"HOW ARE YOU DOING?" This live channelling was Given in Newport Beach, California To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Newport Beach, California a Christmastime. Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is a sweet place, made sweet by the family before me. Could God really be talking? [Speaking of the message being given] God speaks every time you have a beautiful thought, did you know that? How divine are you? The answer is that there is more divinity in your DNA than not, but you don’t know that. All of those invisible layers of DNA that my partner speaks of will have more explanation as time goes on. You deserve to know the whole story, even if it is very esoteric. Let us speak of your angelic-self - of the mastery inside. There are so many who would question this very premise. They would wish to ask the question, "If that were so, then why are we even here? What’s the deal?" they would say. "Kryon, you say we’re more angelic than we are Human, yet we have a dualitythat hides it all. We come and we go and there’s so much sorrow - so much pain. This doesn’t make sense. We are angelic beings? If so, then what are we doing here?" So many Humans stand before me and often say, "Why me? What can I do to change this dark place? What’s it all for?" It’s time to use your intuition. We again ask you, "Are you eternal?" Examine this question and you’ll know the answer. Indeed, you are, and you know it intuitively. Look inside. When you’ve breathed your last breath on this planet, do you think that’s all there is? Does it make sense that you would have such a spiritual passion and then suddenly cease to exist in a blink of an eye? Can you not feel who stands around you now? When physicists tell you about multi-dimensionality, where distance and time are irrelevant, then what is that all that about? What does it mean? Could it be that physics is becoming math-based philosophy? And the answer is that there is much divinity surging through your cellular structure, yet it is hidden until discovered - activated through self-discovery. Yaw-ee is in the audience! [Speaking of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, an M.D. researcher who often travels with the Kryon team] Do you know what he’s really discovered? He’s discovered how to "tickle" the DNA enough to awaken the angelic energy in a certain area. Then it does the work by itself! Did you ever wonder how true spiritual healing is accomplished? Do you ever wonder about the process when you start to engage your own self-healing? Many of you work so hard at it. Some of you screw up your face and you try so hard! You repeat phrases and make interesting gestures. You say, "I’m going to heal myself, so what words do I use? What energies do I use? What emotions are needed? What shall I do?" You have no idea. Go back to basics and just be quiet... know who you are. All you have to do is open the door, and discover that you and God are one… a divine partnership. Let the angel that you are, who is responding to 11 other layers of DNA, heal just the one that needs it, the one you can see [the Human genome]. It’s not that hard. Yet you make it harder than it is. "It’s so profound," you often say, "that it must be accompanied by ritual, worship... perhaps even some sacrifice?" Let me tell you something, dear Human: You already made the sacrifice by coming here. Did you think of that? The ritual? It’s birth! The mantra? It’s I AM THAT I AM. What we are saying is that it’s time you discovered who you are and how these things work. There are those who have come for a healing tonight and they didn’t even know it as they came in. So we’re going to say this: Why don’t you give permission to say to yourself, "It’s well with my soul"? What condition are you in? What is your situation right now? Do you like it? Some will say, "No, Kryon, I don’t like it. I came here tonight to get out of it. That’s why I’m here. I’m going to find some way of getting out of it." I’ll give you the way: Just stand before Spirit and say, "It is well with my soul." This is you telling Spirit that all that is within your body is divine and that regardless of your fear and your pain and your suffering, you’re saying, it’s OK. Because you know who you are. And so do we, angel! Many have said, "Kryon, it is the holiday season. It is time where we sing about peace on earth, and good will toward men. But right now, we don’t have either! And we are tired; we are afraid. It doesn’t look like any of the things that we want and have been visualizing are happening." Indeed, I wish to address that. Before you leave this room, you’ll know how Spirit sees how you’re doing and you can compare it to the Human view. Let me first remind you of the lineage of what has happened on the planet due to your energy. To do this, you’ve got to go back with me to the year 1987. I remind you of the Harmonic Convergence. It was a beautiful time, the year 1987, and a time specifically targeted where, at a higher level, your Higher-Selves would be asked, "Do you want to go forward with the energy that you have developed for the last thousand years, or do you wish to change it and move into another energy entirely?" Do you wish a new dispensation, defined as a new energy layer over the planet [a new future]? All of you said, at a higher level, "We want to move forward." Some might say, "Well, this is very interesting, but it cannot be proven and we don’t know anything about this since it happened at an etheric