


The list that follows is a compilation of the indices of the currently available Kryon books.
Each alphabetical subject is followed by a Kryon book reference (1 through 10, and both Indigo
Children books),
and page numbers from the indicated book.
Here are the titles of the referenced books.

Kryon Book 1 - The End Times - 1993
Kryon Book 2 - Don't Think Like a Human - 1994
Kryon Book 3 - Alchemy of the Human Spirit - 1995
Kryon Book 4 - The Parables of Kryon - 1996
Kryon Book 5 - The Journey Home - 1997
Kryon Book 6 - Partnering With God - 1997
Kryon Book 7 - Letters From Home - 1999
Kryon Indigo Book 1 - The Indigo Children - 1999
Kryon Book 8 - Passing the Marker - 2000
Kryon Indigo Book 2 - An Indigo Celebration - 2001

Kryon Book 9 - The New Beginning - 2002
Kryon Book 10 - A New Dispensation - 2004

NOTE: If you wish to print this list, it will take
over 40 pages on many printers.

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A bad job by humanity? - (Bk 10) 259
A battle for the light - (Bk 10) 78
A New Beginning (Chapter) - (Bk 9) 75
A new dispensation 98, 206
Aaron & the Globe of Essence - Parable - (Bk 3) 296
Aaron & the Globe of Essence - Parable - (Bk 4) 145
Abandonment - fear of - (Bk 9) 281
Abortion - (Bk 10) 355
Abraham - (Bk 9) 175
Abraham & Isaac - (Bk 2) 137-140
Abraham & Isaac - Parable - (Bk 8) 83
Abundance - (Bk 3) 36, 76, 179, 204
Abundance - (Bk 6) 23
Abundance - (Bk 7) 39, 200
Abundance - (Bk 9) 158, 267
Abundance - (Bk 10) 336
Abundance (frustration) - (Bk 10) 258
Abundance (money) - (Bk 8) 275
Abuse of substances - (Bk 10) 60
Accumulating negative karma - (Bk 10) 337
Action and intent - implant - (Bk 3) 129, 136, 225
Acupuncture - (Bk 3) 144
Adam and Eve - (Bk 6) 152, 201
Adam and Eve - (Bk 9) 220
Adamis - (Bk 2) 37
Addicted to fear? - (Bk 9) 294
Addictions - help for - (Bk 10) 353
Admonishment defined - (Bk 6) 58
Adult (part of the trilogy) - (Bk 9) 38
Advice - channelling - (Bk 6) 27
Advice - ET's - (Bk 6) 92
Advice - sensationalism - (Bk 6) 11
Affects of colors in life - (Bk 9) 335
Affirmations (verbal) - (Bk 10) 239
Afraid of the news - (Bk 10) 306
African experience - escape story - (Bk 9) 345
Aging - (Bk 7) 199
Aging - (Bk 9) 121
Aging agreement - (Bk 10) 271
AIDS - (Bk 2) 227
AIDS - (Bk 6) 223
Akashic record rewrite - (Bk 10) 251
Alignment when sleeping - (Bk 9) 333
Alternate healing - (AMA ref) - (Bk 7) 373
Amazing Randy, the - (Bk 3) 256
America (metaphor of) - (Bk 7) 273
American Medical Association - (Bk 7) 373
Anchor (metaphor) - (Bk 9) 116
Anchoring the energy - (Bk 7) 77, 261
Ancient artifacts - (Bk 10) 91
Ancient artifacts (in the U.S.A.?) - (Bk 9) 222
Ancient Egypt - (Bk 10) 315
Ancient texts - (Bk 10) 191
Angel Gabriel - (Bk 9) 138, 176
Angela and her Guide Friends - Parable - (Bk 4) 97
Angels - (Bk 2) 36, 172, 266, 270
Angels - (Bk 7) 64, 234
Angels and guides - (Bk 6) 90, 305
Angels vs. guides - (Bk 10) 343
Angenon & Ver+hoo - Parable - (Bk 2) 178, 265
Angenon & Ver+hoo - Parable - (Bk 4) 77
Anger - (Bk 6) 68
Animals - (Bk 6) 293
Animals - (Bk 9) 333
Anti-Christ 666 - (Bk 1) 23-27, 147
Anti-gravity - (Bk 2) 214
Anxious - (Bk 7) 117, 178, 195, 243
Anxiousness - (Bk 6) 131
Appropriate worship - (Bk 10) 70
Archangel Michael (ref. to) - (Bk 7) 89, 191, 311
Arcturians - (Bk 2) 171
Ark of the covenant - (Bk 2) 117
Armageddon - (Bk 6) 273
Aroma therapy - (Bk 3) 145
Artifacts - ancient - (Bk 10) 91
Ascended masters - (Bk 2) 173
Ascended masters return - (Bk 9) 94, 203, 240
Ascension - (Bk 8) 60
Ascension - chapter - (Bk 3) 215
Ascension - general - (Bk 3) 220
Ascension - general - (Bk 6) 174-191, 294
Ascension - general - (Bk 7) 92, 200, 314, 319, 413
Ascension - general - (Bk 10) 52, 57
Ascension - redefined - (Bk 10) 110
Ascension - steps of - (Bk 10) 57, 83
Ascension - timeline - (Bk 6) 183
Ascension steps - (Bk 9) 15
Ashtar - (Bk 2) 171
Asteroid - near miss! - (Bk 6) 109, 180, 358
Asteroid - the big one - (Bk 2) 191
Asteroid hit - controversial - (Bk 9) 221
Astrology - general - (Bk 1) 37, 42, 145
Astrology - general - (Bk 2) 16, 18, 95-96, 209, 211
Astrology - general - (Bk 7) 414
Astrology - questions - (Bk 3) 262
Atlantis - (Bk 1) 92
Atlantis - (Bk 2) 60-64, 107
Atomic phasic displacement - (Bk 8) 152
Atomic structure - (Bk 2) 220
Atomic waste - bacteria validation - (Bk 7) 334
Atomic waste - discussion & danger - (Bk 3) 249, 250
Atomic waste - plants cleaning - (Bk 6) 361
Atomic waste - prediction - (Bk 2) 223
Attention deficit disorder (ADD) - (Bk 6) 261
Attention deficit disorder (Bk Ind)
Attitude toward non-believers - (Bk 3) 34, 80
Attributes of higher vibration - (Bk 6) 204-205
Attributes of Human power - (Bk 6) 41-50
Aura/Auric - (Bk 1) 37-38, 42, 61, 76, 133
Autism - (Bk 9) 325
Autistic child - (Bk 6) 283
Autistic child - (Bk 7) 416
Autistic children - (Bk Ind)
Awareness (Human) - (Bk 7) 56, 85, 91, 125
Balance - (Bk 7) 72, 194
Baloney-detection kit - (Bk 6) 347
Base 12 (6) System - (Bk 1) 24-25Base 12 - general - (Bk 6) 362-365
Base 12 - general - (Bk 7) 201
Base 12 - hints - nine non-math hints - (Bk 3) 293
Base 12 - math - (Bk 3) 317
Base 12 - math - conclusion - (Bk 3) 370
Base 12 - math - Kryon's first mention - (Bk 3) 292
Base 12 - the Merkabah - (Bk 3) 224
Beatitudes - Kryon translation - (Bk 3) 89
Becoming a New Age Human - (Bk 3) 69
Becoming a reluctant enemy - (Bk 3) 33
Becoming anxious - (Bk 10) 109
Becoming creative - (Bk 10) 236
Belief (the split of New Age) - (Bk 7) 315
Belief systems (spiritual) - (Bk 8) 224
Bernie the Bird, kids story - (Bk 9) 19
Better places than others to be - (Bk 10) 67
Bible - (Bk 1) 130, 133, 135, 138, 141-145
Big bang - (Bk 3) 284
Big bang - (Bk 6) 85, 374-375
Big bang - (Bk 7) 132, 147, 347
Big religion changing - (Bk 10) 168
Biological changes - (Bk 3) 26, 30, 225
Biology - base-12 - (Bk 6) 362
Biology - general - (Bk 6) 150-169, 201, 203, 362, 376
Biology - general - (Bk 9) 83, 117, 219, 236, 309, 330
Biology - Indigo Children - (Bk 9) 84
Biology - key in the lock - (Bk 6) 376
Biology - power over - (Bk 7) 176
Biology - protein hint - (Bk 6) 203
Biology - self balancing - (Bk 9) 61
Biology - self-balance - (Bk 6) 160
Biology - the "We" - (Bk 6) 167
Bioremediation - (Bk 3) 250
Birth of new consciousness - (Bk 9) 139-142
Black hole discussion - (Bk 10) 282
Blood metaphor - (Bk 10) 175
Blueprint for DNA - (Bk 10) 109
Body - talking to it - (Bk 9) 309
Body clock - (Bk 6) 156
Body polarity - (Bk 1) 19
Book of Revelation - (Bk 1) 24, 135, 148
Bookpeople Distributors - (Bk 10) 19
Books - Kryon books that fall apart - (Bk 3) 326
Books - old spiritual - (Bk 7) 272
Born again - (Bk 1) 147
Braden, Gregg - (Bk 8) 15
Bridge of Swords - (Bk 8) 180, 222
Brotherhood (the) - (Bk 2) 169
Brothers of light - (Bk 2) 69
Bucket (metaphor for ) - (Bk 9) 40
Buddha - (Bk 9) 175
Buddha & Christ - (Bk 10) 325
Bush and Gore - (Bk 9) 260
Bush, George W. - (Bk 10) 170, 181
Business - (Bk 8) 273
Business (New Age) - (Bk 7) 320
Calibration to the new energy - (Bk 9) 237
Camelot (metaphor) - (Bk 9) 165, 224
Canadian separatism - (Bk 9) 177
Can't live at the poles - (Bk 10) 69
Carl Sagan - (Bk 6) 342-352
Cave of creation - (Bk 2) 60, 68-69, 81, 114, 178, 259, 267
Cave of creation - (Bk 3) 198
Cave of Creation - (Bk 10) 250
Celebration of your situation - (Bk 9) 90
Cellular awareness - (Bk 7) 92
Cellular communication - (Bk 9) 30
Cellular magnetic reactions - (Bk 3) 57
Cellular shift - (Bk 7) 114
Cellular suicide - (Bk 7) 94
Central control (spiritual) - (Bk 7) 55
Ceremony - (Bk 2) 155
Chair of gold - sitting in the - (Bk 6) 21
Challenge - (Bk 7) 197, 410
Challenge - (Bk 8) 123
Challenging the dark - (Bk 10) 239
Change - abundance - (Bk 3) 36
Change - anger in others - (Bk 3) 26, 184
Change - becoming a reluctant enemy - (Bk 3) 33
Change - biological - (Bk 3) 26, 30, 225
Change - communication - (Bk 3) 36
Change - general - (Bk 7) 75, 104, 184
Change - general Human - (Bk 3) 25-27
Change - global conflict - (Bk 3) 61, 80
Change - healing melding - (Bk 3) 144
Change - meditation - (Bk 3) 28
Change - peaceful Human - (Bk 3) 79, 226
Change - seeing lights - (Bk 3) 33
Change - sleeping patterns - (Bk 3) 30
Changing established belief - (Bk 7) 36
Changing food - (Bk 9) 244
Changing genetics? - (Bk 10) 109
Changing reality - (Bk 7) 241
Changing reality - (Bk 8) 269
Changing the future? - (Bk 10) 80
Changing the past - (Bk 9) 268
Channelled books - (Bk 2) 19
Channelling - general - (Bk 10)40
Channelling - in general - (Bk 6) 27, 69, 208
Channelling - new energy - (Bk 2) 132
Channelling - old energy - (Bk 2) 129
Channelling ourselves? - (Bk 10) 330
Channelling's roots - (Bk 10) 119
Chemistry in healing - (Bk 6) 165
Child (part of the trilogy) - (Bk 9) 45
Child within (inner child) - (Bk 3) 133
Children - disengaging from - (Bk 10) 327
Children - general - (Bk 2) 147
Children - Indigo - (Bk 1) 99-100
Children - Indigo - (Bk 6) 187, 255-268
Children - Indigo - (Bk 7) 8, 89, 90, 115, 125, 156
Children - Indigo - (Bk 8) 51, 153, 171, 265, 290
Children - Indigo - (Bk Ind) The entire book!
Children - Indigo - (Bk IndCel) The entire book!
