VIRTUAL SETS: So, you knew that the library wasn't real, but did you know that as much as 80% of everything you see on a TV news set today isn't either? If you watch the football commentary shows, 100% is virtual! This is done with "green screen" technology, something very common in video and movies today.
This means that Lee must find a studio that he can walk around in, so that any background he wishes can be created behind him.
A typical background virtual set will contain many "camera shots," to allow variety and believability. Looks real!
THE VIDEO: Lee uses a studio in Argentina... yep, he goes all the way there to do these lectures! The reasons are not just cost related. There is a group of lightworkers there who are very "into" the Kryon work, and videographer Eduardo Borrello is behind it all. He's a PRO! So it's for consciousness reasons. :-)
All the cameras are full HD, and the final products on the net are too.
It's a multi-camera shoot with full crew, done on a professional green screen set. Normally it takes about 8 hours to do two full lectures. This is almost all due to the fact that technical setup and correction takes at least 70% of the time with almost all film and video shoots.
EDITING: Lee takes it to a very special place in San Diego where he has spent lots of time in his past vocation (AV engineering). Editing the virtual sets into the background is not easy! Lee is a life-member of the AES (Audio Engineering Society), which is a professional organization of nerds who make records, TV programs, and movies possible. [www.aes.org]
PRODUCTION: You need a producer to organize it all, and Lee has too much to do. So South American host and organizer Jorge Bianchi is the guy! He makes it all happen, then creates the store for the Internet... lots of work.
PLACING IT ON THE INTERNET: Although transparent to the viewer, none of the videos are really coming from the KRYON website. This is a professional service of VIMEO, an on-line video social site that is one of the best, with the highest quality in the world. U-Tube is a Chevy. Vimeo is a Porsche. [www.vimeo.com]
SPECS: Vimeo converts the final Internet products to FLASH, in a smaller-than-1080P version, since most viewers will never play it at that size. Vimeo also creates two other versions: (1) One is Standard Definition (SD) for slower internets, (3) and then a special Mobile-device version that allows non-flash mobile-devices to easily handle the playback.
These videos are not downloadable, and shouldn't be. They are meant to be sold, so there are issues where we try to keep them from being easily copied. Yes.. there are even Lightworkers who don't understand that all this actually cost something, and the price of viewing ($10) goes to pay all that back. (sigh)