(September 15, 2001)

Q: Dear Kryon, as the Universe transforms in this period of ascension/transition, why does it appear that little spiritual attention is focused on the African continent? While there has certainly been a religious awakening largely due to the circumstances that souls choose (for example, poverty, HIV/AIDS, etc.), this is being translated quite slowly into spirituality (my perception).
What is your information on the state of spiritual awakening on the African continent?

A: Dear one, this question is perhaps the best one you could have asked for your time. Indeed, it appears that the African situation is dichotomous to an awakening Earth. For a full explanation, you have to go back to information we presented 12 years ago [Kryon Book One, 1989]. We told you back then that there was a potential that showed that in order for your planet to move forward at the rate it was appearing to, up to one percent of the population might have to leave. This was startling information to most of you, and some wondered how and where this might begin. A disaster, perhaps? A comet strike? Now, as you know, the Humans on the African continent are currently losing their lives by the tens of millions. In addition, the life expectancy is bleak for at least the next decade . . . perhaps the next full generation! Your disease called AIDS is seemingly fulfilling this prophecy.

What this might mean to you is that the prediction given to you about your transition is now upon you, and all you can do is sit back and watch it occur in horror. What we have channelled to you recently, however, is that nothing could be further from your reality, or your 2001 potential. Instead, we have reported to you that since the 1989 potentials, you have far exceeded the energy for the year 2001 beyond that which was expected. What this means is that now the prophecy does not have to occur at all! What you are seeing, however, is the setup for the old potential still in progress, without knowledge that it is not needed.

Remember that death of any kind is abhorrent to you. We don’t expect you to understand how such a thing could have helped Spirit or Earth, but on a grander scale, it would have. An entire generation of Humanity came in with this expectation and knowledge, and they had agreements to leave early. It is this African family that you may now turn your attention to, for they have the opportunity to void this entire contract and remain in health.

This African continent is not in a state of spiritual awakening. They are instead in survival mode, plowing through an outdated spiritual potential. What can you do? Visualize the change in this scenario! You just changed the very time frame of Earth itself, so changing the energy of this one place is well within your ability! Visualize them happy, with families intact, fed, healthy, with the potential for life and joy. The energy you can develop in these visualizations can nullify the scenario that is there . . . totally! You can change the leaders’ minds, quicken the ability for science to reach those it needs to, and even change the reality of the disease itself. All these things we tell you, lightworker, since this is the work that you have asked to do. Your visualizations create a light that shines into the dark places of consciousness, or science, and of hope itself. You still don’t understand the potential of your energy! Is it worth two minutes a day? Perhaps three? Each day, consider this.

Blessed indeed is the awakening lightworker who is free from worry about death and who is not constantly hungry. For this Human has the ability to use his energy to help those who are ready to blossom into their own spiritual awakening, but who are currently consumed with an old contract of death and disease. The few may help the many, and the many may remain to help the earth in other ways. This is what family does for family. Believe it!

Q: Dear Kryon, since January I’ve been living in Glastonbury (UK). The energy here is not easy to handle, but everything seems to work well except work and money. It feels as if I’m not able to create anything here. As soon as I go outside the country, it works, but not here. So I’ve been going back to Germany every other month in order to work and make the money I need for my life. Why doesn’t it work here? What can I do?

A: Dear one, the answer you want is not necessarily the answer you expect. It’s not Glastonbury—it’s you! Are you praying, “Dear God, let me live in Glastonbury and support myself?” or are you asking Spirit this: “Dear God, show me where I should be?” Spirit is showing you that perhaps your desire to be in Glastonbury and your spiritual abundance are not in synch at the moment. Watch the reality of what you have in 4D. If it works for you in one place, then perhaps that’s where you belong for that time. There may be reasons why Spirit is clearly showing you that Glastonbury is not the place to be at the moment. Indeed, perhaps your prayers are being answered and you don’t like the answer!

For all of you: Bless the signs from God! Even if they don’t necessarily coincide with what you expect at the moment, be free and wise enough to celebrate them, and move accordingly. Nothing you do regarding these things is permanent, and many times you must give intent to follow the energy given to you in a current situation in order for it to then lead you home in a future situation.

Q: I’ve been working with young children for many years as a first- and second-grade teacher near Toronto, Canada. I have yet to clearly see any of the characteristics attributed to the Indigo Children. Is it possible that Indigo behavior manifests differently nearer the Poles?

A: Dear one, this is indeed so. The energy of magnetics is very different in certain colder areas near the Poles, and we have indicated this in past channellings. In addition, your area is magnetically different—even from the western areas of your
own country. All of this changes the potential consciousness of Humans, should they wish to give intent for it. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the equator carries such
a dark potential in so many areas of Humanity? There hasn’t been much Human thought on this.

You have Indigos in your classes, but what is different is that the area where you live is more attuned for the parents to know how to intuitively raise them. Remember the axiom of the Indigo: Their seemingly difficult behavior patterns are in direct relationship to their home and school environments. Indigos are not difficult when they are honored and given choice. You do this intuitively in your classroom, and many around you are also doing it at home. This is not the case a few hundred kilometers below you, or even west of you, and the mainstream news reports bear this out.

Blessed are those who are passionate for the children of Earth, for they understand that they are children as well.

Q: This may sound strange, but here goes: Is Bigfoot real? If so, is it Bigfoot’s job to hold the Earth’s energy?

A: Dear one, his may sound strange, but: Yes. Even stranger is this statement: We are not saying that Bigfoot is currently still alive, or that the purpose is still the same. Some things change as you Humans change the very fabric of the earth’s reality and future. These things will be known soon through your own investigations.