Children - New Age - (Bk 6) 158
Children - worry over - (Bk 6) 134
Children in now time - (Bk 8) 51
Choice - (Bk 6) 158-159, 169
Choice - the energy of - (Bk 9) 242
Christ - (Bk 1) 17, 25, 41, 43, 47-48, 51, 54, 56, 58-59, 64, 85, 126-148
Christ - (Bk 9) 175
Christ, Jesus - (Bk 10) 365
Christ & Buddha - (Bk 10) 325
Christian - (Bk 1) 24-25, 28, 127, 129-131, 137-138, 146-147
Circle of 9's - (Bk 1) 25
Circle of Energy (chapter) - (Bk 9) 191
Circle of Energy (defined) - (Bk 9) 195
Claim the angel inside - (Bk 10) 240
Claim your power - (Bk 10) 86
Clearing of the land - (Bk 7) 264
Cloning - general - (Bk 6) 380
Cloning - Human - (Bk 7) 419
Closet Lightworker (defined) - (Bk 9) 154
CNN grid report - (Bk 9) 208-209
Co-creation - (Bk 2) 114-126, 130, 133
Co-creation - (Bk 3) 24, 76, 228
Co-creation - (Bk 6) 43, 65, 272
Co-creation - general - (Bk 9) 110-112, 201, 266
Co-creation - general - (Bk 10) 118, 256
Co-creation (Construction angel) - (Bk 9) 64
Co-creation defined - (Bk 10) 123
Cold fusion - (Bk 9) 133-134
Color - general - (Bk 1) 8, 37-38, 42, 61, 77, 83, 86, 88, 99, 155, 157
Color - healing - (Bk 3) 144
Color - Humans, New Age - (Bk 3) 16-18
Color - Kryon - (Bk 3) 16
Color - life color - (Bk 6) 256
Colors in life - (Bk 9) 335
Communes - (Bk 6) 91
Communes - advice for - (Bk 10) 333
Communication - general - (Bk 6) 70-72
Communication - New Age - (Bk 3) 36
Communication - with Spirit - (Bk 2) 133
Communication feedback - (Bk 9) 65
Communications with Spirit - (Bk 9) 301
Competition (spiritual) - (Bk 7) 42
Compression of time - (Bk 8) 267
Computers - question about - (Bk 2) 222
Computers - validation article - (Bk 3) 247
Computers - validation article - (Bk 8) 156
Conference on consciousness - (Bk 8) 282
Conflicting prophecies - (Bk 2) 24
Confusing dimensions - (Bk 6) 115
Conscious channelling - (Bk 2) 22
Consciousness - physics - (Bk 6) 110, 272, 358
Consciousness Conference - (Bk 8) 282
Consciousness shift - (Bk 6) 138, 272-278
Consciousness split - (Bk 8) 125
Conspiracy - (Bk 10) 167
Construction angels - (Bk 9) 64
Contracts - general - (Bk 2) 86, 90, 102, 104, 124, 152, 241, 255-257, 269-270
Contracts - general - (Bk 6) 296
Contracts - spiritual - (Bk 7) 416
Contracts (life) - (Bk 10) 144, 254
Control over emotion - (Bk 7) 102, 243
Convergence Foundation - (Bk 8) 316
Cosmic energy balance - (Bk 3) 150, 267
Cosmic Lattice - (Bk 8) 152, 362
Cosmic Lattice - attributes - (Bk 7) 357
Cosmic Lattice - basic physics - (Bk 7) 360
Cosmic Lattice - connection to - (Bk 7) 94, 126
Cosmic Lattice - Human connection to - (Bk 7) 94, 126, 365, 374
Cosmic Lattice - null - (Bk 7) 351
Cosmic Lattice - shape - (Bk 7) 346, 356
Cosmic Lattice - size - (Bk 7) 345
Cosmic Lattice - speed of - (Bk 7) 359
Cosmic Lattice - time - (Bk 7) 348
Cosmic Lattice (part I) - (Bk 7) 342
Cosmic Lattice (part II) - (Bk 7) 354
Cosmic orchestra - (Bk 10) 124
Cosmic planning session - personal - (Bk 3) 197
Cosmic rays - article - (Bk 3) 236
Cosmic time-line - (Bk 7) 140
Cosmological constant - (Bk 7) 362
Cosmological constant - (Bk 8) 363
Council of Elders - Indigenous advice at UN - (Bk 6) 237
Council of wisdom (Kryon at U.N.) - (Bk 8) 315
Couples (advice to) - (Bk 9) 51
Coxon - Robert - (Bk 10) 407
Coxon, Robert - (Bk 8) 396
Created equal - (Bk 7) 54
Creating communes - (Bk 10) 333
Creating energy - (Bk 10) 103
Creating from nothing - (Bk 10) 177
Creating self-worth - (Bk 10) 236
Creation of the Universe - (Bk 9) 216
Creation of water on Earth - (Bk 9) 218
Creationists argument - (Bk 9) 220
Creative energy - (Bk 9) 243
Credits - (Bk 6) 7
Critical mass - (Bk 6) 112
Critical mass - (Bk 7) 192
Critics of Kryon - (Bk 3) 184, 241
Crop circles - (Bk 3) 289
Crop circles - (Bk 6) 362-366
Crossing of the Red Sea - (Bk 2) 117-118
Crystal skulls - (Bk 7) 282
Crystalline grid - (Bk 7) 268
Crystalline Grid - (Bk 10) 206
Crystalline sheath - (Bk 8) 54
Crystalline sheath (memory) - (Bk 7) 278, 366
Cultural differences - (Bk 7) 29, 33
Dark - challenge it! - (Bk 10) 239
Dark and light discussion - (Bk 9) 277
Dark and light discussion - (Bk 10) 231, 302
Dark energy - (Bk 7) 101, 193
Dark energy from Humans? - (Bk 9) 285, 287
Dark forces letter - (Bk 3) 184
Dark matter - question and discussion - (Bk 3) 270
Dark matter (astronomy) - (Bk 10) 274
Dark ones - (Bk 2) 174
Dark side - definition - (Bk 10) 231
Dark side - definition - (Bk 7) 193
Dark side - general - (Bk 1) 141
Dark side - tricks - (Bk 3) 184
Dark side, submissive? - (Bk 10) 150
Dark/light balance of earth - (Bk 10) 234
Darkroom metaphor - (Bk 10) 10
David the Indian - Parable - (Bk 3) 62
David the Indian - Parable - (Bk 4) 105
David the Loved - karma story - (Bk 3) 209
Day-to-day living - (Bk 6) 22, 25
Dealing with expanded consciousness - (Bk 9) 340
Death - (Bk 10) 361
Death - general - (Bk 1) 46, 50, 54, 117, 120-121,131, 141, 144
Death - general - (Bk 2) 44-45
Death - general - (Bk 6) 80, 138, 303
Death - general - (Bk 7) 81, 103, 199
Death - gift - (Bk 6) 81, 139
Death - hormone - (Bk 6) 155
Death - of a child - (Bk 3) 209
Death - of a child - (Bk 6) 139
Death - recently passed Humans - (Bk 3) 93
Death of a Great Warrior - Parable - (Bk 3) 172
Death phantom - (Bk 8) 286
Death rock - (Bk 2) 191
Definition of admonishment - (Bk 6) 58
Definition of heaven (Pope John Paul II) - (Bk 8) 110
Definition of hell (Pope John Paul II) - (Bk 8) 110
Defoliation - (Bk 6) 223
Deinococcus radiodurans - radiation/eating bacteria - (Bk 7) 338
Density of mass - (Bk 6) 118
Depressed Human - (Bk 3) 135
Depression - (Bk 9) 285
Devas - (Bk 6) 304
Devil - the devil - (Bk 1) 138, 141
Did God change? - (Bk 10) 185
Dimensionality - (Bk 6) 115
Dimensionality (science) - (Bk 8) 379
Dimensionality discussion - (Bk 8) 31
Dimensionality discussion - (Bk 9) 234
Discernment advice - (Bk 10) 81, 170
Disease - (Bk 1) 20, 44, 117-122
Disease - (Bk 2) 144
Disease - fear of - (Bk 9) 292
Disease at the poles? - (Bk 10) 69
Disengaging from children - (Bk 10) 327
Dispensation - new - (Bk 10) 98, 206
Distance healing (Proof of) - (Bk 8) 375
DNA - (Bk 8) 56, 116, 156, 349, 359
DNA - (Bk 9) 59, 221, 264, 269
DNA - a loop - (Bk 8) 56, 360
DNA - base-12 hint - (Bk 3) 296
DNA - being intelligent - (Bk 9) 136
DNA - being interdimensional - (Bk 9) 134-135
DNA - blueprint (yours) - (Bk 10) 109
DNA - changes in - (Bk 8) 116
DNA - computer (Kryon validation) - (Bk 8) 156
DNA - discussions - (Bk 10) 107, 216, 220, 227, 294, 339, 369
DNA - electricity - (Bk 8) 359
DNA - general - (Bk 6) 153-159, 202, 362, 377, 380- 382
DNA - general - (Bk 7) 57, 75, 92, 115, 170, 201, 278, 321, 365, 382
DNA - Layer 1 - (Bk 10) 229, 385
DNA - Layer 2 - (Bk 10) 228-9, 386
DNA - Layer 3 - (Bk 10) 228, 387
DNA - Layers 4&5 - (Bk 10) 228-9, 296, 388-9
DNA - magnetic - (Bk 8) 56, 349
DNA - magnetics - (Bk 6) 153-159, 202-203, 377, 380-382
DNA - names - (Bk 10) 228, 295, 296, 384-9
Doing business - (Bk 8) 273
Dolphins - (Bk 7) 418
Donation of Human eggs - (Bk 10) 348
Don't throw away the past - (Bk 10) 88
Doom and gloom - (Bk 6) 272-279, 355
Doom and gloom - (Bk 7) 23
Doom for the immediate future? - (Bk 9) 322
Doomsayers - (Bk 3) 19
Drama - (Bk 6) 69, 100, 197
Draw to zero (phrase) - (Bk 9) 14, 105, 206
Dreams - discussion - (Bk 10) 358
Dual suns - (Bk 6) 238
Dual suns - (Bk 7) 62
Duality - (Bk 2) 20, 40, 66, 131
Duality - (Bk 6) 197
Duality - (Bk 7) 180
Duality - (Bk 8) 124
Duality - (Bk 9) 275
Dwelling in the past - (Bk 6) 198
Dying masses - (Bk 2) 51-52
Earth - as the mistaken center - (Bk 3) 284
Earth - consciousness - (Bk 6) 138, 221, 274-278
Earth - future of - (Bk 6) 356
Earth - future of - (Bk 7) 154
Earth - general - (Bk 6) 87, 178-179, 190, 221, 356, 371-373
Earth - graduate - (Bk 7) 266
Earth - grid - (Bk 6) 382
Earth - interrogation (1987) - (Bk 2) 169, 192, 221, 232-233
Earth - old future - (Bk 7) 298
Earth - partnership with - (Bk 1) 93-97
Earth - partnership with - (Bk 7) 196, 252
Earth - potentials - (Bk 7) 241
Earth - response to us - (Bk 7) 262
Earth - Shumann Resonance - (Bk 6) 373
Earth - spiritual measurement - (Bk 7) 143, 244
Earth - timeline - (Bk 6) 190
Earth - uniqueness of - (Bk 7) 62
Earth - weather - (Bk 6) 88, 371-372
Earth changes - (Bk 2) 186
Earth changes - (Bk 3) 21, 48
Earth changes - (Bk 6) 88, 179, 372
Earth changes - (Bk 7) 196
Earth changes - (Bk 8) 76
Earth changes - (Bk 10) 306
Earth changes - astronomy - (Bk 8) 145
Earth changes - biology - (Bk 8) 147
Earth changes - health - (Bk 8) 145
Earth changes - matter - (Bk 8) 79
Earth changes - monetary system - (Bk 8) 141
Earth changes - physics - (Bk 8) 150, 191
Earth changes - political - (Bk 8) 75, 140, 168
Earth changes - religion - (Bk 8) 143, 165
Earth changes - science - (Bk 8) 168, 191
Earthquake - (Bk 1) 22, 98
Earthquake - (Bk 2) 187
Ego - (Bk 1) 47, 51, 55, 80, 108, 155
Ego - (Bk 6) 29, 199
Einstein, Albert (Cosmological Constant) - (Bk 8) 363
Einstein, Albert (Speed of Light) - (Bk 8) 376
Electric blankets - (Bk 8) 353
Electric Power Lines - (Bk 2) 278
Electric Power Lines - (Bk 8) 356
Electrical transmission - the ground - (Bk 3) 286
Elements of pure love - (Bk 6) 29, 53, 110
