Kryon Channelings


Live Kryon Channelling
June 20, 2004

As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon

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The Lemurian Connection

This live channelling was given on June 20, 2004 at the 7th Annual Kryon Summer Light Conference
in Mount Shasta, California.

[This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.]

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This room has been filled with so much energy in these last days! [This is the third day of the Shasta conference.] There has been great frivolity, teaching, and healing. There has also been revelation - perhaps even the beginning of a revolution in personal thinking.

You've heard from the entities from beyond the veil. You might say that this is one of them. [Kryon smile] Yet each one has said many of the same things. They've told you that we, from the other side, are only a fraction of an inch away. We know who you are and what you've been through. But true grandness lies within you, and this is a common theme of the channelling today. It was said by Adama [channelled by Louise Jones], by the mother energy of Gaia [channelled by Pepper Lewis], and yes, by myself as well. So we ask you, how many times do you have to hear this message before belief starts to set in?

Let's start at the beginning. Could it be that what you're hearing is actually real? Could it be that this is a voice channelled by a Human Being, but which represents something as old as the earth? Could it be that this voice represents many old souls who are "family," coming from a place that we call home, but which you call mysterious? Kryon speaks as a group, and this isn't new news. Can you understand this? Could such a thing be that what we call the love of family - of God - is palatable and thick - something you can feel right now, and which dwells within you at the level of your DNA? Could any of these things really be so?

Again, we remind you that this is the way in which all the messages from God have been delivered on the planet! No matter what religion or belief system, no matter what source of spirituality, a Human has delivered it. Did you ever think of this? This mysterious thing called channelling is responsible for all the scriptures on Earth... from God to Human, and then to many Humans. Perhaps it took place in a vision, or perhaps an angel spoke. Maybe it was in real time, as this one is. Maybe it was a connection with a writer, such as the man Paul while in prison, or a message from a burning bush, or an angel in a cave. But I remind you again that this is the way of it. God did not write your greatest scriptures... men did!

The greatest painters on Earth created some of the most divine pieces of artwork that exist, and their hands were guided from the other side of the veil. When some of the masters wrote the greatest compositions of music, the ones that fill your heart with feeling, both current and old, their creative energies were guided from beyond the veil. These were also channelled! Yet there are still those of you who say that this process is odd, unusual, and strange.

But for many of the old souls in this room and for those reading this, this experience is real. It's so real that many of you are actually beginning to feel it. So again we tell you that there's an entourage that has been here all weekend and who never left. We never dismissed them in previous channellings, as we often do. Instead, for these days we developed a sanctuary here... a safe place, and they stayed all weekend.

Let this also be a sanctuary for the reader! Do you know that we see you? This is a giant space where time does not exist, and many are hearing and many are reading. Years from this time/date will pass, yet the reader is still "here." It's a safe place, in these next moments, for release. It's a safe place for renewal. It's a safe place to smile and experience the joy of Spirit. It's a safe place to develop a wise understanding of the un-understandable. It's a safe place to question the interdimensional, and expect answers that make no sense, but which are indeed safe. That's what sanctuaries are. They're places that feature two-way communication, even though they're often seen as only one-way.

There's the potential of much happening, even within this giant room of listeners and readers. This is a time when some will be taken away from the earthly language that's being spoken and instead lapse into what they would think might be sleep, but it isn't. It's a trancelike state where your fear is washed away and your Higher-Self speaks to you in a language you can't understand. We count on that, since it's a part of the communication process. Only the Higher-Self can truly explain interdimensional aspects to a 4D creature as you pretend to be. You see, you're a 4D entity in a multiple-D reality. You only see the beginning consciousness of reality, and will stay that way unless you actively desire to expand it. The other realities that are around you are still there whether you wish to see them or not!

