BC in
Canada |
The main airports of Canada... Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary... all feature wide-open spaces and lots of interesting design work. Here is one section of Vancouver's International area where you buy your tickets. Check out the many stations to serve the people...very efficient, and also spacious. More photos will follow, since this airport is filled with environmental displays as well, some of which we have not photographed yet. It's a marvelous airport. Hats off to Canada!

Here is where the gates are. Note the purple chairs and the cool blue carpet. Also the lights are arranged very un-corporate-like. There really are some artistic approaches here.
Okay did you ever wonder how Lee gets photos of airports with nobody in them? Guess.
These are rock sculptures of suitcases! This is soooo neat and fun. Look at the spaciousness beyond this area. LAX should study this Canadian masterpiece of an airport! |
Customs in Vancouver: Although the customs lines are full and long, they are placed in an area with high ceilings and wide, well-lighted floor space to make it less disconcerting for those who just got off long flights. This is the main entry point in Western Canada for the orient, Asia, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand... to mention only a few of the countries with many flights that pour into here hourly. |