level." So we’ll say, let what followed after that be your proof, for this is the core of what everything is truly about at the moment. In 1992, many of you celebrated this 1987 energy as the 11:11 energy. All these 11s! You chose the numbers, remember. [Kryon smiles] Now, many of you even see this on your clocks, don’t you? [the 11:11 numbers] It’s more than coincidence, isn’t it? Why would this be? It’s a celebration of this new dispensation! Every time you see that configuration on your clock, dear Human Being, I want you to say, "Thank you, Spirit." It is a reminder of who you are, Human Being, and why you are here. If there was ever a reminder of your goal on the planet, it is when you look at the clock accidentally and it reads 11:11. Did you ever notice that you didn’t look at the clock accidentally and see 11:12 or 11:10? That’s because that angel that taps you on the shoulder waits until 11:11 and then says, "Look now!" [Laughter] How does that feel to you? It’s way out of the chance of reality, isn’t it, that you would see it so often? Eleven, in numerological terms, means "appropriate spiritual action." This is a master number. [Master numbers are two identical numbers together such as 11, 22, 33, etc.] Not coincidentally, it is also two "ones" next to each other. The number one means "new beginnings." The energy around 11:11 is therefore a master number that means, "the beginning of appropriate spiritual action on the planet," yet some of you have missed that entirely. Some of you believe it’s the end times and that it’s awful. Well, it isn’t either one! Oh, I want to take you back again to the wind of birth. You were there. I was there. It was right before you committed to your actual biological Human birth. What a place this is... so awesome a commitment, so beautiful a time. I was there, angel! I saw your face, your energy; I saw the resolve, the commitment... more than commitment. I saw the colors of your passion and desire regarding this planet. I saw you express your love for Gaia! Then you teetered on the edge of being thrust into the planet’s energy...accepting humanism and the canal of birth. You knew what was ahead. Think of what you had to go through to arrive at this day - this hour, when this message is being given to you. I was there! And I want to again remind you that most of you were born during a time of old energy and the year 1987 [meaning before 1987]. And if that’s you, that means that you knew full well that when you came into the earth, the energy you would be presented with would be old and stagnant and about to end in 1999 to 2001. All the prophecies said so. All of your scriptures pointed to the Armageddon, to the various things that would end life as you knew it. If you read the scriptures, they told you that the issues would start in Israel... and they did... right on schedule. And I’ve said this to you before. Why? Why would you come at that time, knowing this? And I’ll tell you why. Because you knew that you could change it! And you wonder why you’re here? How could you wonder? Of all of the lifetimes you have ever lived on this planet, this is the one that will make the difference. This is the one you prayed for...to discover who you are and make a difference. And some of you will say, "It’s too late. I have a broken body. I am not up to par to do these things. I’m too old, or I’m too ignorant." So, do you wish to complain about it or change it? Maybe that’s why you sit in the chair right now, Lightworker? Did you see what my partner [Lee] presented today about the scientist who discovered that your DNA actually has a field around it that changes matter? And that when the matter changes, it stays changed? Did you see that? That’s power! And you wonder what you’re doing here? Start connecting the dots, as my partner says. Connecting the Dots ... Did any of you notice the other numerological events? Did you put it together that the nine is important? It means "completion," you know? You put the nines and the 11s together and they start adding up to things that maybe you didn’t realize. The Soviet Union was responsible for part of the prophecy that would bring about the end of the planet. They and the U.S.A. and China all together had a scenario, a game to play, you might say, all centered around the trouble with Israel. And this game goes with names like Warsaw Pact and NATO. It was going to be the war to end wars, and the prophets all saw it. But did you notice that none of that happened? Even with all the prophesy? Because one year after the Harmonic Convergence, the Soviet Union fell over! This monster political system, one of the greatest powers on the planet, just evaporated! And I say to you, go find that in your scripture! You won’t. Because in 1987 you turned a corner and changed the reality of this planet metaphysically and physically, and no prophet saw it coming. And again, who is it that did this? It was you. All manner of things have happened since 1987. Did any of you put together the numerology for the symbol of the division between East and West? A famous wall had to crumble, what you called The Berlin Wall. The date that it was pulled over by both sides was November 9, 1989. The day was 11:9! And if you add 11 plus 9 plus 1989, you’ll get 11! It’s everywhere, you know? It is the "number of the age." And, believe it or not, it will lead to peace on earth if you can get out of your disbelief and discover why you are here. Who would have thought, dear American Human