Eleven - (Bk 1) 15, 36, 41, 43, 85-87
Eleven - Eleven - (Bk 9) 10, 12, 225
Eleven-Eleven - 11:11 - (Bk 1) 82, 85-86
Eleven-Eleven - 11:11 - (Bk 3) 31, 56, 168, 220
Eleven-eleven - 11:11 - (Bk 6) 183-184, 317
Eleven-Eleven - 11:11 - (Bk 7) 144, 196, 110-200
Elijah - (Bk 9) 201
Eliyahu - (Bk 2) 142-143
Elizabeth the Royal - karma story - (Bk 3) 206
EMF (electromagnetic field) - cancer - (Bk 8) 354
EMF (electromagnetic field) - risks - (Bk 8) 352
EMF Balancing Technique - (Bk 10)318
EMF Balancing Technique¨ - (Bk 7) 94, 374
EMF Balancing Technique¨ - four phases - (Bk 7) 390
EMF vs. Reiki - (Bk 10) 341
Emotion - control over - (Bk 7) 102, 243
Emotional habits - (Bk 10) 58
End of the old energy - (Bk 8) 9
End of the test (Human) - (Bk 7) 143, 272
Energy - anchoring - (Bk 7) 77, 261
Energy - creation of - (Bk 7) 240
Energy - healing - (Bk 6) 161
Energy - holding the - (Bk 7) 260
Energy - old vs. new - (Bk 10) 187
Energy - package - (Bk 1) 8, 52, 83
Energy - placeholders - (Bk 6) 102, 210
Energy - sources of (Earth) - (Bk 7) 419
Energy - spiritual - (Bk 7) 121, 239, 432
Energy potentials - (Bk 10) 88
Energy protection - (Bk 10) 308
Engrams - (Bk 10) 178
Enlightenment - (Bk 6) 142
Entities - fear of - (Bk 9) 289
Entities around you - (Bk 2) 162
Entities leaving Hawaii - (Bk 3) 169
Entity placeholders - (Bk 3) 168, 220
Equality of Humans - (Bk 3) 41
Escape from Africa (chapter) - (Bk 9) 345
Eternal life - (Bk 6) 138
ET's - (Bk 6) 25, 92, 208-209, 223, 238
Everyday living - (Bk 6) 97
Evil - the real source of it - (Bk 10) 231
Evil on the planet - (Bk 10) 308
Evolution (Intervention) - (Bk 8) 367
Evolution of Earth - (Bk 9) 215
Evolution of Earth & Humanity (chapter) - (Bk 9) 211
Evolution of humanity - (Bk 9) 223
Evolutionary puzzle - (Bk 6) 152
Evolutionists argument - (Bk 9) 220
Example of the fruit - (Bk 3) 180
Excalibur (the metaphor) - (Bk 9) 224
Exercise - (Bk 10) 238
Expanded consciousness - affects of - (Bk 9) 340
Experience at Mt. Shasta - (Bk 10) 204
Extra terrestrials (ETs) - (Bk 9) 105
Fete and Clement - (Bk 9) 210, 349
Facilitators - New Age healers - (Bk 3) 116, 136
Failure - fear of - (Bk 9) 283
Fakes - Kryon - (Bk 10) 16
Falling in love - (Bk 6) 89
Falling in love with God - (Bk 6) 21, 40, 89
False prophets discussion - (Bk 3) 176
Falsely accused - energy of - (Bk 9) 336
Family - attributes - (Bk 7) 49
Family - awareness - (Bk 7) 85
Family - general - (Bk 6) 79, 186, 134
Family - general - (Bk 7) 58, 55, 63, 73
Family - meaning of - (Bk 7) 131
Family - renovation - (Bk 7) 107
Family - tasks - (Bk 7) 69
Fear - (Bk 10) 103
Fear - general - (Bk 1) 38, 41-42, 45, 48, 55, 63, 65-66, 75, 82-83, 92, 146, 148
Fear - general - (Bk 6) 77-78, 277, 301, 324
Fear - general - (Bk 7) 128, 182, 203, 258, 316
Fear - of Kryon - (Bk 3) 184, 241
Fear - of the new energy - (Bk 7) 316
Fear - phantom - (Bk 2) 102-105
Fear - response - (Bk 2) 136
Fear and being afraid - (Bk 9) 200, 274
Fear of abandonment - (Bk 9) 281
Fear of disease - (Bk 9) 292
Fear of entities - (Bk 9) 289
Fear of failure - (Bk 9) 283
Fear of not finding your path - (Bk 9) 291
Fear of self - (Bk 9) 285
Fear of the dark side - (Bk 9) 286
Fear of the future - (Bk 9) 293, 322
Fear regarding your children - (Bk 9) 308
Fear-based decision making - (Bk 3) 45
Fears - nine common (chapter) - (Bk 9) 273
Fears men have - (Bk 9) 283
Fears women have - (Bk 9) 281-282
Feedback (in communication) - (Bk 9) 65
Feeling stuck - (Bk 9) 48, 116, 160, 290, 303, 305, 329
Feelings - new Human - (Bk 3) 20
Feminine Kryon? - (Bk 10) 77
Fence-sitting, no more - (Bk 8) 218
Fidelity - (Bk 6) 68
Five Karmic Lessons - Parable - (Bk 4) 133
Floaters - (Bk 1) 74-75
Flood (the great) - (Bk 2) 64
Florida - (Bk 9) 260
Flower of Life - (Bk 8) 192
Focused magnetics - (Bk 2) 276
Following God - (Bk 6) 62
Food - worried about eating it - (Bk 9) 224
Foot washing (meaning of) - (Bk 7) 88
For the healers - (Bk 9) 245, 311-315
Foreign language Kryon books - (Bk 9) 2, 3
Forgiveness - (Bk 10) 61
Fortressing - (Bk 8) 210, 230
Four attributes of love - (Bk 6) 29, 53, 199
Four-dimensionality (defined) - (Bk 9) 105
Frank Alper - (Bk 2) 37
Free choice of energy levels - (Bk 9) 277, 287
Free energy - (Bk 10) 154
French connection (to Kryon) - (Bk 7) 447
Frustrations of Lightworkers (the list begins) - (Bk 10) 252
Funny things - (Bk 10) 25
Future - fear of - (Bk 9) 293, 322
Future - time line - (Bk 9) 226
Future (knowing) - (Bk 2) 197
Future of Earth - (Bk 9) 226, 270, 322
Galileo - (Bk 3) 283
Gamma rays - (Bk 2) 67, 208, 228
Gamma rays - (Bk 3) 243
Gamma rays - (Bk 6) 367
Gamma rays - (Bk 7) 132-133, 223
Gender enlightenment - (Bk 7) 37
Genetic changing? - (Bk 10) 109
Geometry - Kryon comments - (Bk 3) 293
George W. Bush - (Bk 10) 170, 181
Get me out of this job! - (Bk 9) 305
Ghosts and hauntings - (Bk 9) 264
Gift in death - (Bk 6) 81, 139
Gift in death - (Bk 7) 81, 103
Global conflict change - (Bk 3) 61, 80
Global Consciousness Project - (Bk 9) 190, 258
Global warming - (Bk 10) 307
God - old vs. new? - (Bk 10) 185
God - pondering - (Bk 10) 175
God - Spirit - Source - (Bk 10) 171
Going to the next level - (Bk 9) 306
Gold color - (Bk 3) 18
Golden angel - (Bk 6) 21, 138
Golden chair - (Bk 6) 66, 211
Golden ratio (math) - (Bk 3) 317, 347
Golden tray - (Bk 7) 197, 211
Good places to be - (Bk 10) 67
Gordon-Michael Scallion - (Bk 8) 42
Graduate Earth - (Bk 7) 266
Gravity (being interdimensional) - (Bk 9) 60
Great Central Sun - (Bk 9) 103
Great Central Sun - (Bk 10) 172
Great flood - (Bk 2) 64
Greeting what you ingest - (Bk 3) 226
Gregg Braden - (Bk 8) 15
Grid group leaving - (Bk 10) 69, 87, 148
Grid placement history - (Bk 2) 61-64
Grid shifts in Earth history - article - (Bk 3) 238-239
Grief - (Bk 7) 172
Grieving - (Bk 6) 140
Group karma - (Bk 2) 22, 48-51
Group karma - (Bk 3) 200
Group meditation - (Bk 6) 41
Guatemalan civil war - (Bk 6) 273
Guide - change - (Bk 1) 52, 150, 162
Guide - support - (Bk 8) 127
Guide questions - (Bk 10) 343
Guide talk (intuition) - (Bk 9) 62
Guides - (Bk 9) 109-114, 133
Guides - and Angels - (Bk 6) 90, 305
Guides - general - (Bk 1) 50, 52-54, 58, 60-62, 66, 75, 79, 81-82, 103, 105-106, 109-110, 140, 154
Guides - general - (Bk 2) 79-81, 178
Guides - general - (Bk 7) 64, 234
Guides - general - (Bk 8) 60
Guides - general - (Bk 10) 194
HAARP - (Bk 6) 243-253
HAARP - (Bk 7) 288, 295
Habits - emotional - (Bk 10) 58
Halé Makua - (Bk 10) 4, 20
Hale-Bopp - (Bk 6) 276
Hale-Bopp - (Bk 7) 226
Hand-holding (from Spirit) - (Bk 9) 66
Hands-on healing - (Bk 2) 91
Hands-on healing - (Bk 6) 162
Hands-on Healing (Validation of) - (Bk 8) 375
Hanford danger - (Bk 3) 250
Harmonic 9944 - Randy Masters math - (Bk 3) 346
Harmonic Concordance - (Bk 10) 248, 269, 288
Harmonic Convergence - (Bk 3) 43, 55
Harmonic Convergence - (Bk 7) 142, 196, 244
Harmonic Convergence - (Bk 9) 223
Harmonic Convergence - (Bk 10) 248
Hate - (Bk 7) 202
Hatred on the earth - (Bk 10) 308
Having trouble with a job - (Bk 10) 259
Hawking, Stephen (Cosmological Constant) - (Bk 8) 363
Healers - and Healing - (Bk 7) 58, 229, 370
Healers - message to - (Bk 2) 149
Healers - potential of - (Bk 6) 160, 196, 281
Healers - questions - (Bk 3) 151
Healers - single (unmarried) - (Bk 3) 155
Healers, listen: - (Bk 9) 245, 311-315
Healing - advice for healers - (Bk 6) 35, 47
Healing - aroma therapy - (Bk 3) 145
Healing - chemistry - (Bk 6) 165
Healing - color - (Bk 3) 144
Healing - discussion - (Bk 9) 311-315
Healing - energy - (Bk 6) 161
Healing - general - (Bk 1) 23, 29, 31, 38-39, 42, 59, 61, 80, 86, 116-123, 134, 136, 141-142
Healing - general - (Bk 2) 90-92, 142-157
Healing - general - (Bk 3) 78
Healing - hands-on - (Bk 6) 162
Healing - hands-on - (Validation of) - (Bk 8) 375
Healing - in the New Age - (Bk 3) 139
Healing - integrigy of - (Bk 8) 188
Healing - invasive surgery - (Bk 6) 165
Healing - knowledge - new - (Bk 3) 146
Healing - letter - (Bk 2) 92
Healing - live essence - redefined - (Bk 8) 249, 276
Healing - live-essence - (Bk 6) 162
Healing - magnetic - (Bk 6) 163, 322
Healing - mechanics of - (Bk 3) 152
Healing - melding - (Bk 3) 144
Healing - self - (Bk 9) 268
Healing - Thomas the Healer Parable - (Bk 6) 30
Healing - tools of the New Age - (Bk 3) 147
Healing - verbalization - (Bk 6) 168
Healing - with magnets - discussion - (Bk 3) 149
Healing - with magnets - help - (Bk 3) 342
Healing integrity of - (Bk 9) 313-315
Healing waters from the ground - (Bk 9) 57
Health - (Bk 3) 78
Health - (Bk 6) 67
Health - magnetic fields - (Bk 8) 352
Health & healing - (Bk 2) 142-157
Heaven (definition, Pope John Paul II) - (Bk 8) 110
Hebalist's new tool - (Bk 3) 148
Hebrew spelling discussion - (Bk 10) 383
Hell - (Bk 1) 138, 141
Hell (definition, Pope John Paul II) - (Bk 8) 110
Help with magnetics - (Bk 3) 342
Helping others - (Bk 10) 237
Henry and the Missing Bridge - Parable - (Bk 7) 226
Herman - Parable (Christmas) - (Bk 8) 172
Hierarchy of entities - (Bk 3) 17
High energy experiments - caution - (Bk 6) 222
Higher Self - (Bk 2) 21
Higher Self - (Bk 6) 29, 42-43, 64, 77, 201, 278, 326
Higher vibratory level - (Bk 6) 42-43, 204
Higher-Self - (Bk 9) 41, 62, 81, 201
