Munich, Germany ~ July 2, 3, 2005
Hosts -
Konrad Halbig - Jürgen Lipp
Munich, 2005: This was a very different kind of meeting. German speaking attendees from all over Europe gathered in July to hear a two-day academic study presented alone by Lee, of the real meanings behind Kryon Book Five, The Journey Home. By the way, Munich, or München as they call it, is in the southern part of Germany called Bavaria. It features beautiful country and a very colorful history! Again, Silvia Autenrieth was our most excellent translator (below with Lee Carroll)
(directly above) Here is something you don't often see... the crowd from Lee's perspecitve, as he is about to speak.
Above 6: Friends set up (and play for the camera) on the morning of the first day. Tachyon products were featured, as well as Gematria Europe, and the all the Kryon books in the German Language. The orange ones are the newest Kryon book, just released.

Below 4: After the seminar, Lee and Silvia remain for over an hour as the attendees cue up along the walls to have Lee sign their books.
Touring: The day after the seminar, Lee toured Munich with host Konrad, translator Silvia, and friend Ingrid Leblanc from Italy. See the guys dressed in lederhosen? (2nd row, below right) Lee wanted to tell everyone that all Germans don't dress this way. Only the ones who play accordians and tubas in famous beer halls (like the Hofbräuhas in Munich).
Petra Ostergaard:
The day before the seminar we lost our good friend and co-publisher of the Kryon Books in the German language, Petra Ostergaard. Please click HERE to see Lees' message about her loss.