Being, that when you suffered through the horror of what you now call the 9:11 experience, that it would be a focus point of your new energy? And, my dear Human, who among you had the courage to see it and say, "It is well with my soul"? Did you dare? We’re going to talk more about this. You’re on a track that you have put together, that’s going to change the fabric of civilization and everything around it. Some months ago, my partner took me to what you call the United Nations. I spoke and I said these words to them, "What you call the 9:11, which was not in any prophecy, will change two full generations of life on earth. America was the only country that could do anything about it because they are all powerful, and there is no opposition. This was the plan. " We told them that they may not like the politics of it, and indeed, who here wants death and war? But sometimes these kinds of things are what Spirit uses to create massive change on the planet. There’s only one country on earth who has the ability to stick a big stick in the middle of the Middle East and stir it vigorously, and that’s you, and you did. [Speaking to the Americans again] Oh, we’ve answered so many questions about the wars and about politics! However, history will show that this one thing alone changed everything, in order to lead up to the energy of 2012. If it had not been for your reaction to 9:11 [the Iraq war], there would have been portions of this planet that would have stayed in the old energy for another thousand years! And that’s not what you chose when you came here. You are responsible for all these things, even if you don’t agree with them, and don’t feel you had anything to do with them. Now, how do you think you’re doing? Have you seen your news lately? It doesn’t look good, does it? Many have asked the following: "Kryon, why is there so much more hate today than there was when I was born?" "Kryon, why is it that we seem to be headed for the abyss and blackness?" Some of you went through a golden age called the ’50s. It was nothing like the energy of today. It was the end of war, and you’d seen enough so you celebrated peace and prosperity. You say, "there was none of this hate back then." Well, let me tell you something: It was all there, but there was just no illumination to show it. Suddenly, you get a generation of Lightworkers that strike their light and it exposes the unthinkable, the things that have always been there, but hiding. We also told you before that what you changed was the light quotient on the planet. [The amount of light-to-dark ratio] You didn’t create any more hate. It was always there. Instead, you created a situation that demanded a solution for humanity. And that solution is called peace on earth. Did you ever think about that? How are you doing? Some would answer, "We’re not doing well, Kryon. We sing about peace on earth and good will to men. But how can we sing the tunes when we don’t have either one? It’s getting worse, not better." That’s what we hear from humanity. Now I’m going to give you the rest of the story. First of all, here is something we said earlier: You have no idea what’s going on. There are things "percolating underneath the news" that you will never hear about because it is not going to be reported. "Where have the heroes gone?" you might ask. "And when will we receive them?" My answer is, soon enough. Can you celebrate the unseen? Can you know that underneath all of the turmoil and all of the hatred you see, there is something else going on that might very well bring about situations that you can’t even dream of? Perhaps the dream is wisdom that goes beyond what anyone has ever seen their lifetime? We told you there would be a battle and there is! Is this news to you? We told you that there would be a battle between the old and the new, and here it is. But many of you are crying, "Woe is me." Yet we told you that it’s all part of the 11 energy. We told you there would be weather changes. Have you seen any? [Laughter]. It can’t be a shock. It cannot be a surprise. We told you there would be severe weather; we told you that some of the places that grow your crops wouldn’t be able to grow them anymore, and that was 17 years ago. "Kryon, why would such a thing accompany spiritual growth and lead to peace on earth? It doesn’t seem related." We have been asked this before, and we still say that this is the way God has always done it. Don’t you understand that your consciousness affects Gaia? The earth is in shift because of what you have decided for your future. You cannot have a consciousness shift of this quality on the planet and not affect the elements that are here. One cannot be without the other, but you separate them in your perception. "Well, Kryon, we don’t like it." You’re not expected to like it because you have a heart that’s built to be compassionate. Some of you have said, "We don’t understand the reasons for the terrible hurricane, Katrina. We don’t understand the earthquakes that have happened recently." You won’t understand the ones coming up next, either. It’s all part of the reaction from Gaia. Some of you have said, "And what purpose can it serve to have that many souls leave overnight?" Last year at this time during the holiday season, the earth shifted underneath the ocean in a greater way than in any time in your lifetime. The result created a tsunami. So great was this shift for the planet, that the actual rotation of this planet changed its speed. Did you see