Higher-Self vs. Soul - (Bk 10) 371
Hindu religion - (Bk 9) 175
Historical magnetic grid shift - article - (Bk 3) 238-239
History (Earth) - (Bk 2) 61, 164
History (grids) - (Bk 2) 61-64
History (Human) - (Bk 8) 162, 367
History (Kryon) - (Bk 2) 168
Holding the energy - (Bk 6) 102
Holding the energy - (Bk 7) 260
Holding the light - (Bk 7) 76, 100
Holding the light (integrity of) - (Bk 8) 188
Holding the magic! - (Bk 3) 78
Holy Spirit (The Trinity) - (Bk 7) 237
Homosexuality - (Bk 6) 143, 306
Homosexuality - (Bk 7) 38, 207
Homosexuality - (Bk 10) 351
Hopi Indian Map - (Bk 1) 95-96
Hopi Indian Map - (Bk 2) 193
House of Biology (Journey Home revisited) - (Bk 8) 249
House of Gifts and Tools (Journey Home revisited) - (Bk 8) 248
House of Love (Journey Home revisited) - (Bk 8) 254
House of Maps (Journey Home revisited) - (Bk 8) 245
House of Relationships (JHome revisited) - (Bk 8) 252
House of Self Worth (JHome revisited) - (Bk 8) 256
How are we doing? - (Bk 6) 318
How many guides? - (Bk 10) 194
How to save the world? - (Bk 10) 327
Hugs (from Spirit) - (Bk 9) 64
Human - accomplishment - (Bk 3) 18
Human - advice to use the ancients - (Bk 6) 237
Human - alchemy questions - (Bk 3) 40
Human - anxiety - (Bk 7) 178
Human - awareness - (Bk 7) 56, 85, 91, 125
Human - bias - (Bk 6) 119
Human - biological intervention - (Bk 8) 162, 367
Human - biology - (Bk 7) 176, 321
Human - body clock - (Bk 7) 201
Human - cellular shift - (Bk 7) 114, 433
Human - change - (Bk 3) 25
Human - change - (Bk 7) 104
Human - changes - (Bk 8) 227
Human - cloning - (Bk 7) 419
Human - consciousness - (Bk 7) 116
Human - consciousness shift - (Bk 6) 138, 221, 272-278
Human - created equal? - (Bk 6) 195
Human - critical mass - (Bk 6) 112
Human - death - (Bk 2) 44-45
Human - death - (Bk 7) 81, 103, 145, 199
Human - duality - (Bk 7) 180
Human - duality - (Bk 8) 124
Human - Earth balance - (Bk 7) 195
Human - enablement - (Bk 3) 76
Human - end of the test - (Bk 7) 143, 272
Human - ET relationship - (Bk 6) 92
Human - eternal - (Bk 7) 62, 63, 223
Human - evolution - (Bk 7) 419
Human - expanding - (Bk 8) 229
Human - future - (Bk 7) 154, 265
Human - genome - (Bk 7) 277
Human - grand plan - (Bk 7) 149
Human - grief - (Bk 7) 172
Human - happy with who you are? - (Bk 6) 143
Human - higher vibration - (Bk 6) 42-43, 204
Human - history of - (Bk 8) 370
Human - imbalance - (Bk 7) 78
Human - in love with God - (Bk 6) 21, 40
Human - in the workplace - (Bk 6) 132
Human - interaction - (Bk 7) 124
Human - interdimensional - (Bk 8) 260
Human - mass death - (Bk 7) 145
Human - meaning of life - (Bk 7) 137
Human - Merkabah - (Bk 7) 213, 238, 244
Human - moving forward - (Bk 6) 99
Human - nature - (Bk 8) 81
Human - New Age business - (Bk 7) 318
Human - New Age business - (Bk 8) 273
Human - new feelings - (Bk 3) 20
Human - number on planet - (Bk 6) 199
Human - partnership with God - (Bk 6) 63
Human - peace - (Bk 3) 79, 97, 226
Human - personal change - (Bk 3) 27
Human - polarity switch - (Bk 3) 148
Human - power - (Bk 6) 24, 38
Human - power - (Bk 6) 38, 352-354
Human - power of thought - (Bk 6) 352-354
Human - prediction - (Bk 6) 114
Human - problem solving - (Bk 7) 197, 215
Human - purpose - (Bk 7) 123, 137
Human - reaction to New Age - (Bk 3) 25-27
Human - relationships - (Bk 7) 318
Human - renovation - (Bk 7) 113
Human - seed biology - (Bk 2) 71
Human - self destruction - (Bk 6) 277, 328
Human - service - (Bk 7) 81
Human - set up revealed - (Bk 8) 158, 367
Human - shadow termination - (Bk 7) 276
Human - Soul - (Bk 6) 308
Human - Soul - (Bk 8) 44
Human - spiritual path - (Bk 7) 118
Human - split of consciousness - (Bk 8) 125
Human - support group - (Bk 6) 200
Human - support group - (Bk 7) 64
Human - testing - (Bk 7) 110, 151
Human - the future - (Bk 6) 356
Human - thought experiments - (Bk 6) 352-354
Human - vibrational shift - (Bk 6) 309
Human - worry - (Bk 7) 103, 198, 220, 243
Human aging - (Bk 9) 121
Human ancestors (you are your own!) - (Bk 9) 131
Human consciousness evolvement - (Bk 9) 223
Human conversation - the energy of - (Bk 9) 241
Human creation - (Bk 9) 220
Human genome - (Bk 9) 119
Human interdimensionality - (Bk 9) 58, 81, 106, 108
Human power - (Bk 10) 149
Human social affect - (Bk 10) 165
Human soul - (Bk 9) 82
Humanity postulates (spiritual) - (Bk 10) 252
Humans - manifesting darkness? - (Bk 9) 285, 287
Humor - (Bk 6) 141
Humor - (Bk 7) 209
Humor and Spirit - (Bk 10) 351
I AM - (Bk 2) 97
I AM - (Bk 3) 61
I AM discussion - (Bk 8) 49
I can't forgive! - (Bk 10) 61
Ice Ages - (Bk 2) 63, 67
Illuminati - (Bk 10) 167
Illusionary proof of God's nonexistence - (Bk 3) 257, 292
I'm tired! - (Bk 10) 305
Imbalance (& unbalanced) - (Bk 1) 23-27, 30, 42, 55, 107, 117-123, 141, 146
Implant - (Bk 10) 54
Implant/release - Astrology - discussion - (Bk 3) 264
Implant/release - chapter - (Bk 3) 103
Implant/release - general - (Bk 1) 8, 12, 15, 20, 41, 44, 47, 50-51, 53, 63, 76, 83, 118, 154, 157,160-165
Implant/release - general - (Bk 2) 29, 42-43, 56, 60, 67, 84-92, 119, 133-135, 155-151, 176, 232, 264, 266
Implant/release - general - (Bk 6) 312
Implant/release - general - (Bk 7) 427
Implant/release - letter trilogy - (Bk 3) 120
Implant/release - letters - (Bk 3) 109
Implant/release - peace - (Bk 3) 226
Implant/release - responsibility - (Bk 3) 225
Importance of Earth - (Bk 9) 103
Importance of Humanity - (Bk 3) 18
Importance of Humanity - (Bk 7) 131
Imprint - (Bk 1) 37-38, 41, 43-47, 49-51, 61, 76-77, 83, 118-119, 154-157
Imprinting water - (Bk 10) 91
In love with God - (Bk 6) 21,40
Indigenous advice at UN (Council of Elders) - (Bk 6) 237
Indigenous advice at UN (Council of Elders) - (Bk 8) 315
Indigenous wisdom - (Bk 8) 311
Indigo Children - (Bk 1) 99-100
Indigo Children - (Bk 6) 187, 255-268
Indigo Children - (Bk 7) 8, 89, 90, 115, 125, 156
Indigo Children - (Bk 8) 51, 153, 171, 265, 290
Indigo Children - (Bk 9) 84, 95, 124
Indigo Children - (Bk Ind) The entire book!
Indigo Children – (Bk IndCel) The entire book!
Indigo Human color - (Bk 10) 101, 147
Inductance - (Bk 8) 56, 355
Inner child - (Bk 3) 133, 227
Inner child - (Bk 6) 140
Inner child - (Bk 7) 204
Inside the atom - (Bk 10) 272
Insomnia - (Bk 10) 342
Instructions to deal with non believers - (Bk 3) 34, 80
Instructions to deal with non believers - (Bk 7) 18
Integrity changes - (Bk 10) 168
Integrity of "pushing" healing - (Bk 9) 313-315
Integrity of visualization - (Bk 9) 316
Intellectual balance - (Bk 3) 77
Intelligent DNA - (Bk 9) 136
Intent - (Bk 2) 87, 119, 133
Intent - (Bk 3) 129
Intent - (Bk 5) the entire book
Intent - (Bk 6) 20, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 68, 88, 100, 109,163, 169, 185, 189, 253, 272, 276, 290, 307, 377
Intent - (Bk 7) 59, 98, 177, 239, 322, 382, 413
Intent - (Bk 8) 80, 117
Intent - (Bk 10) 198
Interdimensional (mainstream science) - (Bk 8)
Interdimensional DNA - (Bk 9) 135
Interdimensional Human - (Bk 8) 260
Interdimensional Human - (Bk 9) 58, 81, 106, 108
Interdimensional Human (chapter) - (Bk 9) 99
Interdimensional life - (Bk 10) 89
Interdimensional life on Earth - (Bk 8) 276
Interdimensional life on Earth - (Bk 9) 57, 135
Interdimensional numerology - (Bk 10) 110
Interdimensional sight - (Bk 10)273
Interdimensionality - (Bk 6) 115
International Kryon books - (Bk 9) 2, 3
Interrogation of Earth (1987) - (Bk 2) 169, 192, 221, 232-233
Intolerance of noise - (Bk 9) 332
Intolerance of others - (Bk 9) 304, 332
Intuition - guide talk - (Bk 9) 62
Intuition - source of - (Bk 9) 48
Invasive surgery - (Bk 6) 165
Islam - (Bk 9) 138
Israel - (Bk 7) 401, 403
Israel - (Bk 8) 182
J. Z. Knight - (Bk 6) 343
JAMA - (Bk 7) 373
James D. Watt 9944 math discussion - (Bk 3) 365
James D. Watt final conclusions letter - (Bk 3) 370
James D. Watt introduction of - (Bk 3) 301
Jan Tober - articles by - (Bk 9) 185, 339
Jason and the Cave - Parable - (Bk 4) 49
Jerusalem - (Bk 10) 322
Jessica the Angry - Parable - (Bk 4) 55
Jesus - and Paul - (Bk 7) 421
Jesus - general - (Bk 1) 17, 25, 41, 43, 47-48, 51, 54, 56, 58-59, 64, 85, 126-148
Jesus Christ - (Bk 10) 365
Jet lag - (Bk 7) 201
Jews - article - (Bk 7) 397
Jews - exodus - (Bk 7) 404
Jews - karmically pure - (Bk 3) 200
Jews - special group - (Bk 7) 400
Job (the Biblical person) - (Bk 2) 201
John the Abundant - karma story - (Bk 3) 203
John the Healer - Parable - (Bk 3) 156
John the Healer - Parable - (Bk 4) 127
Joy (frustration of none) - (Bk 10) 261
Joy creation - (Bk 9) 266
Joy source - (Bk 9) 46
Joy test - (Bk 9) 157-158
Judgement - (Bk 9) 151
Judgment by God - (Bk 10) 59
Karma - (Bk 2) 42, 48-51, 54-57, 66, 102, 116, 134, 150, 197
Karma - (Bk 6) 186, 299, 301
Karma - (Bk 7) 195, 200, 425
Karma - explanation - (Bk 3) 196
Karma - general - (Bk 1) 18, 28, 30, 37-38, 42-46, 49, 51, 58, 77, 118-121, 134
Karma chapter - (Bk 3) 191
Karma questions - (Bk 10) 331, 337
Karmic family - (Bk 6) 186
Karmic groups - (Bk 3) 200
Karmic residue - (Bk 3) 113, 120, 207
Klamath Lake - (Bk 6) 262
Knowledge - new healing - (Bk 3) 146
Kryon - a false prophet? - (Bk 10) 233
Kryon - at the UN - (Bk 6) 213-241
Kryon - at the UN - (Bk 7) 68, 289
Kryon - at the United Nations - (Bk 10) 398