Now... instructions to my partner: You may transcribe this, but don't publish this channelling until I tell you that it's time. [Kryon said that September would be the first time to allow it.] The reasons will escape you at the moment, but will become obvious in retrospect. So for this moment, during the exposure of this information, I shall call upon many of those interdimensional beings who wish to join us, to do so. From that sanctuary called the mountain of Shasta - a place where many gathered so long ago, for this moment, for this time on Earth, please join us. These beings have been waiting for humanity to become interdimensional, and this is what is now happening. The invitation from us is that they would join us along with the entourage of Kryon, and together with the Humans present, we would honor their lineage. Think of it as a reunion of sorts - Lemurian to Lemurian, helper with worker.

See this mountain behind us [Shasta]? Perhaps you can look at it in a different light than you have in the past. It's not an odd place where occasionally you'll see forms of light. It's an interdimensional home. We and the Lemurians within it see it as a time capsule, which is something packed with energy and information that's placed in waiting. It has a living energy of the past that vibrates until it's discovered. When it is discovered, then the energy is released. We told you that this release begins during these years, so the time capsule is being discovered!

I wish to give you so much more, but even before we begin the discussion of the lineage of the Lemurian, I'd like to tell you something about interdimensionality - it's a reminder, a lesson. Even some of the things perceived and communicated this weekend haven't been fully understood, so we'll start with a little science. We're going to give you some reminders. You cannot separate the masters of science from the masters of spirituality. The concepts are one and the same, and someday they'll meld so completely that you won't be able to tell them apart. For the beginning physics of interdimensionality starts to unravel the mysteries of the unusual attributes of spirituality.

You cannot throw one away in order to understand the other. You cannot ignore one and concentrate on the other. For they exist together. Perhaps there are some spiritually minded Humans here who have no wish to know about high physics? That's understandable, for it certainly goes the other way as well! Yet I would encourage you to look upon some of the primers that are available that would explain the relativity of time. Look to some of the basic explanations of what you've called Super-String theory. For in this science there are jewels of understanding that will fit right into your spirituality and even some of your experiences.

The Spiritual Time Paradox
For instance, there was a question asked yesterday of Gaia: "If we're speeding up, why is it that I, working with others, am trying to stretch time out and make it slower? Is this appropriate? What's happening? How could there be the slow and the fast together? We're supposed to live longer, yet can we do this with an increased speed of time? We're told to be in the now, which is almost a time-stop! Isn't that a dichotomy with the science of time speeding up?" Gaia gave a beautiful and correct answer: "It is relative to your dimensionality and appropriate in your reality, that you would feel both." But some didn't understand how this could be. But it is the right answer.

So, in a more elementary way, let me help to explain even further what Gaia was speaking of, for it's important. You cannot separate spirituality from high physics. You're going faster in your reality. This appears to be a speed-up in time. Actually, it's not. It's just a vibratory increase of your place in space that makes you feel like time is sped up. It is you that has sped up. When Einstein gave you the postulates of the interdimensional workings of time, he said: "The faster you go, the more you'll stretch time and slow it down." Do you remember? Doesn't that sound like a dichotomy? It is truly an interdimensional feature of both physics and spirituality. So again we remind you of the spiritual/physics: You're now traveling much faster [vibrating higher] than when the first consciousness of the planet was developed. With an increase in vibration comes a feeling of change within your time. You can feel the energy of the apparent speed-up upon you, the faster you go. But the faster you go, the more stretched time will become! That's not metaphysics, that's physics!

Think of time as a giant rubber mat with special rules. The faster you go on this mat, the more it will stretch in all directions. Now, think of that mat as representing one year of your life. The faster you go, the more it stretches to accommodate you, no matter what your speed. So, no matter how fast you run this "year mat," it will adjust in size so that the "year" still lasts as long as you think is a year. This isn't dichotomous. These two features exist together very firmly in both physics and metaphysics. It is, by the way, dear Human Being, the core of what we've asked you to do in interdimensional ways. We've asked you to slow the clock on the body. It's appropriate to stretch time because you're going fast enough to do it. Perhaps this will help you understand something that would seem to be on opposite ends of logic. Time is relative to speed.

