Moscow ~ May 19-20, 2007
Host -
Yelena Brezhneva (and family)
Tatiana Brezhneva & Arsen Avetissian
This Moscow facility at the Hotel Kosmos was really first class. It had some of the best projection equipment (Sanyo) that we have ever used in an auditorium before. Check out the size of that image! Here Lee Carroll delivers the opening remarks. A big Kryon-Team thanks to our Hosting family Yelena, Tatiana, and Arsen... and about 50 volunteers for making this one of the most spectacular Kryon events ever... and the first one given for the Lightworkers in Russia, an amazing group of people. Final count: 1,111.
We brought the whole team to Moscow: (Upper left - clockwise) Yelena and her mother,Tatiana open the meeting. Lee Carroll with opening remarks - Jan Tober and the Color Sound Meditation - Peggy Phoenix Dubro with EMF Balancing Technique - Dr. Todd Ovokaitys and his DNA research - Robert Coxon and his incredible compositions.
(upper left) Lee Carroll is photograped by an audience member and an ORB shows up. This is not the first time. See our ORB page at: (middle) Lee signs the latest Russian book (right) Lee channelling Kryon.
(left) Lee Carroll enjoys a stroll in Red Square (middle) Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed (St Basils)
What a treat! Famous Russian actor Sergey Bezrukov and his famous model wife Irina Bezrukova stop by to see the Kryon team.
(left to right) with Lee, then (middle) Son Andrey Levanov, Irina Bezrukova, Robert Coxon, Liana (Bezrukov's assistant), and Sergey Bezrukov. (right) Arsen Avetssian (co-host of the Kryon event and husband to Yelena Yekta) with Irina. (photos used with permission)
(left) Yes.... there really is McDonalds in Russia! (middle) Dr. Todd Ovokaitys with Irina Bezrukova (right) Robert Coxon, co-host Tatiana Brezhneva, and friends.
Click HERE, to read Lees perspective on Moscow and Russia!