Kryon - at-home meetings - (Bk 10) 397
Kryon - colors - (Bk 3) 16
Kryon - computer question - (Bk 2) 222
Kryon - computer validation - (Bk 3) 247
Kryon - computer validation - (Bk 8) 156
Kryon - definition - (Bk 7) 307, 398
Kryon - emotional - (Bk 10) 82
Kryon - fakes - (Bk 10) 16
Kryon - feminine? - (Bk 10) 77
Kryon - grid-group - (Bk 10) 69, 87, 148
Kryon - history - (Bk 2) 61, 168
Kryon - in France - (Bk 7) 447
Kryon - international - (Bk 3) 2, 338, 339
Kryon - light - (Bk 3) 187
Kryon - light Group - (Bk 2) 84, 94
Kryon - live Channelings - (Bk 2) 94-204
Kryon - message to the President - (Bk 2) 230
Kryon - Myrva information validated - (Bk 3) 246
Kryon - non disclosure to Humans - (Bk 3) 252
Kryon - nuclear waste progress - (Bk 3) 249
Kryon - other channels - (Bk 6) 10
Kryon - reply to the math contributors - (Bk 3) 369
Kryon - rules for the channel - (Bk 3) 185
Kryon - scientific validations - (Bk 6) 361
Kryon - support group - (Bk 2) 70, 170
Kryon - the attack on - (Bk 6) 392-393
Kryon - the nurturing angel - (Bk 6) 38, 339
Kryon - validations - (Bk 3) 241
Kryon - validations - Kryon - (Bk 6) 361
Kryon - validations - Kryon - (Bk 7) 337
Kryon - validations - Kryon - (Bk 8) 348
Kryon - warning about scalar work - (Bk 3) 287
Kryon 9-11 message - (Bk 9) 188
Kryon channels - others - (Bk 9) 338
Kryon group - arrival - (Bk 1) 26, 36, 41, 86
Kryon group - arrival - (Bk 2) 191
Kryon group - departure - (Bk 1) 36, 86
Kryon in Israel (Chapter) - (Bk 9) 75
Kryon leaves - (Bk 10) 151
Kryon leaving? - (Bk 9) 198, 229, 318
Kryon's new work - (Bk 9) 198, 229, 323
Land (spiritual clearing) - (Bk 7) 264
Language - ancient - (Bk 3) 80
Large nano arrays - (Bk 10) 158
Last measurement - (Bk 8) 135
Last minute solutions - (Bk 6) 131
Layer 1 DNA name - (Bk 10) 229, 385
Layer 2 DNA discussion - (Bk 10) 228-9, 386
Layer 3 DNA name - (Bk 10) 228, 387
Layer 4 & 5 DNA names - (Bk 10) 228-9, 296, 388-9
Learning the same lessons? - (Bk 10) 310
Lee Carroll personal karmic residue - (Bk 3) 212
Lee Carroll rules from Kryon - (Bk 3) 185
Lemuria - (Bk 2) 60-64
Lemurians - (Bk 7) 141, 171, 278, 282
Lemurians and Shasta - (Bk 10) 214
Lesson - (Bk 2) 61
Letters - implant/release - (Bk 3) 109
Life - difficult? - (Bk 10) 234
Life colors - (Bk 6) 256
Life force resonance - (Bk 10) 106
Life in the solar system - (Bk 10) 90
Life in the universe (other) - (Bk 7) 90
Life in water (interdimensional) - (Bk 10) 89
Life Lesson - (Bk 2) 41
Lifting the veil - (Bk 10) 98
Light - definition - (Bk 10) 232
Light - holding the - (Bk 7) 76
Light - Kryon comments & discussion - (Bk 3) 187, 283
Light - sending - (Bk 10) 56
Light warriors - (Bk 6) 314
Light, time, speed - (Bk 10) 275, 340, 379
Lightworkers and money - (Bk 7) 40
Lightworking (integrity of) - (Bk 8) 188
Liljegren, Gary - Kryon web master - (Bk 7) 438
Limiting God - (Bk 7) 228
Limiting Spirit - (Bk 6) 107
Linear time - (Bk 1) 12, 79, 81-82
Linear time - (Bk 2) 224
Linear time - (Bk 8) 53
Live essence medicines - (Bk 3) 150
Live essence medicines - (Bk 6) 162, 319
Live essences medicines (redefined - (Bk 8) 249, 276
Living day-to-day - (Bk 6) 22, 25
Logic puzzle - The deceitful Holy man - (Bk 3) 176
Loneliness - (Bk 6) 326
Love - connection - (Bk 1) 27
Love - fear connection - (Bk 6) 78
Love - general - (Bk 2) 12
Love - general - (Bk 6) 29, 48-49, 53, 76-91, 111, 135, 190, 199, 275
Love - general - (Bk 7) 48, 202, 170
Love - physics - (Bk 6) 49, 111
Love - power of - (Bk 6) 135, 275
Love - power of the Universe - (Bk 3) 86
Love - source - (Bk 6) 190
Love - the four attributes - (Bk 6) 29, 53, 199
Love - the seven connections - (Bk 6) 76-91
Lucifer - (Bk 2) 174
Lucifer - (Bk 10) 338
Magic - (Bk 2) 120-121
Magnetic - chair pads - (Bk 6) 164, 202, 321
Magnetic - code 11:11 - (Bk 3) 168
Magnetic - DNA - (Bk 6) 153-159, 202-203, 377, 380
Magnetic - DNA - (Bk 8) 56, 349
Magnetic - healing - (Bk 6) 163, 322
Magnetic - healing - general - (Bk 3) 149
Magnetic - healing - help - (Bk 3) 342
Magnetic - mattresses - (Bk 6) 164, 202, 321
Magnetic - notes - (Bk 2) 273, 284
Magnetic - shielding - help - (Bk 3) 342
Magnetic - shift - (Bk 7) 115
Magnetic fields - (Bk 1) 13, 19-21, 37-38, 83, 122
Magnetic fields - risk of - (Bk 8) 352
Magnetic fields in space - (Bk 8) 364
Magnetic grid - Draw - (Bk 2) 131
Magnetic grid - general - (Bk 1) 22-23, 37, 39, 41, 82, 84-85, 94, 96, 102, 107
Magnetic grid - general - (Bk 3) 21
Magnetic grid - general - (Bk 6) 382
Magnetic grid - placement - (Bk 2) 61-64
Magnetic grid - shift in history - article - (Bk 3) 238- 239
Magnetic grid entourage - (Bk 9) 224
Magnetic grid shift - (Bk 9) 208-209
Magnetic products (are they okay?) - (Bk 9) 320
Magnetics (being interdimensional) - (Bk 9) 59
Manifestation - (Bk 2) 114-126
Manifestation - (Bk 10) 103
Manifested matter - (Bk 10) 33
Marc Vallée - (Bk 8) 316
Marc Vallée - (Bk 9) 346
Marla the Mouse - Parable - (Bk 4) 71
Martha and the Treasure - Parable - (Bk 6) 50
Mary Magdalene - (Bk 10) 368
Mary the Barren - karma story - (Bk 3) 202
Mass (physics) - (Bk 2) 214-221
Mass death (Human) - (Bk 7) 145
Massage therapists - (Bk 3) 146
Massless matter - question and discussion - (Bk 3) 269
Massless objects - (Bk 2) 216-221
Massless objects - (Bk 10) 380
Master guide - (Bk 1) 53, 55, 60
Masters of old - (Bk 10) 193
Material things (craving - (Bk 10) 335
Math - 9944 discussions - (Bk 3) 346, 365
Math - base-12 discussion - (Bk 3) 317
Math - base-12 hints (non-math) - (Bk 3) 293
Math - final letter from James D. Watt - (Bk 3) 370
Math - Lee's comments - (Bk 3) 301
Math - pi discussion - (Bk 3) 309, 350
Math - pi is wrong! - Kryon comment - (Bk 3) 295
Mathematica - James D. Watt discussion - (Bk 3) 305
Mathematics - crop circles - (Bk 6) 365-366
Matter - explanation - (Bk 6) 118
Matter (simultaneous existence) - (Bk 10) 157
Mechanics of healing - (Bk 3) 152
Medicine - live essence - (Bk 6) 162, 319
Meditation - changes - (Bk 3) 28
Meditation - changing? - (Bk 10) 196
Meditation - general - (Bk 1) 29, 54, 122, 135-136,139
Meditation - general - (Bk 6) 41, 322
Meditation - instructions - (Bk 3) 75
Meek Humans (beatitude) - (Bk 3) 94
Meek person - (Bk 2) 13
Mel Gibson movie - (Bk 10) 367
Melchizedek, Drunvalo - (Bk 8) 295
Melding gender energies - (Bk 10) 241
Melding of the healing sciences - (Bk 3) 144
Melding portals - (Bk 10) 211
Men - fears - (Bk 9) 283
Menopause - (Bk 10) 349
Merciful Humans (beatitude) - (Bk 3) 95
Merkabah - (Bk 3) 222
Merkabah - (Bk 6) 201
Merkabah - (Bk 7) 213, 238, 244
Merkabah - (Bk 8) 265
Merkabah connection - (Bk 9) 334
Metaphor of the circle of energy - (Bk 8) 70
Metaphor of the sleeping human - (Bk 8) 61
Metaphor of the train - (Bk 8) 30, 70
Metaphor- treadmill - reality discussion - (Bk 9) 256
Metaphors - why? - (Bk 10) 159
Metaphysical - general - (Bk 1) 4-5, 7, 35, 37, 71, 73,126, 130, 132-136, 140, 145
Metaphysical - tabloids - (Bk 6) 275
Metatron - (Bk 6) 85, 86
Metatron - (Bk 10) 153
Michael Thomas of pure intent - (Bk 5) the entire book
Microwave ovens - (Bk 10) 346
Migrational patterns - (Bk 7) 285
Mike and His Search - Parable - (Bk 6) 103
Millennium changes - (Bk 8) 112
Miracles - (Bk 7) 57, 174, 236
Miracles - (Bk 9) 43
Missing link - (Bk 2) 62
Missing link - (Bk 6) 151-152, 201
Missing matter - (Bk 10) 274
Mobius strip - metaphor - (Bk 9) 261
Money - (Bk 9) 158, 245, 161
Money - general - (Bk 3) 36, 204
Money - general - (Bk 8) 275
Money - worry over - (Bk 6) 23,-24, 136
Monotheistic Human bias - (Bk 6) 84
Moses - (Bk 2) 117
Moses - (Bk 9) 138
Mourning Humans (beatitude) - (Bk 3) 93
Moving from 2 to the 3 - (Bk 9) 85-87, 131, 234, 239
Mt. Shasta experience - (Bk 10) 204
Mt. Shasta guardians - (Bk 10) 209
Mt. Shasta Lemurians - (Bk 10) 214
Mt. Shasta prophesy - (Bk 10) 213
Mt. Shasta realignment - (Bk 10) 210
Mt. Shasta residents - (Bk 10) 208
Muhammad - (Bk 9) 138, 176
Multiple realities? - (Bk 9) 258
Music - (Bk 6) 323
Myrva - revisited - (Bk 3) 244
Myrva - the death rock - (Bk 2) 191
Myrva - validation article - (Bk 3) 246
Names of DNA - (Bk 10) 228-9, 296, 383-9
Nano magnetics - (Bk 10) 157
Near death experience - (Bk 10) 62
Need rules? - (Bk 10) 83
Negative karma - (Bk 10) 337
Negativity - (Bk 6) 282, 324
NESARA - (Bk 10) 329
Neutral Implant/release - (Bk 1)
Neutral Implant/release - (Bk 2) 29, 42-43, 56, 60, 67, 84-92, 119, 133-135, 155-151, 176, 232, 264, 266
Neutral Implant/release - (Bk 3) 103
Neutral Implant/release - (Bk 7) 427
Neutral Implant/release - (Bk 10) 54
New Age - general - (Bk 1) 5, 58, 70, 99, 101, 145,147
New Age business - (Bk 7) 318
New Age business - (Bk 8) 273
New Age chasms - (Bk 7) 309
New Age colors - (Bk 3) 18
New Age communication - (Bk 3) 36
New Age facilitators, teachers - (Bk 3) 116, 136
New Age healing - (Bk 3) 139
New Age Human - becoming - (Bk 3) 69
New Age medicine - (Bk 2) 149
New Age medicine - (Bk 3) 150
New Age reality - (Bk 2) 225
New Age relationships - (Bk 7) 318
New Age tools - (Bk 3) 147
New Age Vatican report - (Bk 10) 24
New Beginning (Chapter) - (Bk 9) 75
New consciousness birth - (Bk 9) 139-142
New energy - (Bk 2) 132
New energy - (Bk 8) whole thing!