All this teaching is about broaching reality. What do you "see" around you? Is it complete? Is there anything else there? Gaia answered another question with profound wisdom. The question was: "How can I get out of pain?" Gaia replied: "It is the reality that you choose to stay in, which keeps you there." Doesn't that hint that beyond your horizon there are many other realities for your life, should you choose to search for them. And that's the truth of the messages from all of us!

Interdimensionality... Again
Dimensionality is something that's perceived as complete. It's tough to tell Humans that everything they see around them only represents a little of what's actually there. This is more than confusing, for it gets into areas that border on what doctors will see as your state of mental hearth. It offends many to tell them that they're not seeing a complete picture, for this is often a very personal thing, what Humans perceive. When you question 4D reality, you're often seen on the edge of sanity. Do you see angels? (Relax. So did all the prophets.) But that experience might land you in hot water in your current society. Many will question you, since you "see" what's beyond what many think is a complete reality. Your society admits that 11 dimensions represent normal atomic structure (actually, there are many more than that), yet they define reality as "what most Humans are able to see and feel." Therefore, you might say that there's an admission of 11, but you're only allowed to see 4. See any more and you're strange indeed! If you do it too often, you might end up in a meeting like this, or reading what you're holding in your hands.

We've often told a metaphoric story about the isolated Human Being on an island, who has never seen civilization in 2004 other than his own island. Suddenly, you blindfold this Human (with their permission) and take him swiftly, as if by magic, to a high-rise building in one of your cities. Then you put him in an elevator and take off his blindfold. As you proceed to go from floor to floor, opening the door at each, and visually explore what is seen out the elevator door, there's shock within the islander. He's amazed at how it could be that the room on the other side of that special door keeps changing every time the door opens! How could those on the other side of that door move the furniture so quickly? So the islander doesn't understand something as simple as an elevator, since it defies anything they know or have seen or experienced. So dimensionality is truly relative to your experience. We're going to speak of that now, for we wish to tell you a little about Lemuria.

About Lemuria
It's not our intention to inform you about Telos [the interdimensional city in the mountain], for that, my dear friends, is well described and well channelled in a very succinct and beautiful way. No. Instead, we wish to go back and tell you a little bit about the ancient Lemurian experience, and just touch on a couple of items that may help you understand a bit more about this profound family.

Again, we wish to advise you: Do not go back in your time frame, in your anthropology, in your sociology, any further than 100,000 years, because you won't find anyone like you. Sometimes this statement has been misunderstood or even misinterpreted to say that Kryon said that there were no Humans before 100,000 years ago. That is ridiculous. What we're saying is that the earth that was created for your Human test went through many stages, all needed and necessary. Your spiritual and conscious development didn't happen all at once. Indeed, hundreds of thousands of years were part of the Lemurian past. They're the core race of the planet. They're older than the Sumerians, and also those from the Indus Valley. They were here long enough for their language to evolve and change grandly and greatly and provide the seeds of some of the most profound languages that you know today... of the Egyptians, the Israelis, the and the Polynesians... all derivatives of what we'll call the original language of Solara Maru. In these languages were contained basic truths that even today you grapple with, and it's due to something that the Lemurians had, but that you don't. Let me talk about the Lemurian, the physical ones on Earth long ago. They were the core race, but they're not like you are today.

The Seed Biology
The first is their grandness. This was the race that received the seed biology from the stars. What you call your beginning humanity was provided through the Lemurians by the Pleiadians. The energy from the Seven Sisters came and visited physically, and this off-world energy contributed to the Lemurian experience, even to the culture, to their race, and the way they looked. I'm going to give you something; I'm going to throw you a challenge: I want you to see something that wasn't realized before.

