Perhaps you went to a Kryon seminar and now you want some of the referenced books and/or websites? Below is a list that might help. Thank you! Updated July 2008 |
Discover Magazine
December 2000 "Does Time Really Exist?" (Most physicists think it's an illusion) [Click here for article] |
Discover Magazine
September 2001 "Best Kept Secret in Physics" (Multiple realities for all matter) [Click here for article] |
(left) CNN Validates that the magnetic grid has changed greatly over the past years. [Click here for CNN page]
(right) Entanglement... proof of the idea of faster than light communication... a lot faster! Up to 10 million times the speed of light.
[Click here for reference] Scroll down once you get there |
Time Magazine
January 20, 2003 "Special Issue" Mind and Body Multiple Discussions on Health and Happiness [Click here for reference] |
Discover Magazine
June 2002: Vol.23, No. 6 "Does the Universe exist if we are not looking? (Physicist John Wheeler) [Click here for article] |
New Indigo on-line Children magazine...
"Children of the New Earth." |
Source: Princeton University
Website: [] |
Big Bang Another one.. Speculation that the big bang was a dimensional collision with another dimension... very much as Kryon has told us. |
Time magazine reference to the lost gospels of the Bible. It includes Thomas, and the book of "Mary"! Discovered in Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945. There were 46 accounts from others, including the disciples who were with Christ, but who's comments never made it to the Bible. Mary's inclusion opens speculation that she was NOT a prostitute after all. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Want to see the Gospel of Thomas in its fullness? It's in this book, along with the explanation of the fued between John and Thomas. Did you know that the term "Doubting Thomas" was made up by John to discredit Thomas' interpretations of what the master actually told him personally? Amazon [ link] Beyond Belief - Elaine Pagels |
Discover magazine: February 2004 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DNA LEAVES A RESIDUAL! Check out the research of Scientist Dr. Vladimir Poponin! |
DNA Phantom Effect [Science Link] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Poponin, a Russian scientist, has proven that DNA affects matter, and that after the DNA is removed, the matter remains affected. This is the first that we have seen of the possible science of Kryon's claim that our DNA affects the world around us in ways we do not not understand, actually changing the vibration of earth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Want to purchase an inexpensive Gauss Meter to measure EMF fields at home? Try this webpage: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Personal EMF protection: The amazing "Qlink." This was device was recently mentioned in Time magazine! Yes, there is physics and science around it. Go see their website: |
Home & Office EMF protection: As well as personal too! At the left is pictured the "Vortex Filter." The Pulsor website has much to offer, and these products have been around a long time. Go see their website: |
EMF Protection Products Golden Illumination. Check it out. Cell phones too. |
Some books Lee has spoken about...
OUR UNIVERSE IS ITELLIGENTLY DESIGED A complete mathematical analysis used to investigate the possibility that natural-system behavior is intelligently designed. ... proof that we are not here by accident! |
Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy by Gregg Braden ISBN: 060980796X page |
WITHIN A true story by John J. Heney ISBN 1-894263-56-1 (Self healing of Dystonia) Website to order |
Children's Addition Kryon Book 5 for kids! Theresa Corley ISBN 1-56170-987-5 page |
Children's near-death experiences and the Evolution of Humankind by PMH Atwater ISBN 0-609-80309-3 page |
The Gospel of Thomas and the discussions around it. by Elaine Pagels ISBN: 0-375-50156-8 |
The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future by Gregg Braden ISBN: 1-4019-0299-5 Hay House page |
HOW THE BIBLE BECAME THE BIBLE For the non-scholar A great book, showing the history of how the Bible became what it is today... quite revealing. by Donald L. OĠDell ISBN: 0741429934 |