QUESTION: Dear Kryon,
I have experienced very negative paranormal activity. I know you said that
ghosts exist in a different dimension than ours. But I need
to understand them more. I dont believe in evil. I think its
only an absence of love, but why does the power of darkness seem so strong?
if aliens are interested in us for our power, are
evil spirits interested for the same reason?
ANSWER: Again, you ask
for knowledge that requires you to think completely out of your concept
of universal reality. Can you do it? Here is the test. When you step to
the other side of the veil, there is no linear time. All is happening at
once and does not have the structure you expect or that is logical to your
4D mind. When you come upon a haunting, you are actually experiencing
the energy of one event in another dimension that seems to be playing in
a circle in yours. What you perceive as something that happens over and
over is something that only happened once. Is it real? Yes. However your
perception of what is happening is very difference from the reality of those
who participated in the event.
Sometimes the question is asked, Are these former Humans stuck in
a sort of limbo, repeating things over and over? This is actually
a very funny question! It is you who have the limitation. You are forever
stuck with a mono-reality within an incredibly rich spectrum of time. You
live in black and white time, while all around you is a spectacular colored
rainbow of existence. Therefore when you peek with black and white eyes
into a beautiful color hue, you only see a small piece of what is really
there, and you cant figure it out.
If indeed you run into an entity that seems to be doing something over and
over, for them it is only one time. This is how NOW time looks to a linear
observer. It is happening in an instant of univeral time, but to you they
look stuck. It might promt you to ask the real question: Who
is the stuck one?
The haunting is often a situation that left a residue of energy
that is interdimensional. You feel it and see it and it is frightening.
Sometimes it appears to have purpose. Sometimes it even appears to have
a consciousness. Again, this is due to your observation! As you have consciousness,
you alter the reality of the event! I told you this would be difficult to
grasp. In other words, the act of you viewing the event changes what happened
in your eyes. We are now back to the first question in this series, are
we not, where the definition of reality has to do with those who are there
to see it.
There is no such thing as an evil sprit. The greatest evil power
of your planet can be found in the minds and intentions of the Humans who
walk upon it. They can manifest darkness just like you can manifest light.
This is a discussion we have had before [See Kryon Book Nine for more about
this]. Therefore you continue to create your own reality.. evil and angelic.
After all
you are the only planet of free choice!
QUESTION: Dear Kryon,
would you please tell me if Indigo Children and Star Children are the same?
Can someone born in the 1960s be an Indigo?
ANSWER: Dear Human, dont
get bogged within your linearity in these things. You wish to compartmentalize
everything, and thereby feel more comfortable in your understanding. Know
this: All children being born on the planet have strong potential to be
of the Indigo consciousness. Within that group there are many parts and
attributes. What you have called a Star Child is a type of Indigo.
The same goes for the Crystal Children.
Years ago we identified a new breed of Human that was slowly being introduced
to earth. Now they are so plentiful that many are beginning to notice and
categorize them. Our admonition is NOT to, but we know that sometimes make
you feel better to do so. Another name for these Star Children
are the Interdimensional or even the Interplanetary, if you wish.
As far as the potential of those born before or during the 1960s:
The answer is yes, but with a qualification. The pure Indigo
Children have really only been arriving slowly for the past 25 or 30 years,
but there are many who have what we call an Indigo overlay.
This is Human who fits the generalizations, but without some of the absolutes
that are buried in what you call the DNA that really qualify this new Human
QUESTION: Dear Kryon,
I read the first three books in the Turkish language before year 2000. It
didnt take long to decide and request the clearance of my karma. But
then my life got deeper and deeper into everyday life and I feel that my
karma is loaded and loaded more. This load is getting heavy! Did it get
worse? Was the original cleared? I still feel I have a special mission in
this life.
ANSWER: Dear one, you
indeed have a special mission. For you, and for so many others who may feel
this way, listen: Do not confuse karma with life difficulty. Karma is an
imprint that helps direct lesson and life passion. When you clear it, you
give yourselves permission to change. Change often means a rebuilding of
the very foundations of your life, and this is reconstruction. Did you really
think this would be easy? We told you many times that the work is now beginning,
and you are really doing the work. Now do you understand why
we gave such importance to this decision you made?
You are not loading yourself with anything. Instead, you are
clearing and completing, and it will potentially be finished within 2003.
This means that what you are doing is not a futile up-stream swim against
a current called life. Instead, it is a steady rebuild of something
called YOU.
Blessings to the Human Being who understands this, and approaches this important
work time with understanding and peace. This is indeed why you are loved
so deeply
for all you are enduring and working through. It is helping
the very fabric of the planet!
I am an esperantist for more than 20 years, Id like to know if the
idea of a neutral international language will prosper along the 21st century.
ANSWER:The potential
is no, and there are many reasons why. First, earth already has an official
international language, but it isnt neutral. It will probably prevail,
however, as the language of commerce and travel for some time.
There is no reason to de-culturalize earth. The various cultures represented
are rich in history and language. As your computing tools become better,
the language barrier will diminish. With pocket devices that translate as
they listen, almost every language will be able to be translated.
Earth travelers will benefit greatly from this, receiving a win-win scenariothe
ability to hear and enjoy an original language, while also having it translated
into their own in real time. Then they can decide if they wish to learn
it for themselves. Many will object to this technology, feeling it will
keep one culture from personally learning the language of another. However,
the real effect will be in making it comfortable for many more to travel
and see the rest of you, thereby understanding what the
family really means.
Kryon |