Foreword by Lee Carroll
For a moment we all stood motionless in awe. The air was unusually still for a mountaintop, but soon the intense chilled breath of Mt. Aconcagua in the South American Andes was slowly turning our way. We silently stared at the majestic sight before us. It was the highest mountain in the Andes, and it seemed that we could almost touch the surreal snow-covered summit that shimmered in sunlight before us. Then the cool breeze touched our faces with sweetness, like a gentle sacred message being delivered specifically to our small group.
I sat down on a bolder - there was a pause, and I began - "Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service."
The Kryon message that day is in the pages of this book, as well as many other unique Kryon messages that have never been transcribed until now. Many of them were given in some of the most sacred areas of the planet. The common denominator for all of these is that Monika Muranyi was there in person for all of them.
Within the 23 years of my Kryon channelling, nowhere is there a compilation of what Kryon has channelled about a singular subject. With 15 Kryon books in 23 languages, I have never compiled a summary that was subject-driven like this one.
Now you have in your hands the kind of book I was never able to do.
Thank you, Monika for this very complete information about our beautiful planet.
Lee Carroll