[What follows refers to the Shasta conference experience:] Friday evening on the display [the screen on stage], you got to see the a channelled image of the high priest of Telos, and his name was Adama. You could look upon this channelled illustration of what he looks like, which is quite accurate. You had over an hour to gaze upon it. I want you to remember it, for here's the challenge: There have been those who have visited from the Pleiadians on and off through the last hundred years. Three major visitations have occurred, and more than one of them has been well documented. Illustrations have been drawn of those who have met with the Humans, and those illustrations are available in your libraries showing what a Pleiadian looks like from the standpoint of those who were visited and who reported it. Now I'll tell you what they look like: They look just like Adama! Go find the drawings. Let this be proof of the lineage of the planet and the part that the Lemurian played, for it would be folly to think that somehow all these from different times and cultures somehow got together to play a trick on you. They didn't. It's the way the Pleiadians looked... and also the Lemurians.

Many times we've called you Lemurian because so many of you are old souls, older than recorded history. And you were indeed part of an experience that you can't remember, but which surges through your DNA. You see, the Lemurians weren't like you, and this is going to sound odd... but they had an added dimension of normal perception. You can call the added perception Number 5 if you wish, but in interdimensional talk that really isn't accurate.

The Lemurians walked upon this earth with a dimensional quality that had attributes beyond yours. The Lemurians understood interdimensionality long before Telos. They were also aware, over time, that there was a devolution going on (an expression that we will use as the opposite of evolution), and that they were losing certain abilities. In addition, they were also aware that their time was limited at a certain point on the planet as they realized the inevitable water was coming. This devolution was due simply to the fact that some of what they were given by the Pleiadians did not survive over time within the energy of planet Earth.

There have been those who have asked how physical beings like Humans, back then, could suddenly decide to become interdimensional and enter a mountain and stay there with the attributes of a time capsule [the Lemurian story of Telos and Shasta]. That is too unbelievable! It's not something that you can conceive, and it becomes eye-rolling information to those who hear it. Truly, it's because the Lemurians had a perception, given to them by the Pleiadians, that was equivalent to one more dimension than you have.

Let's back up for a moment and do some disclosure. We know that talking about a race of beginning Humans who had extra-dimensional perception is a wild idea. But there's some evidence, and I will now give you something to think about: The closest ancient race that you have artifacts for are the Sumerians. Now, the Sumerians were far removed from the Lemurians in time, but they still possessed a bit of the awareness that the Lemurians provided in their culture. All these things happened over thousands of years. The challenge: Go take a look at the Sumerian artifacts. First of all, you'll see that their computations were all base-6 (a derivative of base-12 math, and a staple of nature and real physics). Next, the artifact known as The Berlin Seal clearly shows that they knew all about your solar system! They knew of the motion of your planets, and even that some had rings... all without any evidence of this culture having telescopes.

Your science would laugh at this and completely dismiss the idea that they could know any of these things. They'll tell you that this society must have featured lucky guesses. But the odds of a lucky guess that would depict an accurate solar system, even showing the rings of Saturn, would be farfetched indeed. Let me remind you that your own science has postulated that atomic structure is all interdimensional, and that your idea of reality as a Human is less than half of what's actually there. They've also told you that when you start to study the other dimensions, both time and distance are almost completely voided, entangled, and in a quantum state.
Now, I take you back to the Sumerians. They didn't have telescopes, yet they knew all about the cosmos. This is due to the fact that "interdimensional sight" gave them this. It was absolutely intuitive within their perception to "know" what was around them. Neither time nor distance was a factor in "seeing" the solar system. So what you need 2004 technology for, they did intuitively. The same is true of the Lemurians, only more so. The Lemurians not only had this ability, but also intuitive knowledge of the interdimensional DNA. This was what led them to easily build the Temple of Rejuvenation, and allow them to use magnetics to alter their body clocks.

So, understand that none of these Sumerian revelations needed high science, as you might say they would, but rather only a simple perception that they had, but you do not. It would be like a sightless society stumbling upon one that could see. If the culture had been blind for centuries, it would seem to them amazing to find an ancient one that had sight. In the sightless reality, they had to go and discover what a mountain far away was like, but you could "see" it from a distance! This is a very similar situation: one perception versus another.

