Washington DC ~ August 5, 2001 ~ Kryon "at home"
Kryon "At Home" meeting: It was hot in D.C. in August!! About 95 degrees with the humidity the same, but we never felt it in this fine Unity church.... a powerful all-day event for this intimate type of Kryon meeting.
DC Sights: Completed in 1855, the original Smithsonian Institution Building, popularly known as the Castle, was designed by architect James Renwick Jr. This Washington landmark is constructed of red sandstone from Seneca Creek, Maryland. The museum exhibits are all in separate buildings that occupy many city blocks.
DC Sights: Gasp! Yep, it's real. It's the famous Hope Diamond... on display at the Smithsonian.
DC Sights: Reverance and respect abound for those of all ages who visit the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall. There are over 58,000 names listed here in the polished marble. These were lives lost in our nation's longest and most controversial war.
DC Sights: Lee Carroll at the reflecting pool. 'Okay... just a little further back... further... further'
DC Sights: The famous Watergate hotel. Why show it? Because Lee stayed there! No break-ins occurred while he was there, but former President Nixon was spotted roaming the hallways looking for leaks.
The Lincoln Memorial, honoring our 16th president.