Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
"The Recalibration of Gaia"
Saturday & Sunday - March 17-18, 2012

Melbourne, Australia - Two (2) Channellings
15:13 minute "mini channelling" session in AM
45:41 minute channelling session in PM

Sunday Dual-Channelling with - Peggy Phoenix Dubro

19 megabytes for Mini channelling - FILE IS NAMED: "Sun-mini-Melbourne-12.mp3"
56 megabytes for PM channelling - FILE IS NAMED: "Sun-Melbourne-12.mp3"

With a fast Internet DSL connection, even a file that is one hour, will download in about four minutes. You will not be asked for any personal information... no registration, no e-mail, no fuss, just free. What a concept!

From Lee: We lost the Saturday recording! We started the machine, even checked it while it was recording. It recorded for 12 minutes, and shut off. Later, we looked over and discovered the power plug had been pulled. Funny thing was that the recorder was on stage and nobody was around it for the entire time of the channelling. When Kryon doesn't want it recorded, it doesn't get recorded. My apologies to the Melbourne attendees! So I have included the mini-channelling of Sunday morning for you - Lee Carroll

Sunday Mini
Sunday Main
No recording
19 megabytes
15:13 minutes
Stereo - MP3

56 megabytes
45:41 minutes
Stereo - MP3

This MP3 file of a Kryon channelling is free to you. Please enjoy it. Pass it around, put it on your ipod... but please do not sell it. In the spirit of the web it is offered to all without cost. It has been produced in a size and quality that are easy to download and manipulate. Normally these files can run up to one hour in playing length. It is never to be played on the air.
PC - Right-click the MP3 image to download the file. "Save target as..." and select where you want the file.

PC - Left-click the MP3 image to play it in real time*

MAC - Option-Click the MP3 image to download the file

MAC - Click the MP3 image to play it in real time*

*If your computer plays MP3 - most do.