Click HERE to watch the three and a half-minute promotional video for this product!
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"Kryon - The Whole Story" DVD
DOCUMENTARY INTERVIEW by Canadian producer Peter Beamish
Shopping cart #KV00-03
This DVD was not conceived by the Kryon organization, but rather it is one that was developed as part of a future documentary series by Canadian producer Peter Beamish.
Did you ever wonder what the basis of the Kryon work is? What happened in 1989 that brought about the movement? Who is Kryon, and how does all the channelled information stack up to what is actually happening on the planet right now? This DVD contains the answers to these and many more compelling questions in the form of an interview with Lee Carroll and Jan Tober by interviewer Peter Beamish.
As of this writing, the Kryon work, as represented by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, is responsible for more than 16 years of loving teaching via 12 books - now available in 20 languages. Kryon has channelled five times at the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations in New York City, as recently as 2005. Lee continues to channel in the U.S. almost weekly and regularly presents to audiences numbering in the thousands throughout Europe. So... why? What's the big deal?
What do the critics say? What is channelling, anyway, and why has it become so popular? Watch and listen as Lee and Jan answer the basic questions of how it all got started and address some more difficult concerns, such as whether there really is a new energy on the planet.
This discussion with Lee and Jan is one of many interviews that Peter Beamish conducted with channellers and spiritualists, and the entire series will eventually be brought to the mainstream-television viewing public. Peter meandered through the land of corporate and broadcast television for 20 years - beginning as "chief gopher and cable-wrapper," graduating to cameraman, then director of photography, and finally to producer/director - before finding his true calling as the commensurate documentary creator.
With music scored by Robert Coxon, best-selling Canadian recording artist, this professionally produced interview is different from almost any other New Age product of its kind. Peter sets the stage right from the beginning with an energy that will pull you into this mysterious realm of spirituality... where the questions that many have asked are finally answered. So sit back, enjoy the conversation, and allow this profound spiritual story to unfold around you.
$ 9.00 + S&H (was $18.00)
47 Minutes

Click HERE to watch the three and a half-minute promotional video for this product!
(fast Internet
See photos of the conference!
"Kryon in Argenina" DVD set
TWO CHANNELLINGS by Lee Carroll - a DUAL DISK set!
Shopping cart #KV00-10
On May 20 and 21, 2006, Lee Carroll and Robert Coxon ventured to Argentina for a weekend of channelling and music in the city of Buenos Aires. The crowd of 1,000 was amazing... filled with love, anticipation, and appreciation for Kryon's first visit to the South American continent.
Featuring full Spanish translation, this energetic duo of meetings is presented as a
2-pack in one DVD case... for the price of one.
Something fun... when you watch the video demo (click here), can you tell what color jacket Lee is wearing?
The Players:
Lee Carroll: www.kryon.com
Robert Coxon: www.robertcoxon.com
This DVD set is a result of a professional video team under the direction of Edwardo Borrello from Borrello & Ascociados srl, in Argentina. www.borrellotv.com.ar
$ 9.00 + S&H (was $20.00)
72 Minutes each disc
Two discs in one package, representing each day.

Click HERE to watch the three and a half-minute promotional video for this product!
(fast Internet
See photos of the conference!
"Kryon in Chile" DVD set
TWO CHANNELLINGS by Lee Carroll - a DUAL DISK set!
Shopping cart #KV00-12
In April 2007, Lee Carroll and Robert Coxon created a beautiful seminar for a weekend of channelling and music in the city of Santiago. The channeling on the second day was "all about the love of God" ... quite heartwarming.
This entire seminar was shot in HD for later Blu-ray release. But the quality of this widescreen edition is quite excellent due to the broadcast HD cameras we used to capture it.
Featuring full Spanish translation, these two meetings are presented as a 2-pack in one DVD case... for the price of one.
The Players:
Lee Carroll: www.kryon.com
Robert Coxon: www.robertcoxon.com
This DVD is a result of a professional video team under the direction of Edwardo Borrello from Borrello & Ascociados srl, in Argentina. www.borrellotv.com.ar
$ 9.00 + S&H (was $20.00)
70 Minutes each disc
Two discs in one package, representing each day.

