Kryon in Shasta

Mt. Shasta - June 17th, 2006
1 hour, 3 minute channelling
Music by Robert Coxon
45.1 megabytes
FILE IS NAMED: "Shasta-06.mp3"

This channelling is the one that itemizes and defines all the layers of interdimensional DNA. It is the most esoteric of any channelling ever given by Kryon, and is the culmination of three years of slowly revealing the 12 DNA layers. Now, Kryon puts this all together in a summary. In addition, there is a surprise at the end, another revelation of the numerological significance of the groupings of DNA that Kryon has defined and grouped for the first time.

IMPORTANT: At fifty five minutes and 34 seconds, the phrase heard by Kryon that says, "layers two, three, four... add them up" should be "layers four, five, six... add them up." You can hear the hesitation in Lee's voice as he realizes intuitively that he didn't get this simple grouping correct. Sometimes this happens in channel, and when it does, Kryon tells Lee to publish the correction immediately. It was a error of Lee's, not of Kryon, as Lee was struggling to keep up with all the new facts, numbers, and Hebrew he was being given that night. The 4 groupings Kryon speaks of are [1-2-3] [4-5-6] [7-8-9] [10-11-12]

In addition, you may click HERE for a simple summary of the layers

With a fast Internet DSL connection, even a file that is one hour, will download in about four minutes. You will not be asked for any personal information... no registration, no email, no fuss, just free. What a concept!
45.1 megabytes
Stereo - MP3
PC - Right-click the left image to download the file.
"Save target as..." and select where you want the file.
PC - Left-click the left image to play it in real time*

MAC - Option-Click the left image to download the file
MAC - Click the left image to play it in real time*

*If your computer plays MP3 - most do.
File name:
This MP3 file of a Kryon channelling is free to you. Please enjoy it. Pass it around, put it on your ipod... but please do not sell it. In the spirit of the web it is offered to all without cost. It has been produced in a size and quality that are easy to download and manipulate. Normally these files can run up to one hour in playing length. It is never to be played on the air.
click for photos!

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