Segovia, Spain ~ May 15, 2004
Hosts - Laura Sanmartín & Justo Valls
Lots of big photos! Be patient while they load... it's worth it.
Atocha train station - Madrid Spain: Before our trip to Segovia, we went to Madrid. One of the things we wanted to do was to visit the site of the terrorist bombings at the main train commuter terminal called Atocha Station. These 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks (also known as 11/3, 3/11 and 11-M) were a series of coordinated terrorist bombings against the commuter train system of Madrid on the morning of 11 March 2004. The attacks killed 191 people and wounded more than 1,800, making them the deadliest terrorist attack against civilians in Europe and the worst terrorist assault in Spanish history. Our purpose for going there was to clear the energy as much as appropriate, and to honor those who gave their lives that day.
Atocha train station - Madrid Spain
The Memorial: The above left photo has large words in Spanish that say "For Them... the victims of terrorist." Below left is a reporter doing a report for one of the many Spanish TV stations that come regularly to the site of the tragedy. The photo directly above is of our Host LauraSan, Jan Tober, and friend Ingrid LeBlanc. They got together and did a ceremony using three violet candles (seen at the bottom right). These candles drew so much attention, that they made it to the evening news! This was the purpose... to provide sweet energy in a place that needs it, and to call attention to the blessings from those from far away (like us) who feel that Spaniards are just as much "family" as any of those who speak our language. We were honored to be there, and were very touched by the outpouring of love.