New energy channellers - (Bk 2) 29
New energy planning - (Bk 3) 228
New health device - (Bk 10) 90
New Jerusalem - (Bk 9) 56, 97, 132, 172, 249, 295
New Jerusalem (mention of) - (Bk 3) 101
New Jerusalem (mention of) - (Bk 7) 32, 80, 155, 301, 406
New Jerusalem (mention of) - (Bk 8) 75, 146, 168
New knowledge - (Bk 3) 229
New live essence medicine - (Bk 3) 150
New magnetic code - 11:11 - (Bk 3) 56
New revelation - (Bk 10) 98
New seed biology - (Bk 2) 232
New Times article - (Bk 3) 45
New universe - (Bk 7) 150
New work of Kryon - (Bk 9) 198, 229, 323
Next level - going to - (Bk 9) 306
Nine - the number nine - (Bk 1) 24-26, 74-75
Nine fears (chapter) - (Bk 9) 273
No accidents! - humor - (Bk 3) 326
Non believers - (Bk 3) 34, 80
Non-system workers - (Bk 1) 40, 60
Normal - discussion - (Bk 9) 236, 277, 294
Nostradamus - (Bk 2) 38, 193
Nostradamus - (Bk 6) 273, 355
Now time - (Bk 6) 98, 118, 300
Now time - (Bk 7) 223
Now time - (Bk 8) 18, 206
Now time - awareness - (Bk 8) 206
Now time - explanation - (Bk 9) 256-271
Now time discussion - (Bk 10) 373
Now time frame - (Bk 3) 15
Nuclear waste - bacteria validation - (Bk 7) 334
Nuclear waste - discussion & danger - (Bk 3) 249, 250
Nuclear waste - plants cleaning - (Bk 6) 361
Nuclear waste - prediction - (Bk 2) 223
Number eleven - (Bk 1) 15, 36, 41, 43, 85-87
Number nine - (Bk 1) 24-26, 74-75
Number three - (Bk 1) 14-15, 24, 58, 60, 74-75, 81- 83, 110
Numerology (new) - (Bk 10) 110
Offending non-believers - (Bk 10) 341
Off-world entities - (Bk 2) 162
Old Earth - (Bk 2) 60
Old energy - (Bk 2) 129
Old masters - (Bk 10) 193
Old prophecies - (Bk 10) 80
Old spiritual instructions - (Bk 9) 84
One hundred forty four thousand - (Bk 3) 169, 220- 221, 296, 60
Only planet of free choice - (Bk 7) 153
Only planet of free choice - (Bk 8) 38
Only planet/free choice - (Bk 10) 65
Organ transplants - (Bk 10) 323
Other channels - (Bk 2) 28
Other Kryon channels - (Bk 6) 10
Other Kryon channels - (Bk 9) -338
Others bothering you - (Bk 9) 304, 332
Ouiji boards - (Bk 6) 330
Ovokaitys, Todd M. D. - (Bk 6) 378-380
Parable - "The Granite Block" - (Bk 10) 284
Parable - "The Magic Glasses" - (Bk 10) 127
Parable - "Wo and the Great Ship" - (Bk 9) 67
Parable - "Wo and the New City" - (Bk 9) 246
Parable - "Aaron and the Globe of Essence" - (Bk 3) 296
Parable - "Aaron and the Globe of Essence" - (Bk 4) 145
Parable - "Abraham" (on the Mountain) - (Bk 8) 83
Parable - "Angela and Her Guide Friends" - (Bk 4) 97
Parable - "Angenon and Ver+hoo" - (Bk 2) 178, 265
Parable - "Angenon and Ver+hoo" - (Bk 4) 77
Parable - "David the Indian" - (Bk 3) 62
Parable - "David the Indian" - (Bk 4) 105
Parable - "Death of a Great Warrior" - (Bk 3) 172
Parable - "Five Karmic Lessons" - (Bk 4) 133
Parable - "Herman" (Christmas) - (Bk 8) 172
Parable - "Jason and the Cave" - (Bk 4) 49
Parable - "Jessica the Angry" - (Bk 4) 55
Parable - "John the Healer" - (Bk 3) 156
Parable - "John the Healer" - (Bk 4) 127
Parable - "Marla the Mouse" - (Bk 4) 71
Parable - "Martha and the Treasure" - (Bk 6) 50
Parable - "Mike and His Search" - (Bk 6) 103
Parable - "Mobie" - (Bk 7) 204
Parable - "Packing for the New Millennium" - (Bk 8) 93
Parable - "Past Lives, Present Fears" - (Bk 4) 111
Parable - "Sarah - Old Shoe" revisited - (Bk 7) 218
Parable - "Sarah and the Old Shoe" - (Bk 4) 39
Parable - "Story of the 2 Farmers" - (Bk 2) 110, 260
Parable - "Story of the Two Farmers" - (Bk 4) 89
Parable - "The Big Fuzzy Caterpillar" - (Bk 4) 17
Parable - "The Father and the Son" - (Bk 3) 82
Parable - "The Father and the Son" - (Bk 4) 33
Parable - "The Infant's Questions" - (Bk 4) 63
Parable - "The Missing Bridge" - (Bk 4) 27
Parable - "The Tar Pit" - (Bk 2) 123, 263
Parable - "The Tar Pit" - (Bk 4) 1
Parable - "The Tar Pit" revisited - (Bk 6) 224
Parable - "The Two Groups of Warriors" - (Bk 4) 43
Parable - "Thomas the Healer" - (Bk 6) 30
Parable - "Timothy and His Co-Creation" - (Bk 6) 283
Parable - "Wo - Rooms of Lesson" - (Bk 2) 76, 254
Parable - "Wo and the Big Wind" - (Bk 3) 230
Parable - "Wo and the Big Wind" - (Bk 4) 151
Parable - "Wo and the Rooms of Lesson" - (Bk 4) 7
Partnering with God - (Bk 6) 60-74
Passed loved ones - (Bk 10) 66
Passing of the torch - 12:12 - (Bk 3) 59, 79, 168
Passing The Marker - (Bk 8) 132
Past - changing the - (Bk 9) 268
Past life - a current energy - (Bk 9) 263
Past life mechanics - (Bk 3) 199
Past lives - (Bk 2) 40, 53
Past lives are present? - (Bk 10) 109
Past lives, Present Fears - Parable - (Bk 4) 111
Path - fear of not finding it - (Bk 9) 291
Path - what is mine? - (Bk 10) 259
Path (how to know it?) - (Bk 3) 155
Patience - (Bk 3) 80
Patient cooperation (healing mechanics) - (Bk 3) 153
Peace - general - (Bk 3) 97, 226
Peace - general - (Bk 6) 66, 130
Peace - general - (Bk 7) 203
Peace - makers (beatitude) - (Bk 3) 97
Peace - of the healer - (Bk 3) 154
Peace - personal - (Bk 3) 97
Peace (inner) - (Bk 9) 43
Peace on Earth - (Bk 10) 262
Peaceful - Human - (Bk 3) 79
Personal Human change (others) - (Bk 3) 27
Personal path (how to know it?) - (Bk 3) 155
Peter (Biblical character) - (Bk 10) 84
Phantom of fear - (Bk 2) 102-105
Philadelphia experiment - (Bk 3) 273
Philippe the Fisherman - karma story - (Bk 3) 205
Photon Belt - (Bk 3) 251
Physical matter - (Bk 7) 174
Physics - and love - (Bk 6) 49
Physics - changed by thought 110, 272, 352-354, 358
Physics - speed of matter - (Bk 6) 118
Physics - speed of light - (Bk 6) 369
Physics - speed of light - (Bk 8) 376
Physics - speed of light - (Bk 8) 378
Physics - speed of light - (Bk 10) 275, 340, 379
Pi - discussion - (Bk 3) 309
Pi - math discussions - (Bk 3) 350
Pi is wrong! - Kryon comment - (Bk 3) 295
Pine Gap - (Bk 6) 183, 252
Placeholder entities - (Bk 3) 168, 220
Planet Earth - (Bk 6) 87, 178-179, 190, 221, 356, 371- 373
Planet of free choice - (Bk 6) 298
Planet X - (Bk 9) 321
Planet X - (Bk 10) 18
Planetary alignment May 2000 - (Bk 8) 184, 249
Planetary responsibility - (Bk 3) 74
Planetary time line - (Bk 10) 189
Pleiadians - (Bk 2) 172
Points to ponder - (Bk 10) 83
Polarity (of body) - (Bk 2) 145-148
Polarity switch - Human - (Bk 3) 148
Politics - (Bk 8) 75, 140, 168
Politics - unity in? - (Bk 9) 176
Pondering God - (Bk 10) 175
Poor in spirit (beatitude) - (Bk 3) 92
Pope John Paul II - (Bk 8) 41, 78, 110, 238
Portals - (Bk 2) 194
Postulates of humanity - (Bk 10) 252
Power - claim it! - (Bk 10) 86
Power lines - (Bk 2) 278
Power lines - (Bk 8) 356
Power of awareness - (Bk 7) 91
Power of love - (Bk 6) 135, 275
Power of love - (Bk 7) 170
Power of spiritual light - (Bk 9) 288
Power of the Human spirit - (Bk 6) 24, 38, 352-354
Power over anxiety - (Bk 7) 178
Power over biology - (Bk 7) 176
Power over matter - (Bk 7) 174
Power transmission through the ground - (Bk 3) 286
Power verbalization - (Bk 6) 212
Powerless? - (Bk 10) 82
Practical living - (Bk 6) 97
Prayer - (Bk 1) 29, 31, 54, 66, 132, 135-136, 139
Prayer - to whom? - (Bk 10) 376
Predestination - (Bk 2) 21, 91, 137, 180, 197, 224- 225
Predestination - (Bk 3) 74
Predestination - (Bk 6) 298
Predestination - (Bk 7) 51
Predestination - (Bk 10) 255
Predictions - (Bk 7) 113, 133
Predictions - (Bk 10) 88
Predisposition (health - (Bk 10) 178
Predisposition (life) - (Bk 10) 255
President Bush - (Bk 10) 170, 181
Prime number proof of base-12 math! - (Bk 3) 323
Prison letter - (Bk 3) 331
Prodigal Son discussion - (Bk 3) 92
Projecting light - (Bk 10) 56
Protection - (Bk 7) 82, 110, 183
Pulling us backward - (Bk 8) 226
Pure in heart Humans (beatitude) - (Bk 3) 96
Pure love - (Bk 6) 29, 53, 199
Purebred karmic group - the Jews - (Bk 3) 200
Purification of food - (Bk 7) 99
Questions - abandoning a prior master? - (Bk 3) 179
Questions - science - (Bk 3) 262
Questions about death - (Bk 10) 361
Questions and answers - (Bk 1) 82-86, 90-113, 160
Questions and answers - (Bk 2) 85-92
Questions and answers - (Bk 3) 40
Questions and answers - (Bk 6) 292
Questions and answers - (Bk 7) 411
Questions and answers - (Bk 9) 297, 319
Questions and answers - (Bk 10) 313
Radioactive waste - bacteria validation - (Bk 7) 334
Radioactive waste - discussion & danger - (Bk 3) 249, 250
Radioactive waste - plants cleaning - (Bk 6) 361
Radioactive waste - prediction - (Bk 2) 223
Rainbow Filter (chapter) - (Bk 9) 339
Ramtha - (Bk 2) 32-35
Ramtha - (Bk 6) 343
Randy Masters 9944 math discussion - (Bk 3) 343
Randy Masters introduction of - (Bk 3) 344
Reaction to New Age - (Bk 3) 25-27, 34-37
Realignment - (Bk 1) 22, 24, 26, 28, 84, 96
Reality - (Bk 8) 48, 66, 69
Reality - shifting of - (Bk 8) 269
Reality (changing of) - (Bk 7) 241
Reality discussion - (Bk 8) 22
Reciprocation of Spirit - (Bk 6) 73
Red Sea crossing - (Bk 2) 117-118
Reiki vs. EMF - (Bk 10) 341
Reincarnation - (Bk 10) 173
Rejuvenation - (Bk 3) 57, 222, 268-269
Rejuvenation - (Bk 6) 155, 379
Rejuvenation - (Bk 7) 368
Relationships - (Bk 3) 77
Relationships - (Bk 6) 331
Relationships - (Bk 7) 318
Relationships - (Bk 8) 211
Release (implant) – SEE IMPLANT/RELEASE
Release of blame - (Bk 3) 132
Religious commitment (Longer Life) - (Bk 8) 373
Religious differences - (Bk 7) 27
Religious division - (Bk 9) 138, 174
Religious tolerance - (Bk 8) 165, 216, 227