this, perhaps, as a spiritual event? Or did you look at the horror and the sorrow and fear, and wonder where God was in all this? Human Beings have compassion. They’re built that way. What possible good could it do to have this horrible event? Your news has said that up to 200,000 individuals lost their lives at that juncture. I will tell you that is incorrect. It’s 283,000. That’s the real number. But many are crying out and asking "Why?" Let me remind you of some questions we have asked before. Do you think death is the end? Is it the horror of horrors? Is it the sorrow beyond sorrows? Or is it a Human transition that the planet needs and plans for? Is it well with your soul over these things? Oh, you can cry your heart out and you can be as compassionate as you wish. I’m not asking about that. I’m not asking if your heart hurts, because we know the answer to that. I want to know about your soul, angel. Can you get above it all and say, "This is part of spiritual shift"? Can you say, "I would have given what they gave"? Can you say that, Lightworker? Every single one of those Human Beings had the tsunami potential when they came into the planet. At the wind of birth, I looked in their eyes and I said, "This is what you might do for the planet. There is a potential that you might come and go quickly and be part of an event that history will talk about forever." And they all said, "We’re ready! Let’s go and do it!" We ask you this last time: Do you understand what their spiritual sacrifice did for this planet? It created a compassion wave that this earth has never seen before. A compassion wave! What you learned today about Human emotion and DNA [in the seminar] will coordinate with this. I tell you that this compassion energy went into the planet and it stayed there. Did you ever think of that? Did you ever think that something so awful as what you call the tsunami could have been a giant catalyst for peace on earth? Well, it was, and it is! It’s all part of the 9 and the 11 energy that you agreed upon. How does that sit with you, dear Human Being? Is it well with your soul? Well, maybe not your heart, but what about your soul? Can you get above it and understand the bigger picture? And again, we say that if you could talk to these now, they’re fine! They made the transition and are well. We’ve said this before. You’ve got thousands of smiling faces on the other side of the veil. So many of them, by the way, have already returned. Did you know that? So many of them! That is how fast the energy is shifting. What about the polarization we spoke of? Are you shocked that your politics has changed so greatly? Are you shocked when you watch television and there’s so much polarization between opinions - so much yelling - so much hate? Well, do you remember that we told you that this exact thing would happen? Why would that be, you might ask. What is serving the purpose of this? Why would it occur this way...this polarity division? All humanity will be involved before it’s over, and at some level everyone will have to make a choice. You cannot have "fence-sitters" any longer. Even those who sit back and say, "I don’t care one way or the other," will eventually change, too. Everyone will care when they see the profundity of what is happening. It’s about the future of humanity and it’s too important to "sit it out. " That’s what peace on earth is about. How are you doing? I’ll tell you, Human Beings. You are closer to this goal than you’ve ever been. It may get worse before it gets better in your perception, in your reality. But if you see that, I challenge you in this holiday season. Can you stand up and say, "It is well with my soul"? If you can, that’s courage. That’s what the soldiers do in battle. They armor themselves. Frightened they are, going to meet the enemy... and we told you there’d be a battle between the old energy and the new energy. We told you that you are the warriors of this new energy and that you carry the light. Some of you are afraid now and some of you are in this battle and some of you don’t understand it at all. The overview? You’re winning and you don’t even know it. We’ve had Lightworkers say, "Take me out of this!" They only see what 4-D shows them. Can you get above it? Can you take on the mantle of the masters who are all here and have returned for this event? I’ll ask you some questions that may help your perception. What do you think 1987 and the 11:11 was really about? Did you have any idea that all of the masters on this planet who had shown you their mastery in the various cultures and had said they were coming back at a certain time might be connected to the 11:11? Celebrate the 11:11! It represents new beginnings. The masters have returned! All of them - every single one. They are part of this new energy - part of Gaia - part of the compassion of the planet. I’ll tell you that this return was one of the major attributes that took place, yet most of you didn’t even know it happened. There has never been a greater time for you to claim the power that you have as a Lightworker. Do you understand? This is a new age of energy. This dispensation you are in is one that will finally decide about civilization itself... where is it going, and what’s going to happen. The spiritual rage we told you about - that you’re seeing now - was always there. It has been there for 50 years or more. It was there when many of you were small and only saw beautiful things, yet it was there. The earth hasn’t really changed that