The 12 DNA Layers & Illustrations
Channelled by Lee Carroll
Illustrations Channelled by Ilan Dubro-Cohen
Shopping cart #OP00-11
These illustrations are suitable for framing and are grouped as a complete set* of all 12 DNA Layers in a beautiful presentation folder. To see them larger, go to the DNA page:

The Kryon 2010 book, THE TWLEVE LAYERS OF DNA, describes these 12 interdimensional layers. The individual graphics are available here.
High Quality Color Offset Printing
Letter Size: 8.5x11in.
Set Cost: $44.00 + S&H

*Posters can only be purchased as a complete set.
*Each set contains 11 posters (DNA Layers 4 & 5 appear together on a single poster)
The Journey Home - Children's Edition
This is Kryon Book 5, "The Journey Home," adapted for children ages 9 to 13. Theresa Corley has done a great service to children everywhere by taking the story of Michael Thomas to a new level. The spiritual concepts will not be lost on them, and many are very ready for the true personal messages within these pages!
Theresa Corley, Author
ISBN: 1-56170-987-5
$ 9.99

The "Bubble Bowl Magic"
Shopping cart #OP00-2
This book contains the simple explanation and instructions for building a revolutionary tool for abundance! Using the principles of Feng Shui, the Bubble Bowl contains many of the "cures" that are described in that ancient science for the movement of chi energy. It works! For more information, click here
$ 6.00 + S&H

Elegant Empowerment - Evolution of Consciousness
Shopping cart # OP00-8
A BREAKTHROUGH BOOK MERGING SCIENCE AND SPIRIT! Whether readers are interested in the motivational, psychological, spiritual, or scientific, Elegant Empowerment takes a journey of accelerated personal transformation. This is the first book to document the structure and scientific basis of the Universal Calibration Lattice (UCL). A unique geometric & harmonic configuration of light & sound, the UCL is a vital system within the human Energy Anatomy. Discover this personal prism of crystalline light and acquire new tools to work with the energetic changes affecting our cellular structure, our lives, and our planet. Rewrite your own evolutionary script!
Peggy Phoenix Dubro - Author
David Lapierre - Physics additions
ISBN: 0-9711074-0-8
Price $22.00

The Reconnection - Heal Others, Heal Yourself
Shopping cart # OP00-9
In this book, Dr. Eric Pearl tells the story of how he first encountered the Reconnective Healing†Frequenciesô and set foot on the path of healing. Initially skeptical, Dr. Pearl came to understand that there is a universal intelligence which is accessible to us all ñ one that can facilitate extraordinary healings through bringing us into alignment, balance, and harmony. Entertaining and inspiring, this book is written in the way that Dr. Pearl speaks ñ leaving readers feeling intimately acquainted with him. From his birth ñ during which his mother momentarily died, to his first experience with healings that could not be explained, to his quest for answers with authorities who were baffled, to his launch of The ReconnectionÆ, seminars, this book tells it all, making it the perfect introduction to Dr. Eric Pearlís work. The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself†now in over 39 languages.
Dr. Eric Scott Pearl - Author
ISBN: 1-4019-0210-3
Price $14.95

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Soloman Speaks - on Recconecting Your Life
Shopping cart # OP00-10
You might have to reconsider everything you've read up until now about healing, consciousness, and our four-dimensional existence here on Earth. During the time that Dr. Pearl was learning, exploring and expanding the unique transmodality known today as Reconnective Healing, he was also gaining new insights into the intelligent energy that is the extraordinary force of creation, the source of healing and the connection we have to our higher states of being.
Those insights came courtesy of Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence that speaks through Frederick Ponzlov, a former chiropractic patient of Dr. Pearl’s, who, during chiropractic visits, entered into an altered state of consciousness and suddenly began to utter profound and life-altering information, illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives.
What this book offers is an entirely new perspective on how to reconnect with, tap into, create, utilize, monitor, manage, and flow forward with the unlimited, expansive power of the Universal energy that enables us to heal, thrive and live our most vital, purposeful, productive, balanced and exuberantly happy life.
Dr. Eric Scott Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov - Authors
ISBN: 9781401945953
Forword by Lee Carroll
Price $15.95
The Great Shift
Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond
Shopping cart # OP00-15
This extraordinary book brings together many sources of important information on the changes occurring in our world, ourselves, our universe, and the evolution of consciousness leading up to the year 2012.
The Great Shift is a progress report from the field and the messages are positive. "You don't have to logically do anything but 'show up' with spiritual intent, and the DNA quantum field is activated in your body," Kryon says, through channel Lee Carroll. He tells us to expect changes and peace we may have never thought to see in our lifetimes, even in the Middle East. He says, "God is not a controlling force. Look for the love."
Tom Kenyon channeling the Hathors, a group consciousness entity, reminds us, "It is your attention to an event that makes it conscious." Kenyon also explains what channeled material is, which is important in understanding how we co-create our own world. Mary Magdalen, through Thomas Kenyon, makes it clear that restoring the balance between male and female energies will mean good things for men as well as women and will reignite our creative potency. Patricia Cori channeling the High Council of Sirius reminds us that the future is never predetermined and the past is an illusion -- different for each of us.
Weiser Books
ISBN: 9781578634576
Price $18.95

Transition Now
Redefining Duality 2012 and Beyond
Shopping cart # OP00-17
Spiritual seekers everywhere know it: the world is changing rapidly. The old rules don't apply. The more open we are to guidance the more guidance will come to us. The guidance in this book teaches us how to recognize the interdimensional energies in our 3D world. As governments shift, economies are pruned, and systems fail. Here are hopeful instructions for how celebrate the failure of the old as it makes way for the new, how to balance our energy and that of the planet, and how to meet the future which is now.
Contributors: Lee Carroll (Kryon) - Patricia Cori (Sirian High Council) - Pepper Lewis (Gaia)
This is the next book in the series published by Martine Vallee (The Great Shift - above)
Martine Vallee, who collected and edited this volume, is also the editor of The Great Shift: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond. She is also the French publisher at Ariane Editions of such luminary teachers as Eckhart Tolle, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Gregg Braden, and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Weiser Books
ISBN: 9781578634743
Price $18.95