Click HERE to watch the five and a half-minute promotional video for this product!
(fast Internet
See photos of the conference!
"Kryon in Moscow - 2007" DVD
Kryon's first visit to Russia!
Shopping cart #KV00-13
In May of 2007, the entire Kryon team headed for Russia. This DVD is the final evening presentation with Jan Tober, Robert Coxon and Lee Carroll channelling Kryon. This is the first meeting of this type in Moscow, and drew a crowd of 1,111 people.
This seminar was shot by a Russian video team in the PAL system, later converted to the standard American system of NTSC for this DVD.
Featuring full Russian translation! (for the many Russians in North America!)
The Players:
Lee Carroll: www.kryon.com
Jan Tober: www.jantober.com
Robert Coxon: www.robertcoxon.com
$ 9.00 + S&H (was $18.00)
60 Minutes

Click HERE to watch the two minute promotional video for this product!
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"Shasta - Quad Channelling" DVD
QUAD CHANNELLING by Lee Carroll - Kahu Fred Sterling - Pepper Lewis
and Aurelia Louise Jones
In mid June, 2005, the eighth-annual Kryon Summer Light Conference was held in Mount Shasta, California. With almost 500 in attendance, it was the most successful Kryon summer conference since its inception.
On Sunday night, June 19, six people took the stage to create a program like no other. Throughout the weekend, the audience had already experienced the love, fun, and wisdom of the four featured channellers: Aurelia Louise Jones (ADAMA), Pepper Lewis (GAIA), Kahu Fred Sterling (KIRAEL), and Lee Carroll (KRYON). This was the first time they were to channel together on stage! Add the profound meditation and song from Kryon cofounder Jan Tober and the inspiring music (that never stops) of best-selling musical composer Robert Coxon, and you have a program that may never be duplicated again.
From the very walk-on of these six, you can feel the audience’s appreciation of what they had already experienced during the conference . . . as they give a standing ovation even before the program starts!
The Players:
Jan Tober: www.jantober.com
Robert Coxon: www.robertcoxon.com
Aurelia Louise Jones: www.lemurianconnection.com
Pepper Lewis: www.thepeacefulplanet.com
Kahu Fred Sterling: www.kirael.com
Lee Carroll: www.kryon.com
This DVD is a result of a professional video team under the direction of Jimmy Marino, contracted to document and video-archive this conference. As a five-camera shoot, it captured all the action, energy, and excitement of this event.
62 Minutes
Click HERE to watch the two minute promotional video for this product!
(fast Internet required)
"Kryon in Mexico - 2006" DVD
In February 2006, Lee Carroll and Robert Coxon hosted the first Kryon seminar held in Central America. Mexico City became the scene of a powerful one-day seminar and Kryon channeling. This 72- minute DVD represents the channelling that day before almost 1,000 attendees.
The event’s music was orchestrated by Canadian Robert Coxon, best-selling New Age recording artist and permanent member of the international Kryon team. It’s his artistry that you’ll hear during the entire channelling on this DVD. Robert has provided years of inspiration and profound musical elegance to these spiritual meetings.
This Kryon event was presented in English and translated sequentially into Spanish by translator Leslie Pascoe, so you’ll hear both languages represented on this DVD. After the meeting in Mexico City, Lee and Robert toured some of the ancient temples of Mexico and also held a small intensive meeting near Cueravaca at the Hostal de la Luz, hosted by Dr. Luis Ortiz Oscoy. You can see this seminar HERE
Hosts and sponsors:
Antonio Campesino
Dr. Luis Ortiz Oscoy
The Players:
Lee Carroll: www.kryon.com
Robert Coxon: www.robertcoxon.com
$ 9.00 + S&H (was $18.00)
72 Minutes
