KRYON BOOK ELEVEN - Lifting the Veil
(The New Energy Apolcalypse)

ISBN 1-888053-19-4  
2007 - The Kryon Writings, Inc.
Author - Lee Carroll
$14.98 USA

The word apocalypse comes from the Greek and literally means, "Lifting the Veil." Is there anyone who thinks things are as they used to be? We are indeed at a crossroads of civilization, and the loving and comforting words from this Angelic entity called Kryon, continues to give us clarity.

This is the Eleventh Kryon book in this 18-year series, and represents a culmination of live channellings all over the earth. Where is Earth going? Is 2012 a year to fear, or to celebrate? What is our real task on earth?

Kryon's message has never changed, but the things he spoke of in 1989 have all come about. The hope of earth lays with the consciousness of the few, and their ability to transcend beyond a perception of doom and gloom. Celebrate 2007 with the good news contained in this 384 page book!



Introduction From the Writer

Message to U.S.A. Lightworkers
(Blog) - Lee Carroll

The Seven Great Human Illusions of God
Channelled in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

How Are You Doing?
Channelled in Newport Beach, California

Undefining the Spiritual Path
Channelled in Sedona, Arizona

Back to Basics
Channelled in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Current Events
Channelled in Washington, D.C.

The End Times, Revisited
Channelled in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Message to the Jews - Part One
Channelled in Tel Aviv, Israel

Message to the Jews - Part Two
Channelled in Tel Aviv, Israel

Message to the Jews - Part Three
Channelled in Jerusalem, Israel

How it Works
Channelled in Manhattan, New York City

Message to the United Nations 2005
Channelled at the UN in New York City

Message to the United Nations 2006
Channelled at the UN in New York City

Becoming Masters
Channelled in St. Augustine, Florida

Co-Creation Revisited
Channelled in Manhattan, New York City

The Winter of Spirituality
Channelled in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Choosing to Dance
Channelled in Newport Beach, California

Who Are You?
Channelled in Crystal Lake, Illinois

Products and Information

Index of this book

Message to U.S.A. Lightworkers (Blog)
Excerpt from Kryon Book 11

(by Lee Carroll)

From the writer . . .

A Message to Lightworkers in the U.S.A.
by Lee Carroll

The definition of a BLOG is an online diary, a personal, chronological log of thoughts published on a Website. For those who wonder how this name ever came to be, it was shortened from "Web log," a log of comments on a Website. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. They have become very popular for political commentary over the past years, and have even impacted and competed with the main editorial pages of many newspapers and TV newscasts. As I have said in the past, the Internet is changing our lives every day.

It was July 25 when I started getting the e-mails. The border between Lebanon and Israel had flared up. Rockets were being fired into Haifa, exactly where I was a few months earlier, and the Jews were responding typically as they have many times... with overwhelming force. They did this, as they have before, because they understand that just on the other side of an imaginary line, there are those who have been training and stocking weapons to eliminate them some day.

No matter what side of the fence you are on with this issue, I admit I'm biased - not toward Israel, but toward the peace process. Those who openly proclaim that the answer to this issue is to "kill them all" are not part of the peace process, but rather part of the problem. The Jews play a very important part in the future of all our lives, according to Kryon, and these things should be studied and examined if you are really going to understand it all and have any wisdom about it.

With this in mind, I believe you owe it to yourself to find out about the last 50 years in Israel, and what happened when the UN gave them their land, and the back and forth disputes and wars that have raged ever since. The Jews have made many mistakes, and some of those have created suffering and sadness. But they are not alone in the mistake department. Civilizations grow, as did ours in the U.S., and this very new, 50-year-old country known as Israel continues to change their minds and develop more wisdom on how to give back disputed lands that were the spoils of wars never declared, all while keeping safety for their citizens at the forefront. Many are convinced they can have a peace process, and many are not. Their volatile government demonstrates this every time they meet.

When you study the past 50 years and the "who did what to whom," the quagmire of the situation becomes clearer. Then, when it all erupts suddenly, as it did recently, you are not surprised or fearful. In fact, many of us actually thought to ourselves, "It's here... what we knew was coming."

