Hamburg, Germany ~ October 26, 27, 2002 ~
Hosts: Jürgen Lipp and Konrad Halbig

(This page may take a little while to load.. but it's worth it!)
(above): Beautiful Hamburg! Our co-host Jürgen Lipp along with Jan Tober and seminar coordinator Wiebke Fuchs
(below left): Sharyl Jackson and Ingrid Leblanc
(below that): Jan Tober and Hanna Lipp
(above): The 1500-seat University of Hamburg auditorium is prepared for the 2-day Kryon seminar
(above): Positioning the huge graphics on the screen. This image was really big!
(above): Jan Tober begins her balancing session on the first day.
(left and above) Silvia Autenrieth, wonderful, expert, on-stage translator. Every word spoken in English is translated by Sylvia... Everyone in the Kryon group loved her, as well as the audience!
(right and below) Have you heard about "The Message from Water" by Masaru Emoto? (If not, then click the title).
The Kryon group was asked to do an experiment with water on the stage in Hamburg. The audience (1500 people) took three minutes to imbue the feelings of love and peace into the water on the table in front of us. The water will be taken back to a laboratory in Japan to do crystallization testing on it, along with a control bottle that was kept separate back in our hotel. It was a wonderful experience!

Want to see the results? CLICK HERE
(from left to right) Lee Carroll, Jan Tober, Maria George, Peggy and Steve Dubro, Todd Ovokaitys, Jürgen Lipp, Karen and Konrad Halbig, Petra and Steve Ostergaard. Sending love and peace to the water, while listening to a beautiful Japanese music selection.
(left) Before channelling, with Lee, Sylvia (translator), and Jan Tober.