much. The only thing that has changed is that the Lightworkers came along and exposed the hatred. Why do you think we wash your feet? What kind of a situation exists when we send you into a battle, then cover you with a duality so strong that you don’t even know why you’re in it? It’s called the challenge of earth, and you all agreed to participate. That’s why we wash your feet. It’s only when you start opening that ascension channel [speaking of self-discovery], and you get above it all, that you start to be filled with spiritual purpose. That’s when you begin to develop another perception of who you are and what you’re doing here. Then you’ll say, "Oh, I see!" Then, when you take your last breath and suddenly you are with us again, one of the first things you will say to me and the others in the entourage is, "How did we do?" And I’ll tell you what I say to all of those who are asking me that question even now as they make their transitions. I say, "Bless you, for your light was valuable and it’s still on the earth and will stay there. You’re making it happen!" How are you doing? You’re winning the battle of the light. But you don’t know it. Oh, don’t despair. You’ve got to trust me on this one. There are things being developed that you have given permission for, but that have not shown themselves yet. And the big one? Have you really put it together yet? The big one? What is the distance in years between 1987 and 2012? It’s 25 years. It’s the children, dear ones. That’s what’s percolating under the veil of a challenging time. That’s what’s being developed. A generation of children are slowly coming of age that will change the face of the earth. They began coming in even before 1987, since the potential was always there that you would make this shift. Permission was given for them all to be of the Indigo vibration [which means children of a new consciousness]. Eventually, up to the year 2012 you will no longer see them as odd, since they will be the majority. Some have called 2012 the end of time, but it is not. It’s the end of an old time, and the beginning of a new time. Twenty-five years - a generation, in your language - is the distance between 1987 and 2012. This is designed for the children. So many have been afraid of 2012, yet it is seemingly around the corner. What’s going on? What will the children do? Why are they so different? Why did we channel this to you many years ago? We told you that there would be new children that are very different on this planet and who have a consciousness that is so different that it would challenge parenting and schooling worldwide. Why would this be the case? Why would you have allowed it? The answer is spiritual evolution. You are seeing it before your eyes, yet the "children experts" all deny it. What are these new children here for? I will tell you, dear Human Being. They’re here to facilitate peace on earth. Did you put this together yet? Why would we give you a new kind of spiritual Human Being if you were headed for extinction and termination? How are you doing? Spectacular! That’s how you’re doing. In the trenches of warfare, it’s hard to tell a soldier he is winning, as the bombs are bursting around him. In your case, the bombs that burst around you are your media and your news, and this four-dimensional reality that you stick to and call your own. You can’t see the other dimensions, can’t see beyond your own, can’t see the colors, can’t see the grandness, or the hand of the love of God that comes and stirs these things. We told you that eventually there would be created, a bridge of swords. How many of you can remember these words, "a bridge of swords" that we spoke of so long ago? I want you to remember this, because we’re going to tell you what it represents. "It sounds like war, Kryon. You said there would be a bridge of swords. You said that the energies would pull apart and the chasm would open and the bridge of swords would be created between the two energies." Indeed, it sounds like war, doesn’t it? There’s that "sword" word again. It’s a weapon, isn’t it? No. It’s a metaphor and I will give you what it means. This was prophecy that we gave to you so many years ago and now we explain it yet again for those of you who need to hear it, so you’ll know how you’re really doing. The bridge of swords is what we called it. How many of you have attended a union, which you call a wedding, in a situation where warriors get married to their brides? How do they celebrate this union? Their friends take the swords of battle and they cross them in the air. Then these "unioned" individuals walk under the swords, like a bridge above them. Do you understand what I’m telling you? It’s not a war at all, and those swords are not being used in battle. They’re being used in celebration of a union between the old and the new... and that is called the New Jerusalem. It’s a phrase that means peace on earth. The bridge of swords is here, and it’s being assembled, yet you can’t see it and your news media won’t report it. Why? Because they don’t want to lose your interest! Because it’s good news. But eventually you’ll see it, too. So, where is your heart, Lightworker? Is it in despair? Do you like what your country is doing or not? It doesn’t matter at the level we are speaking of. What matters instead is this: Can you say at a higher level, " I understand the appropriateness of all things as we march toward the bridge of swords"? More and more humanity every day is beginning to join this