Removal of vows - (Bk 8) 212
Renovation - cellular - (Bk 7) 113
Reptilians - (Bk 10) 369
Residual karma - (Bk 3) 129
Resonance (life force) - (Bk 10) 106
Responsibility - (Bk 2) 23, 136, 144
Responsibility - (Bk 3) 23, 74, 225
Responsibility - (Bk 6) 80, 298
Responsibility - (Bk 7) 21
Responsibility - (Bk 8) 211
Responsibility - (Bk 9) 39, 91
Retrograde - (Bk 1) 61, 82, 110
Return (the chapter) - (Bk 9) 127
Return of ascended masters - (Bk 9) 94, 203, 240
Revelation - (Bk 1) 24, 135, 148
Right place at the right time - (Bk 3) 230 - 234
Robert Coxon - (Bk 8) 396
Roger LaChance - (Bk 10) 4, 19
Ronna Herman - (Bk 10) 345
Room of Lesson - Parable - (Bk 2) 76, 254
Roots of channelling - (Bk 10) 119
Rules of co-creation - (Bk 6) 280-283
Runes - (Bk 2) 18
S.E.A.T. - At the UN - (Bk 6) 216, 231
Sagittarians (the entities) - (Bk 2) 170
Sarah and the Old Shoe - Parable - (Bk 4) 39
Sarah and the Old Shoe - Parable revisited - (Bk 7) 218
Satan - the devil - (Bk 1) 138, 141
Saving the world - (Bk 10) 327
Scalar work - Kryon warning - (Bk 3) 287
Scaler waves - (Bk 6) 181
Scallion, Gordon-Michael - (Bk 8) 42
Scallion's predictions - (Bk 3) 288
Science - (Bk 1) 13-14, 20-21, 37, 51, 116, 118
Science - (Bk 2) 206
Science - (Bk 3) 260
Science - (Bk 6) 83-84, 342
Science - (Bk 7) 333
Science - (Bk 8) 348
Science discussions - (Bk 9) 133, 276
Science channelling - (Bk 10) 153, 268
Science Finds God - Newsweek Magazine - (Bk 7) 340
Science validations - Kryon - (Bk 3) 247
Science validations - Kryon - (Bk 6) 361
Science validations - Kryon - (Bk 7) 337
Science validations - Kryon - (Bk 8) 348
Scientific method - (Bk 2) 209
Scripture - (Bk 1) 10, 24, 31, 128, 130-131, 138, 142-145
Search for indigenous wisdom - (Bk 8) 311
Search for magnetic DNA - (Bk 8) 349
Secret government - (Bk 6) 45
Secret government - (Bk 7) 429
Secrets - no more - (Bk 6) 45
Security - (Bk 6) 136
Sedona Arizona attributes - (Bk 3) 279
Sedona landings? - (Bk 3) 281
Seed biology - (Bk 2) 71, 172
Seed biology - (Bk 6) 152, 154, 201
Seed fear - (Bk 2) 66, 106-109
Seed fear - (Bk 3) 73
Seed fear - (Bk 7) 171
Seed fear - (Bk 9) 157, 278
Seeing lights - Human change - (Bk 3) 33
Selective love? - (Bk 7) 31
Self - fear of - (Bk 9) 285
Self-discovery - (Bk 2) 74-81
Self-realization - (Bk 1) 107
Self-worth - (Bk 6) 43, 65, 328
Self-worth - (Bk 7) 127, 430
Self-Worth - creating - (Bk 10) 236
Self-Worth - the chapter - (Bk 10) 225
Self-Worth discussion - (Bk 10) 230
Sending light - (Bk 10) 56
Sensationalism - (Bk 6) 11, 109, 137, 275
Separation - (Bk 7) 185, 305, 317
Separatism in Canada - (Bk 9) 177
September 11 tragedy - (Bk 9) 10-15, 170, 182-189
Seven love connections - (Bk 6) 76-91
Seven Sisters - (Bk 2) 71, 172
Sex - (Bk 2) 18
Sexual energy - (Bk 10) 347
Shadow termination - (Bk 7) 276
Shape of the Universe - (Bk 2) 165
Shape of the Universe - (Bk 10) 277
Shasta guardians - (Bk 10) 209
Shasta Lemurians - (Bk 10) 214
Shasta prophesy - (Bk 10) 213
Shasta realignment - (Bk 10) 210
Shielding - magnetic - help - (Bk 3) 342
Shifting reality - (Bk 8) 269
Shumann Resonance - (Bk 6) 373
Silicon implants - (Bk 10) 363
Singing in the choir - (Bk 10) 118
Single (unmarried) healers - (Bk 3) 155
Singular love source - (Bk 1) 32, 46, 48, 56, 62, 77, 83
Sitting in the chair - (Bk 6) 15
Six attributes of Human power - (Bk 6) 41
Six-six-six - 666 - anti Christ - (Bk 1) 23-27, 147
Six-six-six - 666 - math discussion - (Bk 3) 316
Size matters (physics) - (Bk 10) 156
Skeptic logic - (Bk 3) 254
Sleep loss - (Bk 7) 430
Sleeping changes - Human - (Bk 3) 30
Smoking habit - (Bk 9) 335
Solar flares - (Bk 10) 270, 314
Solar group - (Bk 2) 172
Solar system changes - (Bk 9) 255
Solara - mention of - (Bk 2) 34, 36, 172
Solara - mention of - (Bk 3) 58
Soul - (Bk 9) 82
Soul information - (Bk 10) 317
Soul mate - (Bk 9) 281-282
Soul mates - (Bk 6) 333
Soul names - (Bk 7) 431
Soul vs. Higher-Self - (Bk 10) 371
Speed of light - (Bk 6) 369
Speed of light - (Bk 8) 376
Speed of light - (Bk 8) 378
Speed of light - (Bk 10) 275, 340, 379
Spinning - (Bk 2) 147
Spirit - God - Source - (Bk 10) 171
Spirit and humor - (Bk 10) 351
Spiritual belief systems - (Bk 8) 224
Spiritual competition - (Bk 7) 42
Spiritual contracts - (Bk 7) 416
Spiritual delivery system - (Bk 6) 310
Spiritual energy - (Bk 7) 121, 236, 239, 432
Spiritual evolution - (Bk 7) 156
Spiritual growth - general - (Bk 9) 149
Spiritual growth - must it always be difficult? - (Bk 9) 156
Spiritual growth (chapter) - (Bk 9) 145
Spiritual instructions (old ones still viable?) - (Bk 9) 84
Spiritual names - (Bk 7) 431
Spiritual names - (Bk 8) 114
Spiritual non disclosure to Humans - (Bk 3) 252
Spiritual path - (Bk 7) 118
Spiritual path - (Bk 8) 81, 119, 121, 122
Spiritual postulates - (Bk 10) 252
Spiritual problem solving - (Bk 7) 215
Spiritual protection - (Bk 10) 308
Spiritual purpose - (Bk 7) 123
Spiritual rage - (Bk 8) 224
Spiritual resonance - (Bk 10) 125
Spiritual vows (removal of) - (Bk 8) 212
Star seed - (Bk 7) 60
Starting over if you return? - (Bk 9) 153
Stem cells - (Bk 9) 44
Steps of ascension - (Bk 10) 57, 177
Steps of ascension (how many?) - (Bk 9) 315
Steps of self-worth - (Bk 10) 236
Story of the Two Farmers - Parable - (Bk 2) 110, 260
Story of the Two Farmers - Parable - (Bk 4) 89
Stray magnetics - (Bk 2) 276
Stress of the Earth - (Bk 1) 97
Structure of the Universe - (Bk 2) 165
Stuck? - (Bk 9) 48, 116, 160, 290, 303, 305, 329
Submissive dark side? - (Bk 10) 150
Substance abuse - (Bk 10) 60
Substance intent - (Bk 7) 96
Substance intent - (Bk 10) 319
Suffering for God - (Bk 10) 252
Sun within the sun - (Bk 2) 169
Support group for Humans - (Bk 6) 200
Surrender - (Bk 6) 63
Sweet spot - (Bk 6) 103, 296
Synchronicity - (Bk 6) 47, 99, 249
Synchronicity - (Bk 7) 42, 228
Synchronicity - (Bk 8) 58, 209
Synchronicity of the 11's - (Bk 9) 12
Systems workers - (Bk 1) 37, 60
Taking responsibility - (Bk 7) 21
Talking to the dead - (Bk 10) 66
Talking to your body - (Bk 9) 309
Tar Pit - Parable - (Bk 2) 123, 263
Tar Pit - Parable - (Bk 4) 1
Tar Pit - Parable, revisited - (Bk 6) 224
Tarot - (Bk 2) 18
Teacher - (Bk 1) 25, 30, 37, 53, 56-57, 60, 67, 116,130
Templar - (Bk 2) 173
Temple Mount - (Bk 9) 86
Temple of Rejuvenation - (Bk 2) 107, 153, 158-160, 243, 275
Temple of Rejuvenation - revisited - (Bk 3) 266-269
Termination of Humanity - (Bk 1) 21-22, 27, 90-91, 97, 101
Tesla - (Bk 6) 181
Tesla - (Bk 9) 134
The afterlife - (Bk 7) 23
The Akashic record rewrite - (Bk 10) 251
The Amazing Randy - (Bk 3) 256
The angel inside - (Bk 10) 240
The atom (inside) - (Bk 10) 272
The attributes of Human power - (Bk 6) 41
The battle begins - (Bk 10) 78
The big bang - (Bk 9) 216
The Big Bang - (Bk 10) 159
The Big Fuzzy Caterpillar - Parable - (Bk 4) 17
The big secret - (Bk 8) 231
The Block of Granite parable - (Bk 10) 284
The Bridge of Swords - (Bk 8) 180, 222
The Catalyst for Miracles (Chapter) - (Bk 9) 33
The Cave of Creation - (Bk 10) 250
The cellular choir - (Bk 9) 119-123
The chair of gold - (Bk 6) 21
The Circle of Energy (chapter) - (Bk 9) 191
The Circle of Energy (defined) - (Bk 9) 195
The circle of energy, a metaphor - (Bk 8) 70
The Closet Lightworker - (Bk 9) 154
The Cosmic Lattice - (Bk 8) 152, 362
The Cosmic Lattice - (Bk 9) 60
The Cosmic Lattice - attributes - (Bk 7) 357
The Cosmic Lattice - basic physics - (Bk 7) 360
The Cosmic Lattice - Human connection - (Bk 7) 94, 126, 365, 374
The Cosmic Lattice - null - (Bk 7) 351
The Cosmic Lattice - shape - (Bk 7) 346, 356
The Cosmic Lattice - size - (Bk 7) 345
The Cosmic Lattice - speed of - (Bk 7) 359
The Cosmic Lattice - time - (Bk 7) 348
The Cosmic Lattice (part I) - (Bk 7) 342
The Cosmic Lattice (part II) - (Bk 7) 354
The cosmological constant - (Bk 7) 362
The cosmological constant - (Bk 8) 363
The Crystalline Grid - (Bk 7) 268
The Crystalline Grid - (Bk 10) 206
The crystalline sheath - (Bk 7) 278, 366
The crystalline sheath - (Bk 8) 54
The dark side - (Bk 7) 101
The dark side - (Bk 9) 286
The death phantom - (Bk 8) 286
The Earth - (Bk 6) 87, 178-179, 190, 221, 356, 371-373
The EMF Balancing Technique¨ - (Bk 7) 94, 374
The end – year 2012? - (Bk 10) 190
The Father and the Son - Parable - (Bk 3) 82
The Father and the Son - Parable - (Bk 4) 33
The final measurement (2012) - (Bk 9) 229
The four attributes of love - (Bk 6) 29, 53, 199
The French connection - (Bk 7) 447
The Global Consciousness Project - (Bk 9) 190, 258
The golden angel - (Bk 6) 21, 138
The golden chair - (Bk 6) 66, 211
The golden chair - (Bk 7) 214
The golden tray - (Bk 7) 197, 211
The grand plan - (Bk 7) 149
The Great Central Sun - (Bk 10) 172
The group (you) - (Bk 10) 122
The Harmonic Concordance - (Bk 10) 248, 269, 288
The Harmonic Convergence - (Bk 7) 142, 196, 244
The Harmonic Convergence - (Bk 10) 248
The Higher-Self - (Bk 9) 41, 62, 81, 201
The Holy Spirit (Trinity) - (Bk 7) 237
The Illuminati - (Bk 10) 167
The implant - (Bk 10) 54
The Indigo Children - (Bk 6) 255-268
The Indigo Children - (Bk 7) 8, 89, 90, 115, 125, 156
The Indigo Children - (Bk 8) 51, 153, 171
The Indigo Children - (Bk 9) 84, 95, 124
The Indigo Children - (Bk Ind) The entire book!
