Del Mar, California (San Diego) ~ August 30, 2003 ~
Hosts - Barbra Dillenger & Michael Makay - Metanoia
What do you do with two of the most profound balancing and healing modalities on the planet?

You bring them together!
On August 30, the Kryon organization presented a seminar which was not the typical large Kryon meeting.
For the first time ever, we brought together two powerful world-class lecturers, both stewards of their own teachings,
and authors of newly-released books.

Dr. Eric Scott Pearl of Reconnective Healing (The Reconnectiontm) and Peggy Phoenix Dubro of The EMF Balancing Technique® were our keynote guests for the day. Each one lectured independently, then together on stage for an informative question and answer discussion. After that, a Kryon channelling! It was an awesome day for this sell-out crowd.

Eric Pearl & Peggy Phoenix Dubro
(left to right) Lee Carroll - Jan Tober - Dr. Eric Pearl - Louise Hay - Barbra Dillenger - Michael Makay - Peggy Phoenix Dubro - Steve Dubro
The Hilton Hotel we selected is located in Del Mar, California (home of the Kryon office and where the Kryon work first began). It is situated directly across from the famous Del Mar race track!

(left) The room is setup and ready to seat 200 attendees, the maximum occupancy. By the time the seminar began, well over 200 had packed themselves in!
(above) The camera can't get them all in! The only seat left is for the AV operator! Thank you San Diego!
(above) Metanoia group volunteers Shirley Michael, Reissah Leigh, Valery Alean, (host) Michael Makay and Pepper Freye
(above) Standing - Esty Estensen, Linda LaBorde, Jill Estensen, Angelo Diretto, (host) Barbra Dillenger, Susaan Aram. Seated - Meridith Llewelin and Beartrex Quntanna
The first presenter was
Dr. Eric Scott Pearl.

(left) Dr. Pearl demonstrates how the energy is perceived, with the help from an audience volunteer. His work originally began as he investigated some very surprising, seemingly spontaneous healings that occurred as he worked on patients as a chiropractor in Los Angeles.
Peggy Phoenix Dubro presented after lunch, Now represented in 44 countries, the EMF Balancing Technique is world-wide. Peggy is a regular member of the Kryon international seminar team.
She describes herself as a "go-with the flow gal who ended up teaching an exacting and precise procedure primarily to those who sought freedom from the restrictions of form!"
The Question-and-Answer portion was lively, as expected, with both authors expounding on their own methods,
but clearly honoring each other in the process.
Many different products were featured, from healing to beauty, to books, clothes and calendars.

Metanoia []
EMF Balancing Technique (Peggy Phoenix Dubro) []
The Reconnection (Dr. Pearl) []
Gematria (Dr. Todd Ovokaitys) []
Laser Garden (Maria George) []
Jan 'Tober Products []