battle with an energy that is commensurate with this philosophy - and what they want to see is a peaceful civilization on the planet, and they’re going to give their energies toward this. This is the bridge of swords. How are you doing? I would love to wash your feet, right now, even in these closing moments. I want you to go from this place and remember the words given tonight. It is well here! On target, warrior! We have told you so many times in sweet moments like this just how much you mean to us. You want to know what’s going on on earth? You want to really know what’s going on here? I’ll tell you. This battle that you are fighting and the energies from it, are going to be applied to a much larger situation in the future. When you’re not here, [when you are on the other side of the veil] you know what that scenario is. It is one of the biggest secrets of the universe, kept from a Human Being. It’s never uttered. The actual name of it is never known by you, yet it is the biggest subject of all of us. It is not in your psyche, your consciousness, not even hidden in your DNA. The information is "protected" from your thoughts. Yet when you come to the other side of the veil, it has a grand name, and that’s all you talk about! What happens on this planet will change something far larger. It’s part of a grander plan, and it’s something you all set up along with us. It’s meaningful. It’s spiritual. It’s beautiful, and up until 1987, we thought the end of the test would be at hand. You were finished and there would be no more earth. But none of your biblical prophecy happened, did it? This old prophesy falls on the floor doesn’t it? It’s no longer valid. The time has passed for its manifestation, and even the players are missing, politically, that would have created it. And here you are, creating a new future, yet you don’t necessarily see what we see. How many of you can celebrate? Why not celebrate your cellular structure? How many of you can stand and say, "Not only am I eternal, but I’m here at the right place, at the right time." Not many of you yet are willing to see this. Some of you say, "I’m so insignificant. Nobody evens knows me. I haven’t written any books, I’m not featured in any magazines. Nobody knows me." And I will say, dear Human Being, I know you! And the entourage who is here knows you! You are as powerful as anyone who is known. Your light is just as bright as any in the room here. Do not apply Human cultural perceptions and judgments regarding your strength, master. Angel, Human Being, that’s why we wash your feet. So much is hidden, yet so much has been accomplished! We are enamored by the Human Being who would go through this willingly for something that is far larger than themselves, and has to do with love. Peace on earth? Not only possible, but entirely probable. You are changing the planet in ways that you cannot see, but we can. Watch for two things. The timing of these I cannot give you, for this is up to you and your free choice. Call this a prophecy if you wish, but it will only happen if you follow the energy of potential that is here as we speak. Watch for two things politically on this planet. (1) Soft revolutions. You can define this term any way you wish. Soft revolutions in two important countries. One is China. One is Iran. And they are going to trigger a change of consciousness - against all odds - an alignment for peace with the rest of you. Watch for it. It’s inevitable if you stay on this track. (2) Then there’s the big one. A change in the Middle East, in Israel, right in Jerusalem. Watch for this. The unexpected. * (3) Eventually, you’ll see a young person arise who we have spoken of before [in Israel], although not soon. It’s happening, but in a way that is hidden for now. Can you celebrate with me, even though you can’t yet see it? That’s what’s really happening. You can’t see it on your news, but it’s there. Can you say, "It’s well with my soul"? Finally, we say to you this night that every single one of you is designed to stay here. You’ve got mastery in your veins ready to be activated. It has to be free choice, you know? You’ve got to do it yourself. No healer in the room is going to create intent for you. That’s the fairness of the test. Each Human must do it for themselves. So, what is your decision? Will you start this inner search? Will you try to see beyond the 4-D perception of what you have been told? Take this information and apply the mantle of it to your spiritual-selves this night. Let those in the entourage pour in here now, even to a greater extent than before. Let them press upon your shoulders and make themselves known to you. Some of you might be able to see the colors now [Speaking of Lee’s invitation to see the colors around him]. Some of you might even smell the existence of the extra entities here. Let the miracles begin. If that’s what it’s going to take in your life for you to believe it, then let it happen, so that you can get on with what you came for. Let the healings begin, so you may remain here in a healthy body... creating the New Jerusalem. That’s what Lightworkers do. That’s why you’re here, and that is the truth. What we told you many years ago has not changed. Our message remains the same, and it exalts the Human Being. And so it is. Kryon * This was channelled December 4th, before the prime minister of Israel (Ariel Sharon) became ill, and before Hamas won the Palestinian election, and before the war of 2006 in Lebanon. Unexpected.... yep.