The e-mails I got were awful. They told me that the world situation proved to them that Kryon was a hoax, and that war and disaster were obviously upon us... that my cheerful, hopeful attitude was a sham, and that it could no longer be believed. This was the reaction of many - to kill the messenger of good and positive news when the going got tough. Much to my disappointment, fear had grabbed the writers of these e-mails and taken its toll on their logic and faith almost overnight.

Darkness doesn't do that to me anymore because I know how to carry my own light. It doesn't spring up and scare me, either, since I know where it is at all times. It's behind me in the back seat, irritating me through life, but I won't let darkness have me anymore. This is what I teach from Kryon, too, and so when those e-mails came, I was saddened to see such a wave of fear overtake people who should have known better! Instead, they simply gave up when the storm arrived!

So I blogged. It was the first time I allowed my bias to show and my disappointment to be written for all to see. I share it with you in these pages, even if you are reading this years from when it happened. I believe in the potential for peace on Earth and will until my last breath. Kryon tells us that's it's well within our grasp and that it's demanded if we are going to move easily into the 2012 energy of a gentler time. So, here's my blog as published that day.

A Message from Lee Carroll - July 25, 2006

It's an important time in history right now, and those who are watching the international situation absolutely know that it marks a turning point. If you are a Kryon reader, you may recognize that this was predicted 18 years ago in Book One, and was discussed after that in most of the continuing books in the series as well.

Kryon spoke of a "battle to come" that will be the fight between the old and new energy of the planet. In subsequent books, Kryon even mentioned that it would be the definition of "civilization." He called us warriors of the Light, and named us "Lightworkers."
Almost all of the channellings for the last few years have been about this, and about the fact that we should be prepared by changing the vibration of ourselves first, and that this would change the vibration of the planet. He has told us, "Real lighthouses are never built in safe places," and that we are needed right now to balance ourselves to the degree that our light can make a difference. The storm approaches, and we are the front metaphysical line to meet it.

... and now it begins.

My disappointment in all this comes from a small group of New Age people who are making themselves vocal to me, plus the overall reaction of many Christians.

I have received a number of e-mails laden with fear, blasting me and my work, and telling me that there simply can be no way out of this mess, and that peace on Earth is impossible. They go on by saying that the "joy of God" I profess is not possible in our lives, cannot be had, and that hatred and fear are the way of the earth. They have given up.

My reaction to this: "How about a little fire, scarecrow?" In other words, now that the meal is about to be cooked, they somehow are afraid of the kitchen! Obviously, there are many who wish to float through this and light candles and hold crystals and close their eyes and "pray it away." It's not going away unless Lightworkers do their part, and that's work... personal involvement in self-improvement, and work for the planet. If you are paralyzed in fear, then you haven't really "heard" the Kryon message. If you are paralyzed in fear, you become part of the problem of Earth, not the solution.

The Kryon message has always been clear and strong: (1) Create a strong vibration within yourself as practice against what is coming. (2) Learn to put fear behind you, because it will disable you if you don't. (3) Send your light to those places on the earth that need it, and do it often and in groups. (4) Know that you have help from God, and that you are never alone. (5) Peace on Earth is possible in your time, but you will fight the battle with fear first, and with each other second, until you create "the bridge of swords," something that is used both for real battles and ceremonies. (6) Many will have to leave the planet before the battle is over [Kryon Book One].

Lots of metaphors, but how can you miss the fact that there will be a struggle? Part of it now begins and I wish to ask, what are you doing? Are you shaking in fear, or are you on the way up the staircase of the lighthouse to strike your light? Are you complaining that peace on Earth is a myth, or are you watching it begin to happen, through the balancing of humanity and their choices? Do you understand the struggle of light and dark, and what happens to those steeped in darkness when the lights are turned on? Kryon has told us that they will "fight to the death" to have the darkness back. Sounds like a battle to me. This is what happens on an Earth that is vibrating higher, and where the light is beginning to make a difference.