The Earth's Spiritual Evolution
Because of the new energy of Earth on this planet, the increase in vibration [speed] and the subsequent expansion of time, some of the abilities of humanity are returning. Our teachings have been exactly like this, and now perhaps it's making more sense. Many of you are claiming what's being called "activating your DNA." Some have even called it ascension status, but I will tell you that it's more like a return to Lemuria.

The mountain behind you [Shasta] isn't changing. The Lemurians inside are no different than they ever were. Instead, they've been waiting for you to change, and you're becoming more like them! You're beginning to activate those pieces and parts of the DNA that were always there, but which are interdimensional and therefore not intuitive for you. So in the grand scheme of things, they've been waiting for you. And so it is that what you've accomplished has created the ability to see them and know what they've done in Telos. They've been patient. Their time is slightly different from yours, but they've been patient. They knew that if Humanity would ever evolve spiritually, that they'd be able to be seen, and to help. Now is that time.

There was also a firm belief that they'd be a part of the future of the planet. This is why they sequestered themselves in an interdimensional state. So again I place upon you a shifting reality that may be different from what you thought. The mountain doesn't change - you do! From year to year, as you change and grasp what this means, many will be able to see more and feel more about what's really happening there. The healings will become grander as you understand what you're dealing with. Those in the mountain will be able to visit you in a stronger way because of your understanding of your own lineage. You give permission for them to help you.
The time capsule that's here in the mountain, therefore, has the same attributes we spoke of yesterday when we spoke of the Venus Transit [channelling of June 19]. It's an energy that deals with something that was always there, but that's now awakened and ready to be enhanced. Remember this: Interdimensionality is always there. It isn't something you create. If there are 12 apples and you only see 4, it doesn't mean that the others don't exist. If you suddenly develop the ability to see one more apple, don't be surprised if it says, "Hello, I've been waiting for you!" It was always there, waiting for you to discover it. Now you have more sustenance than before [more apples to eat].

You're growing a new planet consciousness, and you have help. This was the Lemurian intent all along. Those who gather with you now are saying, "Finally, there is awakening!" They're looking at you and they're saying, "We're not or unusual, and we're not strange. We're simply an awakening dimension. If you had never chosen this, we would have been there anyway, and would have survived until the end of the earth along with you. You may never have awakened, but we would still be in the mountain, simply unfulfilled in our task." That's the beauty of the mission of Telos. It exists for humanity and not for itself. It's the time capsule of what might be, only activated if humanity made certain choices... which it did.

The Schools of Lemuria
Let me tell you a little more about Lemuria and some attributes of their society. You might say, "Why would you do such a thing?" The reason is so you can start to "connect the dots" as to what else is happening on the planet. I now speak of the Lemurians way back then, in a land that was beautiful before the ocean covered it. Let me tell you about their children.

Schooling was very, very different in major Lemuria. This was before Atlantis, and it went like this: The teachers were called elders. They were greatly respected, for they dispensed the knowledge of the culture. They were all seniors, and represented some of the highest attributes in society. Yet they didn't run the schools as your teachers do, or have anything to do with day-to-day business. There were no administrators or administration buildings in the schools either, and the buildings were all small, isolated, and unconnected classrooms.

There was no linear system either! Instead, the elders would get together and decide what the children should learn and know by a certain time. The parents would send their children to the local classrooms at a certain age. In a typical classroom, the children and the elder [teacher] would all decide together what had to be learned. The children would then take over and collectively decide how fast they could learn it, and report this to the elder. The teacher would be flexible and go along with the children's plans. Then the children would often choose a leader among them, or a rotation schedule of student leaders, to help with the tasks of maintenance and administration of what their goal was.