The Indigo Children – (Bk IndCel) The entire book!
The Infant's Questions - Parable - (Bk 4) 63
The Jews (article) - (Bk 7) 397
The Journey Home revisited - (Bk 8) 244
The Kryon attack - (Bk 6) 392-393
The last measurement - (Bk 8) 135
The little people - (Bk 6) 304
The Magic Glasses Parable - (Bk 10) 127
The magnetic grid - (Bk 9) 222
The magnetic grid entourage - (Bk 9) 224
The magnetic grid shift - (Bk 9) 208-209
The meaning of life - (Bk 7) 137
The Middle East - (Bk 6) 221
The Middle East - (Bk 9) 138, 228, 230, 249
The Missing Bridge - original channel - (Bk 2) 135
The Missing Bridge - Parable - (Bk 4) 27
The missing link - (Bk 6) 151-152, 201
The neutral implant/release - (Bk 7) 427
The New Age (definition) - (Bk 7) 18
The New Jerusalem - (Bk 7) 32, 80, 155, 301, 406
The New Jerusalem - (Bk 8) 75, 146, 168
The New Jerusalem - (Bk 9) 56, 97, 132, 172, 249, 295
The New Jerusalem - (Bk 10) 243
The new universe - (Bk 7) 150
The news - it's frustrating! - (Bk 10) 300
The now - (Bk 3) 15
The now - (Bk 6) 98, 118, 300
The now - (Bk 7) 223
The now - (Bk 8) 18, 206
The number zero - (Bk 10) 287
The only planet of free choice - (Bk 7) 153
The only planet of free choice - (Bk 8) 38
The other side, talking to - (Bk 10) 66
The Philadelphia experiment - (Bk 3) 273
The Photon Belt - (Bk 3) 251
The presidential election - (Bk 10) 170
The Prodigal Son (parable) - (Bk 7) 32, 62, 66
The quantum membrane - (Bk 10) 156
The Rainbow Filter (chapter) - (Bk 9) 339
The real truth about you - (Bk 10) 235
The Reconnection - (Bk 10) 318
The Return (chapter) - (Bk 9) 127
The Rooms of Lesson - Parable - (Bk 4) 7
The secret government - (Bk 6) 45
The seven love connections - (Bk 6) 76
The shape of the Universe - (Bk 10) 277
The Shumann Resonance - (Bk 6) 373
The speed of light discussion - (Bk 10) 275, 340, 379
The speed-up of time? - (Bk 9) 61
The story of Joe - UN - (Bk 6) 235
The story of Saul - (Bk 6) 144
The Tar Pit - Parable - (Bk 2) 123, 263
The Tar Pit - Parable - (Bk 4) 1
The Tar Pit - Parable, revisited - (Bk 6) 224
The Third Language - (Bk 8) 92, 204, 248
The Third Language - (Bk 9) 55, 61-62, 85, 163, 234, 302
The Third Language - (Bk 10) 372
The third temple - (Bk 9) 86, 174
The Twins - Kryon validation - (Bk 6) 370-371
The Two Groups of Warriors - Parable - (Bk 4) 43
The two rooms - (Bk 6) 112
The United Nations channelling 1995 - (Bk 6) 215
The United Nations channelling 1996 - (Bk 6) 229
The United Nations channelling 1998 - (Bk 7) 291
The Universal Calibration Lattice - (Bk 7) 374
The veil - discussion - (Bk 9) 235, 238
The veil defined - (Bk 10) 164
Third language - (Bk 8) 92, 204, 248
Third Language - (Bk 9) 55, 61-62, 85, 163, 234, 302
Third temple - (Bk 9) 86, 174
Thomas the Healer - Parable - (Bk 6) 30
Those who carry darkness - (Bk 10) 309
Those you lost - (Bk 9) 39, 82
Thought creation - (Bk 1) 109
Thought engrams - (Bk 10) 178
Thought group - energy package - (Bk 1) 8, 52, 83
Three degree grid shift discussed - (Bk 3) 262
Three-in-one - (Bk 9) 37
Thymus - (Bk 3) 222
Thymus (metaphor) - (Bk 9) 45, 83
Thymus awakening - (Bk 9) 332
Tilt (of earth) - (Bk 1) 22
Time - (Bk 1) 12, 79, 81-82
Time - (Bk 2) 224
Time - (Bk 3) 282
Time - (Bk 6) 86, 117, 183, 190, 206
Time - a discussion - (Bk 9) 254
Time - speeding up? - (Bk 9) 61
Time acceleration - (Bk 8) 121
Time and reality - (Bk 8) 48, 66, 69
Time and Reality (chapter) - (Bk 9) 251
Time compression - (Bk 8) 267
Time cycles - (Bk 2) 53-57
Time frame - (Bk 6) 86, 117
Time line for the planet - (Bk 10) 189
Time -line of the future - (Bk 9) 226
Timeline - (Bk 6) 183, 190, 206
Timothy and his Co-Creation - Parable - (Bk 6) 283
Tired all the time? - (Bk 9) 300
Tired of people! - (Bk 10) 303
Tired? - (Bk 10) 305
Tithing - (Bk 3) 179
Todd Ovokaitys M. D. - (Bk 6) 378-380
Tolerance - (Bk 1) 26, 28, 30, 43, 105, 111
Tolerance - (Bk 3) 80
Tolerance - (Bk 7) 35
Tolerance - religious - (Bk 8) 165, 216, 227
Tools of the New Age - (Bk 3) 147
Toroidal shape - (Bk 10) 277
Tragedy of 9-11 - (Bk 9) 10-15, 170, 182-189
Tragedy of the thirty-nine - (Bk 6) 108
Train metaphor - (Bk 8) 30
Transcendental Meditation (for high blood pressure) - (Bk 8) 372
Transmutation - (Bk 1) 13-14, 16, 23, 30-31, 40-41, 43, 53, 58-59, 66, 77, 81, 105, 121, 142
Treadmill metaphor - reality discussion - (Bk 9) 256
Tribal awareness - (Bk 3) 61, 80
Trilogy - (Bk 9) 37
Trinity - (Bk 9) 37
Truth about yourself - (Bk 10) 235
Truth seekers (beatitude) - (Bk 3) 95
Tuned energy - (Bk 7) 100
Twelve - Twelve - (Bk 9) 226
Twelves - 9 hints of the base-12 system - (Bk 3) 293
Twelve-twelve - 12:12 - (Bk 3) 169, 220
Twelve-twelve - 12:12 - (Bk 3) 53
Twelve-twelve - 12:12 - (Bk 6) 295, 88, 183-184, 317
Twelve-twelve - 12:12 - (Bk 7) 146, 196
Twelve-twelve - 12:12 - (Bk 8) 167, 185
Twenty-twelve - 20:12 - (Bk 9) 229
Twin Flame - (Bk 9) 112, 281-282
Twin flames - (Bk 6) 333
UFOs - general - (Bk 1) 82-84, 95, 132, 140, 145
UFOs - general - (Bk 2) 231
UFOs - general - (Bk 7) 21, 63
UFOs - mechanics - (Bk 2) 214-221
Uganda suicides - (Bk 8) 238
Understanding the zero - (Bk 10) 287
Unexplainable explanations (chapter) - (Bk 9) 231
United Nations channelling 1995 - (Bk 6) 215
United Nations channelling 1996 - (Bk 6) 229
United Nations channelling 1998 - (Bk 7) 291
United States prophesy - (Bk 9) 168, 177
Unity - (Bk 9) 172
Unity in politics? - (Bk 9) 176
Unity of humanity (chapter) - (Bk 9) 170
Universal Calibration Lattice - (Bk 7) 374
Universal distances - (Bk 10) 280
Universal time - (Bk 3) 282
Universe - authority structure - (Bk 2) 70, 165
Universe - shape of - (Bk 2) 165, 221
Universe (balance of) - (Bk 7) 72
Universe shape - (Bk 10) 277
Unseen Energy (Chapter) - (Bk 9) 53
Unworthiness - (Bk 6) 329
Vaccinations - (Bk 10) 321
Validations of Kryon - science - (Bk 3) 247
Validations of Kryon - science - (Bk 6) 361
Validations of Kryon - science - (Bk 7) 337
Validations of Kryon - science - (Bk 8) 348
Vall+e, Mark - (Bk 8) 316
Vanishing secrets - (Bk 9) 288
Vaspra, Woody and Catie - (Bk 8) 320
Vatican report on New Age - (Bk 10) 24
Veil - discussion - (Bk 9) 235, 238
Verbalization - (Bk 1) 28, 57, 108-110, 144, 153-154
Verbalization - (Bk 2) 121
Vibrating higher - (Bk 6) 42-43, 204
Vibration change - (Bk 2) 21
Vibratory shift - (Bk 7) 114, 433
Victimization - (Bk 2) 190
Victimization - (Bk 3) 23
Visions - (Bk 6) 116
Visualization - (Bk 1) 87, 107, 109
Visualization - (Bk 2) 121
Visualization - (Bk 9) 49-50, 90, 229
Visualization integrity - (Bk 9) 316
Voiding karma - (Bk 7) 425
Volcanic activity - (Bk 6) 180-181
Volcanoes - (Bk 2) 189
Vortals - (Bk 10) 211
Vows (past) - (Bk 9) 40, 91, 124, 264, 279
Vows (removal of) - (Bk 8) 212
Walk-ins - (Bk 2) 51
Walk-ins - (Bk 6) 335
War over ethics - (Bk 10) 90
Warning about scalar work - (Bk 3) 287
Warriors of the light - (Bk 6) 314
Water - creation on Earth - (Bk 9) 218
Water - imprinting - (Bk 10) 91
Water cures - (Bk 8) 250, 276
Weakened duality - (Bk 3) 74
Wealth - appropriateness of it - (Bk 3) 204
Weather - (Bk 1) 22, 104
Weather - (Bk 2) 189
Weather - (Bk 7) 259
Weight Loss - (Bk 8) 210,230
Whales - (Bk 7) 284, 418
Whales & Dolphins - (Bk 10) 355
What can I do? - (Bk 6) 211
What is normal? - (Bk 9) 236, 277, 294
What should I know? - (Bk 10) 382
What's happening? - (Bk 10) 142, 145
What's new (and what's not) - (Bk 10) 184
What's next? - (Bk 6) 206
Where do we come from? - (Bk 10) 108, 355
Where should I be? - (Bk 6) 101, 144, 210
Who do I pray to? - (Bk 10) 376
Why am I tired? - (Bk 9) 300
Why is life difficult - (Bk 10) 234
Why is this enlightened life so hard? - (Bk 9) 161
Why metaphors? - (Bk 10) 159
Why so much war in Jerusalem? - (Bk 10) 322
Wingmakers - (Bk 10) 329
Wisdom source - (Bk 9) 48
Wo - Block of Granite - (Bk 10) 284
Wo - Magic Glasses - (Bk 10) 127
Wo and the Big Wind - Parable - (Bk 3) 230
Wo and the Big Wind - Parable - (Bk 4) 151
Wo and the Great Ship (Parable) - (Bk 9) 67
Wo and the New City (Parable) - (Bk 9) 246
Wo and the Suitcase - Parable - (Bk 8) 93
Women - fears - (Bk 9) 281-282
Woody & Catie Vaspra - (Bk 8) 320
World Council of Elders - (Bk 8) 320
World energy - (Bk 8) 138
World financial collapse? - (Bk 6) 337
Worry - (Bk 6) 68, 98-10, 131
Worry - (Bk 7) 103, 198, 220, 243
Worry about your children - (Bk 9) 308
Worship - (Bk 10) 70
Yaw-ee (Lemurian master) - (Bk 10) 217
You are a group - (Bk 10) 122
Your being here this time... a dumb choice? - (Bk 9) 280
Your spiritual path - (Bk 10) 259
Youthing - (Bk 8) 271
Zero - understanding - (Bk 10) it 287