Many Christians are rubbing their hands together in glee... sorry for the death and destruction they see on TV, but expecting the rapture to come any minute. They have completely ignored the fact that Hal Lindsay's book is now fiction [The Late Great Planet Earth]. Even Time magazine said, in an editorial about his predictions, that they had "passed their ‘sell-by' date." In other words, the Armageddon that is so anticipated cannot happen as scripture told us it would. The players are missing, and the timing is simply wrong. What they are seeing is the beginning of a solution, and doesn't have anything to do with the second coming.

Proof? Read these words in 20 years and tell me if the rapture happened. It didn't, and won't. We changed that collectively at the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. We are collectively charged with creating the New Jerusalem and I believe that's what will happen.

In Jerusalem in 2005, Kryon told an audience that their solutions may actually eventually come from their enemies! What could that mean? I don't know. Long ago, Israel realized that they would have to make concessions to those who feel their land was displaced... right or wrong. It has been a unilateral, national policy that has been growing for more than six years and through three prime ministers. In the year 2000, Prime Minister Barak actually offered the Palestinians a shared sovereignty over Jerusalem itself - but it was not accepted. I say this only to point out that the issues between the Jews and their immediate neighbors are no longer the big issue, and compromise is on the table and ready for action.

The big issue is the right of the nation of Israel to exist. Kryon told us that this was the core, metaphysically, for the "chosen people" of Earth. Even now, they continue to be a target of complete elimination. They have been enslaved by the Egyptians, the Romans and the Nazis, and now verbalized yet again in modern times by Iran. [Kryon has explained why this is in many channellings since the Jews are the "pure karmic" group of the planet and hold the power of the Akash. Anyone who eliminates them will gain this position.] This may sound odd, too esoteric and unprovable, but what other group on the planet has had these attributes for 4,000 years? Show me and I'll reconsider my statement.

The Potential
This flare-up in the Middle East will create many issues. First, they WILL stop fighting eventually [sorry, Christians]. After that, many will finally realize that in order for the earth to do anything at all about peace, Israel will have to be allowed to exist. Those who don't think so will slowly be identified as the actual problem. This has been the "big issue" all along, and Kryon indicated it when he said, "As go the Jews, goes the earth," 18 years ago. The passion of Kryon has always asked us to put our efforts into Jerusalem, and not anywhere else, and "everything else will follow" [meaning the solutions for peace].

Potential: Out of this, the United Nations will get a new leader who will be more effective in putting some "teeth" into the terrorist resolutions that have been unanimously passed by the delegates of that world organization. If this had been done earlier, the battle you see today would not be happening. The UN has a place in all this, and can eventually be a major player in the resolution, the way the creators of that institution had envisioned many years ago.

This battle we are seeing right now has the potential to bring understanding of the actual situation to the world, and to begin to help sort out the real issues for those who have been sitting on the fence.

Who likes war? I don't. But if you thought that all this "foreign stuff" would slowly go away with time as you sit serenely in the U.S.A. with peace and plenty around you, then you haven't understood anything Kryon has said. Kryon told us that the very reason you are in this great land is to allow "the strength of the Lightworker, who is not in survival mode, to shine greatly." In other words, it's your responsibility to send light to Palestine [as Kryon calls the whole Israel/Palestinian area] in ways that nobody else can. Did you ever think of that?

Those in other countries often ask me, "Why do you in the U.S.A. have so much metaphysics... so much information, and so many channellers?" I'll tell you: It's not an accident. It's a mandate that this is where the work must come from to help those who are in survival mode... the ones you can see nightly in the rubble on TV. We are the ones who have most of the answers! Now, let's manifest Light so that others in darker areas can "see" the treasures that have heretofore been in the dark - like wisdom, solution and appropriate action.

If you are offended by this blog, I'm sorry. It's not my intention to offend anyone. Even my Christian friends [of whom I still have two], understand where I stand. I wish they didn't hang their hats on problems in the Middle East and gear up the "rapture wagon" every time there is a conflict. They are so strong at praying, and we need them to concentrate on sending light, too... the Christ light. It would help so much. Instead, they are concentrated on "getting out of here." They are going to be disappointed.

So if you are prone to sending me an e-mail telling me how my positive attitude and joyful continence are badly timed, don't bother. I'm busy climbing the Lighthouse stairs.

—Lee Carroll
Go here and watch this video: WHAT YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ON TV


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