So the elder was there to dispense the knowledge and make certain the children got the appropriate knowledge. But the children had high conceptual ideas and could often conceive of the entire project of the year's learning in one day. So even without the actual knowledge, they would lay out what they felt was the best way to learn it, the quickest method, and how to best "plug it in" to their schedule in class. When they felt they'd learned it, they would request to be tested. If the class passed, they would all earn the end of the term. Then the vacation would begin (the real goal of the children at that age).

So instead of a common term of duration, they'd start at the same time, but there were no set ending points. So the children would determine the term's duration by how fast they'd learn. This was conceptual, and reflected their ability to understand what had to be learned without actually knowing the information. There was no school year or grades - only the goal of certain degree of knowledge, and the goal to get it done so they could play! The children were in charge, but they absolutely understood that they had to learn what was required.

Now many might exclaim, "No, this is too unusual and odd. It couldn't work. Human nature wouldn't allow for it!" My reply is this: Perhaps 4D Human nature would never allow for it, but a conceptual, multidimensional child could do it easily. The reason I'm telling you this is that this is the beginning attribute of the Indigo Child that we channelled many years ago. It's very Lemurian! Even some of the "labels" of the Indigo Children were listed as interdimensional.

Back to Lemuria: If there were slow learners in the class, the children would see the situation immediately and tutor them! What you now call homework was instead an assignment for each student to tutor another so that they could all keep up with the class. But the only things they took home were other students! The faster they learned, the quicker the vacation. It made sense to the kids. You might say, "Well, what about those who were troublemakers? Were there any of those in this great land of Lemuria?" Of course. Make no judgments as I reveal how this was handled.

The children would handle the discipline themselves - oh, not by the bully system, for that's not in the consciousness of a conceptually minded child. Remember, in this type of consciousness, the overview is the goal of the group, not individual power. The children would handle it logically. If there was another student getting in the way of their vacation, they would tutor them in the best they could. If some didn't respond, or were troublemakers, eventually the students would cast them out. Anyone who was cast out of school by a consensus of the class could never rejoin that class. Instead, they had to go to other classes that were not in major Lemuria. This (of course) created another complete society, one which was dishonored and often didn't live long, since they didn't earn the right to go to the Temple of Rejuvenation, which was a huge part of the health system of Lemuria.

Harsh, you might say? Indeed. Within the evolved standards of today, perhaps it was. But this is how the schools worked. Your society has progressed in ways that they did not because you've worked on other parts of your enlightenment.

These explanations may help you understand why school is so difficult for the current Indigo, for the Crystal, and for all children of the new Earth energy. For within them is a layer of DNA that's activated and ready to work. And it remembers. I'm going to tell you about that in just a moment.

Lemurian Health Care
I'd like to tell you about the Lemurian health-care system. You know, Lemurians didn't have tremendously high science. They didn't have the computers you do. Instead, they had highly developed interdimensional intuition. Those of you who know what a medical intuitive is will understand this. All of them had this kind of intuitive knowledge. The body is smart. Lemurian bodies, depending on how far back you go, were far larger than yours. But as we said, they devolved... became smaller and shorter. They were aware that this was happening. That also might give you information that Pleiadians are larger than you are. They still are.

Here is what the Lemurian society decided to do about health care. Most of the resources of Lemuria were spent making sure that all were as healthy as they could be. There were no health-care payments since they were a conceptual culture. They had a far better evolved intuition about the entire picture, rather than an individual Human one. The Lemurian society intuitively realized that the healthier the population, the more it helped the economy. There was land ownership, but of a very different kind. It was group ownership. Therefore, it always involved group decision.

If you had one who was sick all the time, then they weren't able to share their load. This hurt the whole, so they found out very quickly that if everyone was healthy, they had a far better economy.

