JOIN LEE CARROLL for an in-depth 58 minute lecture study on what it's like to cross the bridge of reality, and experience the other side of the veil. Why are so many futurists and psychics wrong? What happens when you are "out there" looking around? What are the pitfalls of taking this trip? Over 23 years of experience channelling Kryon, adds up to a very interesting revelation of what it's like while "Crossing The Bridge."
Our new pay-per-view lecture system is here. IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE this lecture, either return to the main lecture page and click the BLUE BRIDGE LECTURE ICON, or CLICK HERE to go to the PURCHASE and Information screen for CROSSING THE BRIDGE.
Watch this promo and then read this:
Right after Lee did this promo, he changed his mind and recorded "Crossing The Bridge" in his futuristic set (where he searches for Spock) :-) So the super-neat Kryon library you see in this promo is present in most of the other lectures. He only used this set one time.
LOOK: If this promo plays well on your device, then you are all set to view the full paid lectures! They all work exactly like this promo.