Orlando, Florida ~ January 19, 2002 ~
Hosts - Gary and Jan Liljegren
11:00pm the night before... Setting up. (left) The familiar setup. Nice screen! Only one screen this time, but it should be big enough... This is the Hilton Hotel at Altamonte Springs, just a little bit removed from Orlando.
(right) Gary Liljegren listens with earphones to Robert Coxon's latest work. Gary and Jan Liljegren are the hosts for the event, and also Gary is our Web-site manager.
They are ALL going to Disney World right after the seminar! The Florida groups are wonderful, and not all from Florida, either. Many are from surrounding states. One even came from Russia!
(left) DNA, looking down from the top.
Recognize the pattern? It looks like an ancient mandala! Dr. Todd uses this as one of his examples during his DNA lecture.

The table shows the core of the new AV equipment that is being used by the Kryon team this year. Even Lee's lectures are now using computerized presentation techniques, so that all in the audience may see examples of what Lee is speaking of. Jan's meditation has custom designed graphics too.

It's a very different program in 2002.
(right) Dr. Todd

Here Dr. Todd begins his half-hour lecture regarding discoveries with DNA. Later, on Sunday morning, Todd presented more details regarding his discoveries.
(left) Peggy Phoenix Dubro

(you can barely see her hair... on stage in the background).

Peggy begins the day with an exercise which helps to feel the energy of the Human Being.
(above) Jan Tober offers her "Color and Sound" meditation. This year it's accompanied live by Robert Coxon, along with some new energy graphics.
(above) Maria George and Lou Durbin at the new Laser Garden skin care table. Hey.. Isn't that Gary Liljegren there too? Do you think he's asking about hair?

(right) Mary Kennedy helps an attendee at Todd's Gematria table.
Robert Coxon is a blur as he plays his new material during a 25 minute mini-concert... a regular event in the new 2002 Kryon program.