Now, again, I'll discuss the reason I take you to Lemurian history. It's because this very thing is about to happen once more on your planet. Suddenly, the realization that Human Beings who aren't sick can buy land and pay taxes will create a revolutionary idea... if a government can heal its population, it can have an abundant society. What an idea! Watch for a shift of funds, resources, and focus regarding this. How can we cure the most for the least amount of money? How can we take from one financial focus and apply it to another? Did you ever wonder how you're going to cure the diseases of the planet? Many have complained: "Humanity will never reach the point of enlightenment where they'll dedicate enough funds to heal the masses." You're right! So another method, which makes far more sense to your current Human nature, will! Do not make any judgments about this, but be aware that you're about to face a new idea that's all about "economic healing." How else would the earth provide something so needed at this time? The answer: Find a way to fit this into the agendas of those with the biggest amount of money to invest. Healing will become an investment in global health. How will the investors get their return? They'll take a portion of the GNP of the governments they work with, as measured by the "cure rate" of the country. Watch for this. It's inevitable, and under way at this moment.

And by the way, watch for Yawee to make a difference in that paradigm. That's why he's here. Again, we mention him. And we'll mention him again [speaking of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, who's in the audience].

Layer 7 of DNA
Let me tell you about another layer of DNA that we haven't mentioned. So far we've given you the names and purposes of six layers of interdimensional DNA. We've given you information, the attributes of each, and their special energetic names. We've talked about the fear layer - the ascension layers, and we've talked about the I AM layer. Each had a name, but it's not that important since it's an esoteric piece of information, and the Lemurian culture, who could actually see the layers, had names for them that are not the ones we've given you in Hebrew.

But the name in Hebrew helped to describe the actual function of the layer, since this is a known core language. Lemurian is not. We told you that all the layers are the names of God in Hebrew, and we've itemized them to you up through the sixth one. Now I'm going to reveal Number 7. I'm going to give you the name, but because this a Lemurian-based layer, I'm not going to give you the Hebrew name until later. Instead, I'm going to give you the name of Layer 7 in the Lemurian language.

Many of the layers I'm revealing over these months are given to you because they need to be activated. This is accomplished through intent of the individual Human Being, which we've discussed many times. There's a layer of interdimensional DNA which is Number 7 of 12. It has lain dormant all of your life, waiting for a special energy to be established on the planet. It vibrates with the same tune as those Telosians [Lemurians from Telos in the mountain] who are in this room and it is called the Lemurian Layer. It is Layer 7.

Hoa Yawee Maru is the Lemurian name of Layer 7. *

Its meaning in Lemurian is difficult to translate into English, for it might not make sense. The tones that are sung mean things in addition to the syllables. How it is sung means a different tonality of information. So hearing it and reading it are very different. But basically it means this: the DNA home language. Hoa Yawee Maru. Hoa is the homeland. Yawee means "DNA" in Lemurian. And Maru means "language." So here we are with the explanation of Number 7, and now I'm going to tell you what it does. It vibrates. The Telosians in the room want to touch you and say, "This is what we've been telling you about. It's time to activate this." The higher this layer vibrates, the faster it goes. The more oscillations that are present, the more time will stretch and the more the ones in the mountain can greet you. This is the Lemurian master-layer. It is the core seed layer.

There are only a few who sit with an activated seventh layer in this room. My partner isn't one of them. For his activation was begun last night [pause while Lee recovers from this information and now understands what happened the previous evening!]. Now he knows what that was about. There are a few others who are here who have their Number 7 vibrating, and they're the ones who meet with Adama [speaking of Louise Jones] and also the ones who have been given Lemurian symbols and sounds [speaking of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys]. We wouldn't tell you these things if they weren't accurate and true. There is much here for those who are awakening.

Finally, there would be those who would say, "All right, what do we do with this information? How can we put it together?" First, you've got to believe it. You're not going to go anywhere without owning these things as your core truth. Dear Human Being, you can't pretend on this one. You can't wait and see on this one. It's either there or it isn't. Be true to your belief and start understanding that these things are real. Interdimensionality exists, just like the physicists say it does. It's not faith. Faith represents belief in the unseen. This goes further than that. This is belief in the operation of a concept that's already partially in your reality.

