace.

Think of these things.

And so it is.


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