Mt. Shasta, California ~ June 17-18-19, 2005 ~
Host - Beth Iris
(Mt. Shasta)
Photos by Connie Okelberry
(above) Saturday morning greetings by Lee Carroll. This is the 8th Kryon Summer Light conference and the third time it has been held in Mt. Shasta (the new home for this Kryon flagship event).

This year featured the whole Kryon team, plus Kahu Fred Sterling, channel for Kirael , Pepper Lewis, channel for the energy of Gaia, and Aurelia Louise Jones, channel for Adama (Lemurian High Priest). The conference was held in the auditorium of the College of the Sikiyous, which seats slightly more than 500. This year we almost filled it up!

(above top) Lee and Jan begin the conference. (directly above) Dr. Todd Ovokaitys and Peggy Phoenix Dubro, long time Kryon team members, presented both Saturday and Sunday.
(above) Aurelia Louise Jones channels Adama - (right) As a bonus, two attendees Cheryl and Mark got married! Louise performed her "Lemurian Wedding." And... um... yes, the bride and groom were very tall... very tall. (This is not the first time a marriage has been performed at a Kryon Summer Light Conference."
(above) Pepper Lewis, channel for Gaia, presented on Saturday. We held Pepper over from last year due to overwhelming demand!
(above) Kahu Fred Sterling, channel for Kirael, presented on Sunday. Kahu Fred has also presented at the Kryon Conference with Lee in Salzburg, Austria in 2004.
(above) Robert Coxon, Kryon team member since 2000, gives us his latest musical creations. During his concert, he did a music channelling for an attendee... burned on a CD in real time while it happened on stage.
(above) Quad Channelling! Each channeller took turns, one after the other. Quite a way to end our Sunday Evening!
(above) Take a bow - Nine team members say good-bye. (left to right) Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Jan Tober, Lee Carroll, Kahu Fred Sterling, Pepper Lewis, Beth Black, and Aurelia Louise Jones. Robert Coxon is still at his music station, playing for the rest of us!
(above) Fun shopping in the vendor's area, plus friends getting together! (bottom) A professional video crew with 4 cameras and a director were commissioned to video all the parts of this conference. The resulting DVD products can be obtained HERE.
(above-left) Mt. Shasta on Monday morning. What a site! (above-right) Mt. Shasta on Saturday during the rain storm. Anyone see a peace dove? WOW! Thanks to Joanie Jiannine for this photo!