Perth, WA, Australia
Saturday & Sunday - March 24-25, 2012

Perth, WA, Australia - Four (4) Channellings
Saturday "mini channelling" 13:07 min
Saturday PM channelling 40:32 Min "A Summary for Australia"
Sunday "Mini Channelling" 8:19 min
Sunday PM channeling 24:11 "The Recalibration of Love"
Sunday Dual-Channelling with - Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Saturday Mini channelling - FILE IS NAMED: "Sat-min-Perth-12.mp3"
Saturday PM channelling - FILE IS NAMED: "Sat-Perth-12.mp3"
Sunday Mini channelling - FILE IS NAMED: "Sun-min-Perth-12.mp3"
Sunday PM channelling - FILE IS NAMED: "Sun-Perth-12.mp3"
With a fast Internet DSL connection, even a file that is one hour, will download in about four minutes. You will not be asked for any personal information... no registration, no e-mail, no fuss, just free. What a concept!
Saturday Mini
Saturday Main
Sunday Mini
Sunday Main
17 megabytes
54 megabytes
11 megabytes
32 megabytes
These MP3 files of a Kryon channellings are free to you. Please enjoy them. Pass them around, put them on your ipod... but please do not sell them. In the spirit of the web they are offered to all without cost. They have been produced in a size and quality that are easy to download and manipulate. Normally these files can run up to one hour in playing length. They are never to be played on the air
PC - Right-click the MP3 image to download the file. "Save target as..." and select where you want the file.

PC - Left-click the MP3 image to play it in real time*

MAC - Option-Click the MP3 image to download the file

MAC - Click the MP3 image to play it in real time*

*If your computer plays MP3 - most do.