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Moscow ~ May 19-20, 2007 |
THE KRYON TEAM'S TRIP TO RUSSIA IN 2007 I don't normally comment on these trips on these photo pages, but this trip to Moscow was different. Like so many who are my age, I grew up during the cold war. For almost 50 years Russia was something that was not only an enemy of the USA, but a place where nobody in the west could go to. Today we stand hand in hand with our Russian lightwoker partners, and speak about the miracles that happened about 1991 in that great land, and the changes that have occurred and are still occurring. Now we can freely travel between the east and west, but it's still felt odd to me to go to Moscow. It would be as odd as for a 60+ person in Russia coming to Washington DC! I know that would seem strange indeed to them, too. I would have loved to tell my dad about all this, but he left many years ago. He was convinced that there would be no solution to the cold war, and that we were headed for the predicted Armageddon. Our ex-president Ronald Regan often said the same thing. Now in 2007, I have been to Moscow and freely walked in Red Square! See dad? We did it! We collectively took over 50 years of tension and overcame it... half a century! I wish you could be here in person for me to tell you all about Russia and how the people there are just like us. They love their families just like we do, and look forward to a peaceful life and a continuing discovery of what is possible in this new energy. Although our governments are still very different, our missiles are no longer armed and pointed at each other, and we even belong to the same world organizations. (Russia in NATO.. the G8...! who would have believed that 30 years ago?) Moscow: WHAT I LIKED THE MOST: The Food! There was no bad food anywhere! (Okay, at least I didn't taste any) Most of us ate in the hotel and even there, the food was excellent. Later, some of us ventured out into the city, and the restaurants were awesome! I had no idea what to expect from Russian food. Now I know. Anything on the menu will be good. Try the Borsht some time (a cold beet soup). It's extremely good (Robert Coxon loved it!). The breakfast buffet in the hotel was one of the best anywhere. What a surprise. WHAT SURPRISED ME THE MOST: Smiling must be a sign of weakness. Most of the service people such as sales people, waiters, hotel clerks, taxi drivers, etc, never smiled or met your eye. It was only when we met seminar attendees that we experienced great laughter and saw the wonderful appreciation and glowing smiles. Those who know me, know that I'm a happy guy! But I must have looked like I was a big American wimp! (too much smiling, Lee). The security people (almost always young men with President Putin-style haircuts) were scary. I think they all go to the same school of tough looks. We had security in our seminar (lots of it), and one time they almost didn't let me in. They didn't speak English, and I had no badge! Hey - off to Siberia with me! (gasp) Smiling didn't help, by the way. Tatiana, Yelena's mother and co-host, had to save me. WHAT WAS DIFFERENT IN THE KRYON SEMINAR: I've been doing this for a long time (18 years). I've never had an audience stand every time I walked on stage. It was embarrassing, and I kept looking behind me to see who it was they were looking at. So I guess it was the acceptance and appreciation of the Kryon team coming to Russia that was overwhelming. They really responded with enthusiasm and great interest. Video cameras were rolling within the audience (I could see all the little red lights every time the lights went dark on the crowd), and I'm told that my presentation was on the Internet within one day! (this is common for Russia… to share everything on the net. It created concern for me at first, but they don't view the concept of copyrights or proprietary information as we see it. So I just go with the flow while I'm there.) It really speaks of how highly their sense of interest is in the esoteric. The metaphysical Russian community is awakening and they are in "catch up" mode with the things that you and many of us take for granted. So I honor their enthusiasm and marvel at their resources to bring it to as many as they can. THE BIGGEST NEGATIVE: The traffic! Moscow is like Tokyo, one of the largest cities with the most people. But the traffic is indescribable. I've been all over world and never experienced anything like the traffic in Moscow. Not only is it hectic even worse than the traffic circle around the Arch de Triumph in Paris - more than Japan, or Mexico City (which is saying a lot), but unlike the rest of Europe, they have big cars! (like us) I even saw a Hummer! There are so many cars that the traffic crawls around at a pace slower than you can walk! Moscow was hot this May (the hottest since the 1800's), and air conditioning was not normally an option for a Russian made taxi. Many cars broke down in the heat - lots of them! Sometimes it took over 2 hours to go anywhere, even to a restaurant in town, sitting in a cab with the windows down, smelling the exhaust of the cars around you. We crawled through a tunnel on the way to eat, in the heat, in a Russian made taxi, and I felt like I was going to pass out from the fumes! There are not many things enforced like the kinds of things we are used to emission controls, ventilation standards in tunnels, smoking in small places, etc. This has to change soon, or the whole place will come to a standstill and everyone will have to walk (not a bad thing, perhaps). I understand that are actually working on a plan. MOST MEMORABLE TOURING EXPERIENCE: Red square and the Kremlin. Much like the Smithsonian in Washington, within the walls of the Kremlin are museums of amazing Russian history. You should see the original Faberge eggs! As I was going into the Kremlin gates, I noticed that the gates we were passing through were built in the year 1495. Think about where the USA was that year (it wasn't). There is a very rich history of Russia, and a very strong and long lineage of world-class royalty, artisans, and world influence. WHAT I THOUGHT ABOUT THE MOST: The incredible endurance of these people through the events of the last century. World War Two was especially harsh for Russia, even more than other countries who were attacked by the Nazi regime. If you don't know the story of Leningrad, you should find out. It's a story of amazing courage and Human heartbreak. It's like our 9-11 amplified 300 times (that's the math on the death that occurred in that one place... mostly civilians). It's such a mark on their society, that to this day everyone in Russia seems to know someone who lost a family member there. I intend to go to Saint Petersburg (former capital of Russia and Named Leningrad from 1924 to 1991). I really want to see that city! MY MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Was having the very famous Russian movie star Sergey Bezrukov, and his also very famous model wife Irina Bezrukova, stop by to see all of us. He's kind of like the Tom Cruise of Russia, and (of course) I had no idea who he was! (sigh) They are both beautiful people and very kind. They were with their son Andrey (who is much taller than either of them and very handsome!). Anyway, later I really figured out who I was with and wondered if I had said anything odd. I was an honor to meet them both. MY PERSPECTIVE: The citizens of Russia went into a system of repression in the 20's, and the church was outlawed and the economy was controlled, with very little outside contact to the rest of the world. This really gives you the background of who these people are and what they have been through as a society. Hey.. maybe that's why smiling is so rare. They have been through an amazing 50 years! In my opinion as a first time tourist, today's Russia is one that is rediscovering itself. I know they don't want to be "westernized" as a culture (as has happened to many other countries). Instead they wish to enjoy what the last 50 years had withheld from them - the ability to travel, have great ideas manifest into abundance, worship where they want, and let the celebration of their rich heritage create something unique... a new Russia. They have some of the best science on the planet, and are very academic in their interests, much more than we seem to be in the USA. They love our movies and music (and it's everywhere, legal or not), but they also are very proud of what they now can openly contribute to the world's economy, the arts, and influences that are uniquely Russian. They have paid off their national debt, have grand resources, and are poised for great changes. They have terrorism in their back yard (so to speak), just as we do. We both face the issue of how to deal with those who don't think we should exist. But we are all working to create a peaceful existence the best we can for our children and our collective futures. I'm just glad I got to see all this in the world stage that it's in at this moment, and that I'm free to return there to watch it change, and to again see those smiling Russian Lightworkers! Using the words of my California Governor, I'll be back!LEE CARROLL |