Segovia, Spain ~ May 15, 2004
Hosts - Laura Sanmartín & Justo Valls
Lots of big photos! Be patient while they load... it's worth it.
Avila Spain: The day after the seminar, we toured Avila Spain. One of the finest remnants of Europe's medieval era, the walled town of Avila had its protective walls built in the 12th century. Extending for 2,500 meters (8202 ft.) and encircling the old town, the massive walls are punctuated by ninety, heavily fortified stone towers. The current church, begun in 1091 and completed in the 13th century, is where the mystic St. Teresa (1515-1582) had frequent visions and ecstatic experiences. Nearby the church stands the house where St. Teresa lived. If any of this looks familiar, and you are a movie buff, then you should know it's also where the film "The Guns of Navarone" was filmed in 1961.
(above - L to R) Robert Coxon between the pillars / Jan Tober / Statue of St. Teresa
(above) Lee likes to photograph the locals, but he also liked the Matador outfit above. What do you think? Would it look good in the next channelling? (Please... no bull jokes). The family on the right is on their way to a ceremony at the Catholic church, St. Teresa's.
(below) is one of Lee's favorite photos of a senior... both in the reflection of a local pastry shop, and also waiting for the bus... and the Nuns again. The Banner above the nuns represents a show that was being presented in St. Teresa's church, at the center of Avila.
The Storks! As many times as we have been to Europe, we never knew about the storks! They are welcomed to nest at the top of many churches and public buildings. Metal bowls are constructed for them to help hold their nests. During certain seasons, they are everywhere, tending to their young. It was amazing. We saw this both in France and Spain.