When you sit in the chair, your reality is that the chair will always hold you. That's not faith in the unseen. The chair isn't invisible. Instead, that's pure belief in a concept based on the structure of a physical chair. Yet there really is no proof that the chair will hold you until your action of sitting in it provides that proof. That's your reality, and you sit in the chair and there's no surprise when it holds your weight. In fact, you'd be shocked if it didn't hold your weight. This is more than wishing, or having faith. It's owning the idea that a chair will always work.

Interdimensionality is real science. It's like the chair. Your belief therefore is, "The interdimensional information will hold me." So, That's Number 1. If you don't get past that, nothing will work within these interdimensional things. You might say, "Well, Kryon, how do we do that?" Let me ask you: How do you believe in anything? Start to peel that onion of duality we've talked about so often. Let the Higher-Self of your essence speak to you in terms that you'll understand, and begin to vibrate in these ways. How do we explain intuition? How can you explain the color blue to a person who's been sightless from birth? What are the steps of learning? Sometimes things must just be done without steps or linear motion. Sometimes they occur just because you're beginning to ask for them!

Be still and know that you are God. Understand that these things are yours. It's simple, yet complex if you feel that it must be. The intellect gets in the way, the Human gets in the way, and the paradigm of 4D gets in the way when you try to itemize the steps. What are the steps to explain how to love someone? What are the steps to find intuition? Do you understand? Some things cannot be given to you in a 4D manner. So sit and let it happen, for it's part of your natural biological process just waiting to be asked.

Number 2: Greet it daily! Talk to your cells. Look at their grandness, speak out loud to them so they know you're the boss. It enhances belief. It solidifies a new kind of reality.

Number 3: Our advice: Visit the portals of the planet if you can. (By the way, you're sitting in one [Shasta]. We've mentioned some of the other portals, and they're the remaining Lemurian mountaintops: the Easter Islands, Hawaii, New Zealand, and Mt. Shasta. There are a few more as well.) Then feel the energy that's there, and fill yourself with it. It will suit you.

Number 4: Partner with Gaia. What does this mean? It means "feel the crystalline." Go and lie in it. Feel the grass; put your feet in the stream and know that a piece of you is there. Partner with the mother, and understand that you're entangled in a quantum state with everything you see. As Gaia said yesterday [through Pepper Lewis], it's not a mother energy as much as it is a sister or a brother. It's not the grandness of a marriage. Instead, it's a grandness and magnificence and sacredness of a best friend. And that's the truth.

All right, we're almost finished here. Layer 7 has still another name. It's the Dragon layer - the creative, the star seed; the Lemurian, the Indigo. It's awakening consciousness that brings you again to the potential of the original seed biology. This layer has been dormant as a time capsule. It's the one that has the medical intuitive in it.

So we've reached that point where we say that it's time for those entities who came for the weekend to begin their withdrawal." Those from the Kryon entourage are leaving, hanging up the bowls they used to wash your feet, going back through the crack in the veil. Then there are the ones from the mountain. Do you know how long they've waited for you? They're in service to humanity; they're your family; they're your lineage, and they greet you fully even as they leave.

As you activate your DNA anywhere on Earth, they're there. They're out of time, out of distance, but they're there. It's part of the plan. It's part of the whole. It's part of Gaia. It's part of Kryon, and it's my family, too.

Leave differently from how you came. As you ride down this mountain, remember this moment. Remember that there's family here. Remember the time capsule in the mountain behind you. Don't be surprised if there's new joy in your life, for that's what Laver 7 does when it begins to be used: It sees the whole concept of life. Don't be surprised if you laugh at yourself. Don't be surprised if some family members fall in love with you all over again, for your light has just become brighter.

Dear Human, we leave this place with great joy, and never again with a hint of sadness. This is a celebration for those who call themselves Human. And so it is that the sanctuary that is here becomes internalized, and goes home with each of you. Dear Human, you're loved beyond measure by all of us, and it has been our privilege to be here tonight.

And so it is.


* Layer 7 in Hebrew is Kadumah Elohim, which means "revealed divinity."