Montrèal, Canada ~ April 28, 2001~

"Setting up for 950 attendees takes almost 5 hours, complete with two professional TV camera platforms and simultaneous translation into the French language"
"A large video screen lets the crowd see Jan's meditation up close."

'Gregg Braden presents one of two astounding lectures on the wisdom the ancients have brought us."

"Kryon channelling. Big video lets the crowd see Lee up close."
"Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City, about 2 hours drive from Montrèal."
Sainte-Ann-de-Beauprè in Quebec City is famous for many healings that have ocurred over the last 100 years (see the crutch photo below)."
"These are one of two large displays of the crutches of those left behind after miraculous healings took place... quite a wonderful celebration!"