Kryon, some have said we have two guides, some
say three. There has also been information lately that they left, and
there are none! What's the deal?
A: This has been the subject
of this entire last year's channellings [year2000]. The energy, which you
call the guides, is now starting to be revealed out of your own 4-D reality.
It has been channelled to you that you can no longer number them, for they
are infinite, yet one. You can't pretend to put skin on them and give them
names or wings either. They are like an "energy soup." This has
always been the case, but the Human is now changing and able to make this
distinction and actually use it for better communication (see below).
In addition, it has been revealed
to you that a profound part of what you call the guide energy is YOU! You
are part of your own guide energy.
Now & how would you then answer the above question using this new knowledge?
How many? Did they leave? Are they staying? The answer cannot be "yes"
or "no" to any of these, since you now have new wisdom that changes
the questions.
When your perception of something dim, clears up, you cannot then ask intelligent questions using the attributes of the old perception. It's a completely new scenario for you with a clearer sight. We told you before: When the sleeping Human wakes up and leaves the room, questions on the "care and feeding of the sleeping Human" no longer apply.
The guide energy hasn't changed
& you did. So the questions no longer make sense. Like a child who gains wisdom
with age, the childish questions are left behind. They no longer apply. Instead
they are replaced by wisdom, and a longing to know more about the newly discovered
Q: Kryon,
when in this new energy are we going to be able to communicate better
with our guides?
A: The question should be,
"When are you going to be able to listen better?" The reality is
that you are becoming far more interdimensional than ever before. This allows
a steady stream of communication, which has always been there, to now be "heard."
We have spoken many times in 2000 about this, indicating that you must be
willing to change the paradigm of your past ideas of what this communication
is like. You continue to use a 4-D ideas when meditating, and nothing much
is changing for you.
Sit before Spirit and ask to be
able to tune into the "third language." Then don't set aside any
time for "listening or asking." Instead call on Spirit and celebrate
your life all hours of the day. Be prepared to "hear" ideas, thoughts,
and loving energies all through the day & when you least expect it. Be aware
that this new "third language" is one that presents itself through
the guide energy in moments of your everyday life where the energy is ripe
for it and not especially during what you might call "Spiritual moments."
Let me ask you this: If you needed
a road map on a trip, what would you rather have? (1) A map explained to you
in a private session before the trip, where you had to remember everything
and apply it as you went? Or
(2) A dynamic road map that spoke to you exactly when you needed to know where
you were going? This is the difference between the old and new energy!
Q: Kryon, how can we know this "guide stuff"is real? We can't
see them...so where's the proof?
A: As a famous astronomer
wrote: "Does your father love you? The answer,Yes, very much. Then prove
it." Sometimes the proof of the intangible is in the actions and energy
around you, and not visible in the 4-D that you walk around in. This is the
case with awesome Love. When you fall in love with another Human, you feel
you can "cut the energy" with a knife! It's wonderful and thick
with reality. But you can't "see" it. Real, but not seen. Because
of this, the energy which we call the "guide soup" is beginning
to "knock on your door," to announce that they are real, but unseen
like love. Here is your 4-D proof: How many of you are seeing the 11:11, the
12:12, and the 4:44 on clocks and signs? How many of you are drawn to look
at a digital display device at the exact moment of these numbers appearing?
What a coincidence, don't you think? How many times does it have to happen
before you understand that it's on purpose? !!
Dear Ones, the next time it happens
to you, celebrate! This is a "guide hello." It's your own guide
energy saying, "We're here!" The next time it happens, I encourage
you to actually say out loud, "I love you too." Then, dear angel,
you will begin a wonderful two-way interdimensional dialogue that you never
expected. A 100% meditative communication with your eyes wide open, as you
walk around every waking hour of your life. Would we have it any other way?