Buenos Aires, Argenitna ~ Feb 16, 17, 2008
Hosts - Gabriel & Adriana Demaio Photos by Patricia Antonini
Translator - Leslie Pascoe
(above left) Set up is always the time-taker. Another video is being prepared for (this time it's a free one... to go on the web!) (above right)Gabriel and Adriana introduce the conference, their second one for Argentina.
(above clock-wise)Lee Carroll - Peggy Phoenix Dubro - Robert Coxon - Dr. Todd Ovokaitys with Leslie Pascoe. (Below Left)Pepper Lewis (channel for Gaia) - (below right)Robert Coxon concert featuring Tango dancers!
So... what does the spiritual Kryon team do after a long exhausting two day seminar program? What else... PARTY! Tango expositions, dancers of the region, and lots of fun!
Don't miss the beautiful Capilla del Monte photos, with a trip to Los Terrones! Click the button
above to see where the team went next!